-- This is a proprietary plugin, property of Andreas Bielawski, (c) 2015 -- DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION do local BASE_URL = 'https://apps.p.mashape.com/google/application' local function get_playstore_data (appid) local apikey = cred_data.x_mashape_key local url = BASE_URL..'/'..appid..'?mashape-key='..apikey local res,code = https.request(url) if code ~= 200 then return "HTTP-FEHLER" end local data = json:decode(res).data return data end local function send_playstore_data(data, receiver) local title = data.title local developer = data.developer.id local category = data.category.name local rating = data.rating.average local installs = data.performance.installs local description = data.description if data.version == "Varies with device" then appversion = "variiert je nach Gerät" else appversion = data.version end if data.price == 0 then price = "Gratis" else price = data.price end local text = title..' von '..developer..' aus der Kategorie '..category..', durschnittlich bewertet mit '..rating..' Sternen.\n'..description..'\n'..installs..' Installationen, Version '..appversion send_msg(receiver, text, ok_cb, false) end local function run(msg, matches) local appid = matches[1] local data = get_playstore_data(appid) if data.title == nil then return else local receiver = get_receiver(msg) send_playstore_data(data, receiver) end end return { description = "Sendet Play Store Info.", usage = {"play.google.com/store/apps/details Link"}, patterns = {"play.google.com/store/apps/details%?id=(.*)"}, run = run } end