-- Implement a command /time [area] which uses
-- 2 Google APIs to get the desired result:
--   1. Geocoding to get from area to a lat/long pair
--   2. Timezone to get the local time in that lat/long location

-- Globals
-- If you have a google api key for the geocoding/timezone api
api_key  = nil
base_api = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api"
dateFormat = "%A, %d. %B - %H:%M:%S"

-- Need the utc time for the google api
function utctime()
   return os.time(os.date("!*t"))

-- Use the geocoding api to get the lattitude and longitude with accuracy specifier
-- CHECKME: this seems to work without a key??
function get_latlong(area)
   local api        = base_api .. "/geocode/json?"
   local parameters = "address=".. (URL.escape(area) or "")
   if api_key ~= nil then
      parameters = parameters .. "&key="..api_key

   -- Do the request
   local res, code = https.request(api..parameters)
   if code ~=200 then return nil  end
   local data = json:decode(res)
   if (data.status == "ZERO_RESULTS") then
      return nil
   if (data.status == "OK") then
      -- Get the data
      lat  = data.results[1].geometry.location.lat
      lng  = data.results[1].geometry.location.lng
      acc  = data.results[1].geometry.location_type
      types= data.results[1].types
      return lat,lng,acc,types

-- Use timezone api to get the time in the lat,
-- Note: this needs an API key
function get_time(lat,lng)
   local api  = base_api .. "/timezone/json?"

   -- Get a timestamp (server time is relevant here)
   local timestamp = utctime()
   local parameters = "location=" ..
      URL.escape(lat) .. "," ..
      URL.escape(lng) .. 
   if api_key ~=nil then
      parameters = parameters .. "&key="..api_key

   local res,code = https.request(api..parameters)
   if code ~= 200 then return nil end
   local data = json:decode(res)
   if (data.status == "ZERO_RESULTS") then
      return nil
   if (data.status == "OK") then
      -- Construct what we want
      -- The local time in the location is:
      -- timestamp + rawOffset + dstOffset
      local localTime = timestamp + data.rawOffset + data.dstOffset
      return localTime, data.timeZoneId
   return localTime

function getformattedLocalTime(area)
   if area == nil then
      return 'Die Zeit nirgendswo ist nirgendswo...'

   lat,lng,acc = get_latlong(area)
   if lat == nil and lng == nil then
      return 'Sieht nicht so aus, als hätten sie in "'..area..'" eine Zeit.'
   local localTime, timeZoneId = get_time(lat,lng)

   return 'Die lokale Zeit in "'..timeZoneId..'" ist: '.. os.date(dateFormat,localTime) 

function run(msg, matches)
   return getformattedLocalTime(matches[1])

return {
    description = "Zeigt die lokale Zeit in einer Zeitzone an", 
    usage = {'/zeit [Land/Ort]'},
    patterns = {'^/zeit (.*)$','^/Zeit (.*)$'}, 
    run = run 