local function request(imageUrl) local api = "https://faceplusplus-faceplusplus.p.mashape.com/detection/detect?" local parameters = "attribute=gender%2Cage%2Crace" parameters = parameters .. "&url="..(URL.escape(imageUrl) or "") local url = api..parameters local https = require("ssl.https") local respbody = {} local ltn12 = require "ltn12" local headers = { ["X-Mashape-Key"] = cred_data.x_mashape_key, ["Accept"] = "Accept: application/json" } print(url) local body, code, headers, status = https.request{ url = url, method = "GET", headers = headers, sink = ltn12.sink.table(respbody), protocol = "tlsv1" } if code ~= 200 then return "", code end local body = table.concat(respbody) return body, code end local function parseData(data) local jsonBody = json:decode(data) local response = "" if jsonBody.error ~= nil then if jsonBody.error == "IMAGE_ERROR_FILE_TOO_LARGE" then response = response .. "The image is too big. Provide a smaller image." elseif jsonBody.error == "IMAGE_ERROR_FAILED_TO_DOWNLOAD" then response = response .. "Is that a valid url for an image?" else response = response .. jsonBody.error end elseif jsonBody.face == nil or #jsonBody.face == 0 then response = response .. "No faces found" else response = response .. #jsonBody.face .." face(s) found:\n\n" for k,face in pairs(jsonBody.face) do local raceP = "" if face.attribute.race.confidence > 85.0 then raceP = face.attribute.race.value:lower() elseif face.attribute.race.confidence > 50.0 then raceP = "(probably "..face.attribute.race.value:lower()..")" else raceP = "(posibly "..face.attribute.race.value:lower()..")" end if face.attribute.gender.confidence > 85.0 then response = response .. "There is a " else response = response .. "There may be a " end response = response .. raceP .. " " .. face.attribute.gender.value:lower() .. " " response = response .. ", " .. face.attribute.age.value .. "(�".. face.attribute.age.range ..") years old \n" end end return response end local function run(msg, matches) --return request('http://www.uni-regensburg.de/Fakultaeten/phil_Fak_II/Psychologie/Psy_II/beautycheck/english/durchschnittsgesichter/m(01-32)_gr.jpg') local data, code = request(matches[1]) if code ~= 200 then return "There was an error. #"..code end return parseData(data) end return { description = "Who is in that photo?", usage = { "/face [url]", "/recognise [url]" }, patterns = { "^/face (.*)$", "^/recognise (.*)$" }, run = run }