http = require("socket.http") json = (loadfile "./bot/JSON.lua")() our_id = 0 now = os.time() function on_msg_receive (msg) -- vardump(msg) if msg.out then return end if < now then return end if msg.text == nil then return end if msg.unread == 0 then return end -- Check if command starts with ! eg !echo if msg.text:sub(0,1) == '!' then msg.text = msg.text:sub(2,-1) do_action(msg) end mark_read(get_receiver(msg)) end -- Where magic happens function do_action(msg) receiver = get_receiver(msg) if string.starts(msg.text, 'fortune') then text = run_bash('fortune') send_msg(receiver, text) end if string.starts(msg.text, 'forni') then text = msg.text:sub(7,-1) send_msg('Fornicio_2.0', text) end if string.starts(msg.text, 'fwd') then fwd_msg (receiver, end if string.starts(msg.text, 'cpu') then text = run_bash('uname -snr') .. ' ' .. run_bash('whoami') text = text .. '\n' .. run_bash('top -b |head -2') send_msg(receiver, text) end if string.starts(msg.text, 'ping') then send_msg(receiver, "pong") end if string.starts(msg.text, 'weather') then text = get_weather('Madrid,ES') send_msg(receiver, text) end if string.starts(msg.text, 'echo') then -- Removes echo from the string echo = msg.text:sub(6,-1) send_msg(receiver, echo) end if string.starts(msg.text, 'version') then text = 'Version v0.0.4\n' send_msg(receiver, text) end if string.starts(msg.text, 'help') then text = [[!help : print this help !ping : bot sends pong !echo (text) : echo the msg !version : version info !cpu : status (uname + top) !fwd : forward msg !forni : send text to group Fornicio !fortune : print a random adage !weather : weather in Madrid]] send_msg(receiver, text) end end function get_receiver(msg) if == 'user' then return msg.from.print_name end if == 'chat' then return end end function on_our_id (id) our_id = id end function on_secret_chat_created (peer) end function on_user_update (user) end function on_chat_update (user) end function on_get_difference_end () end function on_binlog_replay_end () end function string.starts(String,Start) return string.sub(String,1,string.len(Start))==Start end function run_bash(str) local cmd = io.popen(str) local result = cmd:read('*all') cmd:close() return result end function readAll(file) local f =, "rb") local content = f:read("*all") f:close() return content end function get_weather(location) b, c, h = http.request("" .. location .. "&units=metric") weather = json:decode(b) temp = 'The temperature in ' .. .. ' is ' .. weather.main.temp .. '°C' conditions = 'Current conditions are: ' ..[1].description if[1].main == 'Clear' then conditions = conditions .. ' ☀' elseif[1].main == 'Clouds' then conditions = conditions .. ' ☁' end return temp .. '\n' .. conditions end function vardump(value, depth, key) local linePrefix = "" local spaces = "" if key ~= nil then linePrefix = "["..key.."] = " end if depth == nil then depth = 0 else depth = depth + 1 for i=1, depth do spaces = spaces .. " " end end if type(value) == 'table' then mTable = getmetatable(value) if mTable == nil then print(spaces ..linePrefix.."(table) ") else print(spaces .."(metatable) ") value = mTable end for tableKey, tableValue in pairs(value) do vardump(tableValue, depth, tableKey) end elseif type(value) == 'function' or type(value) == 'thread' or type(value) == 'userdata' or value == nil then print(spaces..tostring(value)) else print(spaces..linePrefix.."("..type(value)..") "..tostring(value)) end end