http = require "socket.http" https = require "ssl.https" ltn12 = require "ltn12" URL = require "socket.url" json = (loadfile "./libs/JSON.lua")() serpent = (loadfile "./libs/serpent.lua")() mimetype = (loadfile "./libs/mimetype.lua")() http.TIMEOUT = 10 function get_receiver(msg) if == 'user' then return 'user#id' end if == 'chat' then return 'chat#id' end if == 'encr_chat' then return end end function is_chat_msg( msg ) if == 'chat' then return true end return false end function string.random(length) local str = ""; for i = 1, length do math.random(97, 122) str = str..string.char(math.random(97, 122)); end return str; end function string:split(sep) local sep, fields = sep or ":", {} local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep) self:gsub(pattern, function(c) fields[#fields+1] = c end) return fields end -- DEPRECATED function string.trim(s) print("string.trim(s) is DEPRECATED use string:trim() instead") return s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") end -- Removes spaces function string:trim() return self:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") end function get_http_file_name(url, headers) -- Eg: fooo.var local file_name = url:match("[^%w]+([%.%w]+)$") -- Any delimited aphanumeric on the url file_name = file_name or url:match("[^%w]+(%w+)[^%w]+$") -- Random name, hope content-type works file_name = file_name or str:random(5) -- Possible headers names local content_type = headers["content-type"] local extension = nil if content_type then extension = mimetype.get_mime_extension(content_type) end if extension then file_name = file_name.."."..extension end return file_name end -- Saves file to /tmp/. If file_name isn't provided, -- will get the text after the last "/" for filename -- and content-type for extension function download_to_file(url, file_name) print("url to download: "..url) local respbody = {} local options = { url = url, sink = ltn12.sink.table(respbody), redirect = true } -- nil, code, headers, status local response = nil if url:starts('https') then options.redirect = false response = {https.request(options)} else response = {http.request(options)} end local code = response[2] local headers = response[3] local status = response[4] if code ~= 200 then return nil end file_name = file_name or get_http_file_name(url, headers) local file_path = "/home/pi/Mikubot/tmp/"..file_name print("Saved to: "..file_path) file =, "w+") file:write(table.concat(respbody)) file:close() return file_path end function vardump(value, depth, key) local linePrefix = "" local spaces = "" if key ~= nil then linePrefix = "["..key.."] = " end if depth == nil then depth = 0 else depth = depth + 1 for i=1, depth do spaces = spaces .. " " end end if type(value) == 'table' then mTable = getmetatable(value) if mTable == nil then print(spaces ..linePrefix.."(table) ") else print(spaces .."(metatable) ") value = mTable end for tableKey, tableValue in pairs(value) do vardump(tableValue, depth, tableKey) end elseif type(value) == 'function' or type(value) == 'thread' or type(value) == 'userdata' or value == nil then print(spaces..tostring(value)) else print(spaces..linePrefix.."("..type(value)..") "..tostring(value)) end end -- taken from function scandir(directory) local i, t, popen = 0, {}, io.popen for filename in popen('ls -a "''"'):lines() do i = i + 1 t[i] = filename end return t end -- function run_command(str) local cmd = io.popen(str) local result = cmd:read('*all') cmd:close() return result end -- User has priviledges function is_sudo(msg) local var = false -- Check users id in config for v,user in pairs(_config.sudo_users) do if user == then var = true end end return var end -- Returns the name of the sender function get_name(msg) local name = msg.from.first_name if name == nil then name = end return name end -- Returns at table of lua files inside plugins function plugins_names( ) local files = {} for k, v in pairs(scandir("plugins")) do -- Ends with .lua if (v:match(".lua$")) then table.insert(files, v) end end return files end -- Function name explains what it does. function file_exists(name) local f =,"r") if f ~= nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end -- Save into file the data serialized for lua. -- Set uglify true to minify the file. function serialize_to_file(data, file, uglify) file =, 'w+') local serialized if not uglify then serialized = serpent.block(data, { comment = false, name = '_' }) else serialized = serpent.dump(data) end file:write(serialized) file:close() end -- Retruns true if the string is empty function string:isempty() return self == nil or self == '' end -- Retruns true if the string is blank function string:isblank() self = self:trim() return self:isempty() end -- DEPRECATED!!!!! function string.starts(String, Start) print("string.starts(String, Start) is DEPRECATED use string:starts(text) instead") return Start == string.sub(String,1,string.len(Start)) end -- Returns true if String starts with Start function string:starts(text) return text == string.sub(self,1,string.len(text)) end -- Send image to user and delete it when finished. -- cb_function and cb_extra are optionals callback function _send_photo(receiver, file_path, cb_function, cb_extra) local cb_extra = { file_path = file_path, cb_function = cb_function, cb_extra = cb_extra } -- Call to remove with optional callback send_photo(receiver, file_path, rmtmp_cb, cb_extra) end -- Download the image and send to receiver, it will be deleted. -- cb_function and cb_extra are optionals callback function send_photo_from_url(receiver, url, cb_function, cb_extra) -- If callback not provided cb_function = cb_function or ok_cb cb_extra = cb_extra or false local file_path = download_to_file(url, false) if not file_path then -- Error local text = 'Error downloading the image' send_msg(receiver, text, cb_function, cb_extra) else print("File path: "..file_path) _send_photo(receiver, file_path, cb_function, cb_extra) end end -- Same as send_photo_from_url but as callback function function send_photo_from_url_callback(cb_extra, success, result) local receiver = cb_extra.receiver local url = cb_extra.url local file_path = download_to_file(url, false) if not file_path then -- Error local text = 'Error downloading the image' send_msg(receiver, text, ok_cb, false) else print("File path: "..file_path) _send_photo(receiver, file_path, ok_cb, false) end end -- Send multimple images asynchronous. -- param urls must be a table. function send_photos_from_url(receiver, urls) local cb_extra = { receiver = receiver, urls = urls, remove_path = nil } send_photos_from_url_callback(cb_extra) end -- Use send_photos_from_url. -- This fuction might be difficult to understand. function send_photos_from_url_callback(cb_extra, success, result) -- cb_extra is a table containing receiver, urls and remove_path local receiver = cb_extra.receiver local urls = cb_extra.urls local remove_path = cb_extra.remove_path -- The previously image to remove if remove_path ~= nil then os.remove(remove_path) print("Deleted: "..remove_path) end -- Nil or empty, exit case (no more urls) if urls == nil or #urls == 0 then return false end -- Take the head and remove from urls table local head = table.remove(urls, 1) local file_path = download_to_file(head, false) local cb_extra = { receiver = receiver, urls = urls, remove_path = file_path } -- Send first and postpone the others as callback send_photo(receiver, file_path, send_photos_from_url_callback, cb_extra) end -- Callback to remove a file function rmtmp_cb(cb_extra, success, result) local file_path = cb_extra.file_path local cb_function = cb_extra.cb_function or ok_cb local cb_extra = cb_extra.cb_extra if file_path ~= nil then os.remove(file_path) print("Deleted: "..file_path) end -- Finaly call the callback cb_function(cb_extra, success, result) end -- Send document to user and delete it when finished. -- cb_function and cb_extra are optionals callback function _send_document(receiver, file_path, cb_function, cb_extra) local cb_extra = { file_path = file_path, cb_function = cb_function or ok_cb, cb_extra = cb_extra or false } -- Call to remove with optional callback send_document(receiver, file_path, rmtmp_cb, cb_extra) end -- Download the image and send to receiver, it will be deleted. -- cb_function and cb_extra are optionals callback function send_document_from_url(receiver, url, cb_function, cb_extra) local file_path = download_to_file(url, false) print("File path: "..file_path) _send_document(receiver, file_path, cb_function, cb_extra) end -- Parameters in ?a=1&b=2 style function format_http_params(params, is_get) local str = '' -- If is get add ? to the beginning if is_get then str = '?' end local first = true -- Frist param for k,v in pairs (params) do if v then -- nil value if first then first = false str = str..k.. "="..v else str = str.."&"..k.. "="..v end end end return str end -- Check if user can use the plugin and warns user -- Returns true if user was warned and false if not warned (is allowed) function warns_user_not_allowed(plugin, msg) if not user_allowed(plugin, msg) then local text = 'This plugin requires privileged user' local receiver = get_receiver(msg) send_msg(receiver, text, ok_cb, false) return true else return false end end -- Check if user can use the plugin function user_allowed(plugin, msg) if plugin.privileged and not is_sudo(msg) then return false end return true end -- Same as send_large_msg_callback but frienly params function send_large_msg(destination, text) local cb_extra = { destination = destination, text = text } send_large_msg_callback(cb_extra, true) end -- If text is longer than 4096 chars, send multiple msg. -- function send_large_msg_callback(cb_extra, success, result) local text_max = 4096 local destination = cb_extra.destination local text = cb_extra.text local text_len = string.len(text) local num_msg = math.ceil(text_len / text_max) if num_msg <= 1 then send_msg(destination, text, ok_cb, false) else local my_text = string.sub(text, 1, 4096) local rest = string.sub(text, 4096, text_len) local cb_extra = { destination = destination, text = rest } send_msg(destination, my_text, send_large_msg_callback, cb_extra) end end -- Returns a table with matches or nil function match_pattern(pattern, text) if text then local matches = { string.match(text, pattern) } if next(matches) then return matches end end -- nil end function sleep(n) os.execute("sleep " .. tonumber(n)) end