local function get_base_redis(id, option, extra) local ex = '' if option ~= nil then ex = ex .. ':' .. option if extra ~= nil then ex = ex .. ':' .. extra end end return 'rss:' .. id .. ex end local function prot_url(url) local url, h = string.gsub(url, "http://", "") local url, hs = string.gsub(url, "https://", "") local protocol = "http" if hs == 1 then protocol = "https" end return url, protocol end local function get_rss(url, prot) local res, code = nil, 0 if prot == "http" then res, code = http.request(url) elseif prot == "https" then res, code = https.request(url) end if code ~= 200 then return nil, "Error while doing the petition to " .. url end local parsed = feedparser.parse(res) if parsed == nil then return nil, 'Fehler beim hinzufügen des RSS-Feeds.\nSicher, dass "' .. url .. '" einen RSS-Feed hat?' end return parsed, nil end local function get_new_entries(last, nentries) local entries = {} for k,v in pairs(nentries) do if v.id == last then return entries else table.insert(entries, v) end end return entries end local function print_subs(id) local uhash = get_base_redis(id) local subs = redis:smembers(uhash) local text = id .. ' hat folgende Feeds:\n---------\n' for k,v in pairs(subs) do text = text .. k .. ") " .. v .. '\n' end return text end local function subscribe(id, url) local baseurl, protocol = prot_url(url) local prothash = get_base_redis(baseurl, "protocol") local lasthash = get_base_redis(baseurl, "last_entry") local lhash = get_base_redis(baseurl, "subs") local uhash = get_base_redis(id) if redis:sismember(uhash, baseurl) then return 'Der Feed von "' .. url .. '" ist bereits abonniert' end local parsed, err = get_rss(url, protocol) if err ~= nil then return err end local last_entry = "" if #parsed.entries > 0 then last_entry = parsed.entries[1].id end local name = parsed.feed.title redis:set(prothash, protocol) redis:set(lasthash, last_entry) redis:sadd(lhash, id) redis:sadd(uhash, baseurl) return 'Der Feed von "' .. name .. '" wurde erfolgreich abonniert' end local function unsubscribe(id, n) if #n > 3 then return "I don't think that you have that many subscriptions." end n = tonumber(n) local uhash = get_base_redis(id) local subs = redis:smembers(uhash) if n < 1 or n > #subs then return "Subscription id out of range!" end local sub = subs[n] local lhash = get_base_redis(sub, "subs") redis:srem(uhash, sub) redis:srem(lhash, id) local left = redis:smembers(lhash) if #left < 1 then -- no one subscribed, remove it local prothash = get_base_redis(sub, "protocol") local lasthash = get_base_redis(sub, "last_entry") redis:del(prothash) redis:del(lasthash) end return 'Der Feed von "' .. sub .. '" wurde deabonniert' end local function cron() -- sync every 15 mins? local keys = redis:keys(get_base_redis("*", "subs")) for k,v in pairs(keys) do local base = string.match(v, "rss:(.+):subs") -- Get the URL base local prot = redis:get(get_base_redis(base, "protocol")) local last = redis:get(get_base_redis(base, "last_entry")) local url = prot .. "://" .. base local parsed, err = get_rss(url, prot) if err ~= nil then return end local newentr = get_new_entries(last, parsed.entries) local subscribers = {} local text = '' -- Send only one message with all updates for k2, v2 in pairs(newentr) do local title = v2.title or 'No title' local link = v2.link or v2.id or 'No Link' text = text .. '[RSS] '.. title .. '\n(' .. link .. ')\n' end if text ~= '' then local newlast = newentr[1].id redis:set(get_base_redis(base, "last_entry"), newlast) for k2, receiver in pairs(redis:smembers(v)) do send_msg(receiver, text, ok_cb, false) end end end end local function run(msg, matches) local id = "user#id" .. msg.from.id if is_chat_msg(msg) then id = "chat#id" .. msg.to.id end if matches[1] == "/rss"then return print_subs(id) end if matches[1] == "sync" then if not is_sudo(msg) then return 'Du kannst das nicht' end cron() end if matches[1] == "add" then return subscribe(id, matches[2]) end if matches[1] == "remove" then return unsubscribe(id, matches[2]) end end return { description = "Manage User/Chat RSS subscriptions. If you are in a chat group, the RSS subscriptions will be of that chat. If you are in an one-to-one talk with the bot, the RSS subscriptions will be yours.", usage = { "/rss: Get your rss (or chat rss) subscriptions", "/rss add (url): Subscribe to that url", "/rss remove (id): Unsubscribe of that id", "/rss sync: Download now the updates and send it. Only sudo users can use this option." }, patterns = { "^/rss$", "^/rss (add) (https?://[%w-_%.%?%.:/%+=&]+)$", "^/rss (remove) (%d+)$", "^/rss (sync)$" }, run = run, cron = cron }