local _file_values = './data/values.lua' function save_value(chat, text ) var_name, var_value = string.match(text, "!set (%a+) (.+)") if (var_name == nil or var_value == nil) then return "Usage: !set var_name value" end if _values[chat] == nil then _values[chat] = {} end _values[chat][var_name] = var_value -- Save values to file serialize_to_file(_values, _file_values) return "Saved "..var_name.." = "..var_value end function run(msg, matches) local chat_id = tostring(msg.to.id) local text = save_value(chat_id, msg.text) return text end return { description = "Plugin for saving values. get.lua plugin is necesary to retrieve them.", usage = "!set [value_name] [data]: Saves the data with the value_name name.", patterns = {"^!set (%a+) (.+)$"}, run = run }