-- Invite other user to the chat group. -- Use /invite name User_name or /invite id id_number -- The User_name is the print_name (there are no spaces but _) do local function run(msg, matches) -- User submitted a user name if matches[1] == "name" then user = matches[2] user = string.gsub(user," ","_") end -- User submitted an id if matches[1] == "id" then user = matches[2] user = 'user#id'..user end -- The message must come from a chat group if msg.to.type == 'chat' then chat = 'chat#id'..msg.to.id else return 'Dies ist keine Gruppe!!' end print ("Füge "..user.." zu "..chat.." hinzu") status = chat_add_user (chat, user, ok_cb, false) if not status then return "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten" end return "User "..user.." zu "..chat.." hinzugefügt!" end return { description = "Andere User zu einer Chat-Gruppe hinzufügen", usage = "/invite name [user_name], /invite id [user_id]", patterns = {"^/invite (name) (.*)$","^/invite (id) (%d+)$"}, run = run } end