-- This plugin should go at the end of your plugin list in -- config.lua, but not after greetings.lua. local help = {} local help_text function help:init(config) help.triggers = { "^/hilfe (.+)", "^/help (.+)", "^/(hilfe)_(.+)", "^/hilfe$" } help.inline_triggers = { "^hilfe (.+)", "^help (.+)" } end function help:inline_callback(inline_query, config, matches) local query = matches[1] for n=1, #self.plugins do local plugin = self.plugins[n] if plugin.command and utilities.get_word(plugin.command, 1) == query and plugin.doc then local doc = plugin.doc local doc = doc:gsub('"', '\\"') local doc = doc:gsub('\\n', '\\\n') local chosen_plugin = utilities.get_word(plugin.command, 1) local results = '[{"type":"article","id":"9","title":"Hilfe für '..chosen_plugin..'","description":"Hilfe für das Plugin \\"'..chosen_plugin..'\\" wird gepostet.","thumb_url":"https://anditest.perseus.uberspace.de/inlineQuerys/help/hilfe.jpg","input_message_content":{"message_text":"'..doc..'","parse_mode":"Markdown"}}]' utilities.answer_inline_query(self, inline_query, results, 600, nil, nil, 'Hilfe anzeigen', 'hilfe_'..chosen_plugin) end end utilities.answer_inline_query(self, inline_query) end function help:action(msg, config, matches) if matches[2] then input = matches[2] elseif matches[1] ~= '/hilfe' then input = matches[1] else input = nil end -- Attempts to send the help message via PM. -- If msg is from a group, it tells the group whether the PM was successful. if not input then local commandlist = {} local help_text = '*Verfügbare Befehle:*\n• '..config.cmd_pat for n=1, #self.plugins do local plugin = self.plugins[n] if plugin.command then commandlist[#commandlist+1] = plugin.command end end commandlist[#commandlist+1] = 'hilfe [Befehl]' table.sort(commandlist) local help_text = help_text .. table.concat(commandlist, '\n• '..config.cmd_pat) .. '\nParameter: [optional]' local help_text = help_text:gsub('%[', '\\[') local res = utilities.send_message(self, msg.from.id, help_text, true, nil, true) if not res then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, 'Bitte schreibe mir zuerst [privat](http://telegram.me/' .. self.info.username .. '?start=help) für eine Hilfe.', true) elseif msg.chat.type ~= 'private' then utilities.send_reply(self, msg, 'Ich habe dir die Hilfe privat gesendet!.') end return end for n=1, #self.plugins do local plugin = self.plugins[n] if plugin.command and utilities.get_word(plugin.command, 1) == input and plugin.doc then local output = '*Hilfe für* _' .. utilities.get_word(plugin.command, 1) .. '_ *:*' .. plugin.doc utilities.send_message(self, msg.chat.id, output, true, nil, true) return end end utilities.send_reply(self, msg, 'Für diesen Befehl gibt es keine Hilfe.') end return help