do local function is_offline(hash) local afk = redis:hget(hash, 'afk') if afk == "true" then return true else return false end end local function get_afk_text(hash) local afk_text = redis:hget(hash, 'afk_text') if afk_text ~= nil and afk_text ~= "" and afk_text ~= "false" then return afk_text else return false end end local function switch_afk(user_name, user_id, chat_id, timestamp, text) local hash = 'afk:'..chat_id..':'..user_id if is_offline(hash) then local afk_text = get_afk_text(hash) if afk_text then return 'Du bist bereits AFK! ('..afk_text..')' else return 'Du bist bereits AFK!' end end print('Setting redis hash afk in '..hash..' to true') redis:hset(hash, 'afk', true) print('Setting redis hash timestamp in '..hash..' to '..timestamp) redis:hset(hash, 'time', timestamp) if text then print('Setting redis hash afk_text in '..hash..' to '..text) redis:hset(hash, 'afk_text', text) return user_name..' ist AFK ('..text..')' else return user_name..' ist AFK' end end local function pre_process(msg) if ~= "chat" then -- Ignore return msg end local receiver = get_receiver(msg) local user_name = get_name(msg) local user_id = local chat_id = local hash = 'afk:'..chat_id..':'..user_id if is_offline(hash) then local afk_text = get_afk_text(hash) -- calculate afk time local timestamp = redis:hget(hash, 'time') local current_timestamp = local afk_time = current_timestamp - timestamp local seconds = afk_time % 60 local minutes = math.floor(afk_time / 60) local minutes = minutes % 60 local hours = math.floor(afk_time / 3600) if minutes == 00 and hours == 00 then duration = seconds..' Sekunden' elseif hours == 00 and minutes ~= 00 then duration = string.format("%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds)..' Minuten' elseif hours ~= 00 then duration = string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds)..' Stunden' end redis:hset(hash, 'afk', false) if afk_text then redis:hset(hash, 'afk_text', false) send_msg(receiver, user_name..' ist wieder da! (war: '..afk_text..' für '..duration..')', ok_cb, false) else send_msg(receiver, user_name..' ist wieder da! (war '..duration..' weg)', ok_cb, false) end end return msg end local function run(msg, matches) if ~= "chat" then return "Mir ist's egal, ob du AFK bist ._." end local user_id = local chat_id = local user_name = get_name(msg) local timestamp = if matches[2] then return switch_afk(user_name, user_id, chat_id, timestamp, matches[2]) else return switch_afk(user_name, user_id, chat_id, timestamp) end end return { description = 'AFK und online schalten', usage = "/afk (Text): Setzt Status auf AFK mit optionalem Text", patterns = { "^/([A|a][F|f][K|k])$", "^/([A|a][F|f][K|k]) (.*)$" }, run = run, pre_process = pre_process } -- by Akamaru [] -- modified by iCON [] end