do -- Base search URL local BASE_URL = '' -- Base download URL local BASE_DL_URL = '' local htmlparser = require 'htmlparser' -- Provide download link local function getDownloadLink(id) return BASE_DL_URL .. id .. '.mp3' end local function getLyrics(q) local b, c = http.request(BASE_URL .. URL.escape(q)) if c ~= 200 then return "Oops! Netzwerkfehler!" end local root = htmlparser.parse(b) local tracks = root('.track') local output = '' -- If no tracks found if #tracks < 1 then return 'Nichts gefunden!' end for i, track in pairs(tracks) do -- Track id local trackId = -- Remove that starting 't' in the id of element trackId = trackId:sub(2) -- Parse track track = track:getcontent() track = htmlparser.parse(track) -- Track artist local artist = track:select('.artist')[1] artist = unescape_html(artist:getcontent()) -- Track title local title = track:select('.title')[1] title = unescape_html(title:getcontent()) -- Track time local time = track:select('.time')[1] time = time:getcontent() time = time:sub(-5) -- Track specs local specs = track:select('.specs')[1] specs = specs:getcontent() specs = specs:split(',') -- Size local size = specs[1]:trim() -- Bitrate local bitrate = specs[2]:trim() -- Generate an awesome, well formated output output = output .. i .. '. ' .. artist .. ' - ' .. title .. '\n' .. '🕚 ' .. time .. ' | ' .. ' 🎧 ' .. bitrate .. ' | ' .. ' 📎 ' .. size .. '\n' .. '💾 : ' .. getDownloadLink(trackId) .. '\n\n' end return output end local function run(msg, matches) return getLyrics(matches[1]) end return { description = 'Search and get music from pleer', usage = {'/music','/musik'}, patterns = {'^/music (.*)$','^/musik (.*)$'}, run = run } end