function update_user_stats(msg) -- Save user to _users table local from_id = tostring( local to_id = tostring( local user_name = get_name(msg) print ('New message from '..user_name..'['..to_id..']'..'['..from_id..']') -- If last name is nil dont save last_name. local user_last_name = msg.from.last_name local user_print_name = msg.from.print_name if _users[to_id] == nil then _users[to_id] = {} end if _users[to_id][from_id] == nil then _users[to_id][from_id] = { name = user_name, last_name = user_last_name, print_name = user_print_name, msg_num = 1 } else local actual_num = _users[to_id][from_id].msg_num _users[to_id][from_id].msg_num = actual_num + 1 -- And update last_name _users[to_id][from_id].last_name = user_last_name end end function load_user_stats() local f ='res/users.json', "r+") -- If file doesn't exists if f == nil then f ='res/users.json', "w+") f:write("{}") -- Write empty table f:close() return {} else local c = f:read "*a" f:close() return json:decode(c) end end function save_stats() -- Save stats to file local json_users = json:encode_pretty(_users) vardump(json_users) file_users = ("./res/users.json", "w") file_users:write(json_users) file_users:close() end function get_stats_status( msg ) -- vardump(_users) local text = "" local to_id = tostring( for id, user in pairs(_users[to_id]) do if user.last_name == nil then text =" [""]: "..user.msg_num.."\n" else text =" "..user.last_name.." [""]: "..user.msg_num.."\n" end end print("usuarios: "..text) return text end function run(msg, matches) -- TODO: I need to know wich patterns matches. if matches[1] == "!stats" then return get_stats_status(msg) else print ("update stats") update_user_stats(msg) end end -- TODO: local vars _users = load_user_stats() return { description = "Numer of messages by user", usage = "!stats", patterns = { ".*", "^!stats" }, run = run }