-- Kick an user from the chat group. -- Use !kick name User_name or !kick id id_number -- The User_name is the print_name (there are no spaces but _) --~ TODO: --~ - !kick all --~ Get a list of users and kick them all (Useful for delete groups) --~ - !kick new // !protect --~ Kick each new user who entered in the group --~ - !ban user#id --~ Blacklist an user to enter a group do function ban(usr,chat) print ("Trying to kick: "..usr.." to "..chat) local success = chat_del_user (chat, usr, ok_cb, false) if not success then return "An error happened" else local kicked = "Kicked user: "..usr.." from "..chat return kicked end end function run(msg, matches) chat_ = 'chat#id'..msg.to.id -- The message must come from a chat group OR if msg.to.type ~= 'chat' then return 'This isn\'t a chat group!' end -- User submitted a user name if matches[1] == "name" then user_ = matches[2] user_ = string.gsub(user_," ","_") ban(user_,chat_) -- User submitted an id elseif matches[1] == "id" then for i=2,#matches do user_ = 'user#id'..matches[i] ban(user_,chat_) end end user_ = nil chat_ = nil end return { description = "Ban an user from the chat group. Credits: @Rutrus", usage = { "/kick name [user_name]", "/kick id [user_id]+" }, patterns = { "^/kick (name) (.*)", "^/kick (id) (%d+)" }, run = run, privileged = true } end