-- Saves the number of messages from a user -- Can check the number of messages with !stats do local socket = require('socket') local _file_stats = './data/stats.lua' local _stats function update_user_stats(msg) -- Save user to stats table local from_id = tostring(msg.from.id) local to_id = tostring(msg.to.id) local user_name = get_name(msg) print ('New message from '..user_name..'['..from_id..']'..' to '..to_id) -- If last name is nil dont save last_name. local user_last_name = msg.from.last_name local user_print_name = msg.from.print_name if _stats[to_id] == nil then print ('New stats key to_id: '..to_id) _stats[to_id] = {} end if _stats[to_id][from_id] == nil then print ('New stats key from_id: '..to_id) _stats[to_id][from_id] = { user_id = from_id, name = user_name, last_name = user_last_name, print_name = user_print_name, msg_num = 1 } else print ('Updated '..to_id..' '..from_id) local actual_num = _stats[to_id][from_id].msg_num _stats[to_id][from_id].msg_num = actual_num + 1 _stats[to_id][from_id].user_id = from_id _stats[to_id][from_id].last_name = user_last_name end end function read_file_stats( ) local f = io.open(_file_stats, "r+") -- If file doesn't exists if f == nil then -- Create a new empty table print ('Created user stats file '.._file_stats) serialize_to_file({}, _file_stats) else print ('Stats loaded: '.._file_stats) f:close() end return loadfile (_file_stats)() end local function save_stats() -- Save stats to file serialize_to_file(_stats, _file_stats) end local function get_stats_status( msg ) -- vardump(stats) local text = "" local to_id = tostring(msg.to.id) local rank = {} for id, user in pairs(_stats[to_id]) do table.insert(rank, user) end table.sort(rank, function(a, b) if a.msg_num and b.msg_num then return a.msg_num > b.msg_num end end ) for id, user in pairs(rank) do -- Previous versions didn't save that user_id = user.user_id or '' print(">> ", id, user.name) if user.last_name == nil then text = text..user.name.." ["..user_id.."]: "..user.msg_num.."\n" else text = text..user.name.." "..user.last_name.." ["..user_id.."]: "..user.msg_num.."\n" end end print("usuarios: "..text) return text end local function run(msg, matches) if matches[1] == "stats" then if msg.to.type == 'chat' then return get_stats_status(msg) else return 'Stats works only chats' end else update_user_stats(msg) save_stats() end end _stats = read_file_stats() return { description = "Plugin to update user stats.", usage = "!stats: Returns a list of Username [telegram_id]: msg_num", patterns = { "^!(stats)", ".*" }, run = run } end