-- Credit to Heitor (tg:Wololo666; gh:heitorPB) for this plugin. local apod = {} local HTTPS = require('ssl.https') local JSON = require('dkjson') local URL = require('socket.url') local utilities = require('utilities') apod.command = 'apod [date]' apod.doc = [[``` ]]..utilities.CMD_PAT..[[apod [query] Returns the Astronomy Picture of the Day. If the query is a date, in the format YYYY-MM-DD, the APOD of that day is returned. ]]..utilities.CMD_PAT..[[apodhd [query] Returns the image in HD, if available. ]]..utilities.CMD_PAT..[[apodtext [query] Returns the explanation of the APOD. Source: nasa.gov ```]] function apod:init() apod.triggers = utilities.triggers(self.info.username) :t('apod', true):t('apodhd', true):t('apodtext', true).table end function apod:action(msg, config) if not config.nasa_api_key then config.nasa_api_key = 'DEMO_KEY' end local input = utilities.input(msg.text) local date = '*' local disable_page_preview = false local url = 'https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key=' .. config.nasa_api_key if input then if input:match('(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)$') then url = url .. '&date=' .. URL.escape(input) date = date .. input else utilities.send_message(self, msg.chat.id, apod.doc, true, msg.message_id, true) return end else date = date .. os.date("%F") end date = date .. '*\n' local jstr, res = HTTPS.request(url) if res ~= 200 then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, config.errors.connection) return end local jdat = JSON.decode(jstr) if jdat.error then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, config.errors.results) return end local img_url = jdat.url if string.match(msg.text, '^'..utilities.CMD_PAT..'apodhd*') then img_url = jdat.hdurl or jdat.url end local output = date .. '[' .. jdat.title .. '](' .. img_url .. ')' if string.match(msg.text, '^'..utilities.CMD_PAT..'apodtext*') then output = output .. '\n' .. jdat.explanation disable_page_preview = true end if jdat.copyright then output = output .. '\nCopyright: ' .. jdat.copyright end utilities.send_message(self, msg.chat.id, output, disable_page_preview, nil, true) end return apod