local Redis = require 'redis' local FakeRedis = require 'fakeredis' local config = require('config') -- Overwrite HGETALL Redis.commands.hgetall = Redis.command('hgetall', { response = function(reply, command, ...) local new_reply = { } for i = 1, #reply, 2 do new_reply[reply[i]] = reply[i + 1] end return new_reply end }) local redis = nil -- Won't launch an error if fails local ok = pcall(function() if config.redis.use_socket and config.redis.socket_path then redis = Redis.connect(config.redis.socket_path) else local params = { host = config.redis.host, port = config.redis.port } redis = Redis.connect(params) end end) if not ok then local fake_func = function() print('\27[31mCan\'t connect with Redis, install/configure it!\27[39m') end fake_func() fake = FakeRedis.new() redis = setmetatable({fakeredis=true}, { __index = function(a, b) if b ~= 'data' and fake[b] then fake_func(b) end return fake[b] or fake_func end }) else if config.redis.password then redis:auth(config.redis.password) end if config.redis.database then redis:select(config.redis.database) end end return redis