-- This is a proprietary plugin, property of Andreas Bielawski, (c) 2015+ <andi (dot) b (at) outlook (dot) de> -- DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION do local _blacklist local function show_blacklist() if not _blacklist[1] then return "Keine Wörter geblacklisted!\nBlackliste welche mit /imgblacklist add [Wort]" else local sort_alph = function( a,b ) return a < b end table.sort( _blacklist, sort_alph ) local blacklist = "Folgende Wörter stehen auf der Blacklist:\n" for v,word in pairs(_blacklist) do blacklist = blacklist..'- '..word..'\n' end return blacklist end end local function add_blacklist() print('Blacklisting '..word..' - saving to redis set telegram:img_blacklist') if redis:sismember("telegram:img_blacklist", word) == true then return '"'..word..'" steht schon auf der Blacklist.' else redis:sadd("telegram:img_blacklist", word) return '"'..word..'" blacklisted!' end end local function remove_blacklist() print('De-blacklisting '..word..' - removing from redis set telegram:img_blacklist') if redis:sismember("telegram:img_blacklist", word) == true then redis:srem("telegram:img_blacklist", word) return '"'..word..'" erfolgreich von der Blacklist gelöscht!' else return '"'..word..'" steht nicht auf der Blacklist.' end end function run(msg, matches) local action = matches[1] if matches[2] then word = string.lower(matches[2]) end _blacklist = redis:smembers("telegram:img_blacklist") if action == "add" and word == nil then return "Benutzung: /imgblacklist add [Wort]" elseif action == "add" and word then return add_blacklist() end if action == "remove" and word == nil then return "Benutzung: /imgblacklist remove [Wort]" elseif action == "remove" and word then return remove_blacklist() end return show_blacklist() end return { description = "Blacklist-Manager für Bilder-Plugins (nur Superuser)", usage = { "/imgblacklist show: Zeigt Blacklist", "/imgblacklist add [Wort]: Fügt Wort der Blacklist hinzu", "/imgblacklist remove [Wort]: Entfernt Wort aus der Blacklist" }, patterns = { "^/imgblacklist show$", "^/imgblacklist (add) (.*)$", "^/imgblacklist (remove) (.*)$" }, run = run, privileged = true } end