do local _file_votes = './data/votes.lua' function read_file_votes () local f =, "r+") if f == nil then print ('Created voting file '.._file_votes) serialize_to_file({}, _file_votes) else print ('Values loaded: '.._file_votes) f:close() end return loadfile (_file_votes)() end function clear_votes (chat) local _votes = read_file_votes () _votes [chat] = {} serialize_to_file(_votes, _file_votes) end function votes_result (chat) local _votes = read_file_votes () local results = {} local result_string = "" if _votes [chat] == nil then _votes[chat] = {} end for user,vote in pairs (_votes[chat]) do if (results [vote] == nil) then results [vote] = user else results [vote] = results [vote] .. ", " .. user end end for vote,users in pairs (results) do result_string = result_string .. vote .. " : " .. users .. "\n" end return result_string end function save_vote(chat, user, vote) local _votes = read_file_votes () if _votes[chat] == nil then _votes[chat] = {} end _votes[chat][user] = vote serialize_to_file(_votes, _file_votes) end function run(msg, matches) if (matches[1] == "ing") then if (matches [2] == "reset") then clear_votes (tostring( return "Voting statistics reset.." elseif (matches [2] == "stats") then local votes_result = votes_result (tostring( if (votes_result == "") then votes_result = "[No votes registered]\n" end return "Voting statistics :\n" .. votes_result end else save_vote(tostring(, msg.from.print_name, tostring(tonumber(matches[2]))) return "Vote registered : " .. msg.from.print_name .. " " .. tostring(tonumber(matches [2])) end end return { description = "Plugin for voting in groups.", usage = { "!voting reset: Reset all the votes.", "!vote [number]: Cast the vote.", "!voting stats: Shows the statistics of voting." }, patterns = { "^!vot(ing) (reset)", "^!vot(ing) (stats)", "^!vot(e) ([0-9]+)$" }, run = run } end