http = require("socket.http") URL = require("socket.url") json = (loadfile "./bot/JSON.lua")() -- lrexlib = require("rex_pcre") VERSION = 'v0.6' -- taken from function scandir(directory) local i, t, popen = 0, {}, io.popen for filename in popen('ls -a "''"'):lines() do i = i + 1 t[i] = filename end return t end function on_msg_receive (msg) if msg_valid(msg) == false then return end do_action(msg) mark_read(get_receiver(msg), ok_cb, false) -- write_log_file(msg) end function ok_cb(extra, success, result) end function msg_valid(msg) if msg.text == nil then return false end if == our_id then return true end if msg.out then return false end if < now then return false end if msg.text == nil then return false end if msg.unread == 0 then return false end end -- Where magic happens function do_action(msg) local receiver = get_receiver(msg) --local text = msg.text:sub(2) -- removes the '!' local text = msg.text print("Received msg", text) for name, desc in pairs(plugins) do print("Trying module", name) for k, pattern in pairs(desc.patterns) do print("Trying", text, "against", pattern) matches = { string.match(text, pattern) } if matches[1] then print(" matches!") result =, matches) print(" should return", result) if (result) then send_msg(receiver, result, ok_cb, false) end end end end end -- function do_action(msg) -- local receiver = get_receiver(msg) -- if string.starts(msg.text, '!sh') then -- text = run_sh(msg) -- send_msg(receiver, text, ok_cb, false) -- return -- end -- -- if string.starts(msg.text, '!fortune') then -- text = run_bash('fortune') -- send_msg(receiver, text, ok_cb, false) -- return -- end -- if string.starts(msg.text, '!forni') then -- text = msg.text:sub(8,-1) -- send_msg('Fornicio_2.0', text, ok_cb, false) -- return -- end -- if string.starts(msg.text, '!fwd') then -- fwd_msg (receiver,, ok_cb, false) -- return -- end -- if string.starts(msg.text, '!cpu') then -- text = run_bash('uname -snr') .. ' ' .. run_bash('whoami') -- text = text .. '\n' .. run_bash('top -b |head -2') -- send_msg(receiver, text, ok_cb, false) -- return -- end -- if string.starts(msg.text, '!set') then -- local text = save_value(msg.text:sub(5,-1)) -- send_msg(receiver, text, ok_cb, false) -- return -- end -- if string.starts(msg.text, '!get') then -- local text = get_value(msg.text:sub(6,-1)) -- send_msg(receiver, text, ok_cb, false) -- return -- end -- end function string.starts(String,Start) return string.sub(String,1,string.len(Start))==Start end function load_config() local f = assert('./bot/config.json', "r")) local c = f:read "*a" local config = json:decode(c) if config.sh_enabled then print ("!sh command is enabled") for v,user in pairs(config.sudo_users) do print("Allowed user: " .. user) end end -- print("Torrent path: " .. config.torrent_path) f:close() return config end function save_value( text ) var_name, var_value = string.match(text, "(%a+) (.+)") if (var_name == nil or var_value == nil) then return "Usage: !set var_name value" end config.values[var_name] = var_value local json_text = json:encode_pretty(config) file = ("./bot/config.json", "w+") file:write(json_text) file:close() return "Saved "..var_name.." = "..var_value end function get_value( value_name ) -- If there is not value name, return all the values. if (value_name == "" ) then local text = "" for key,value in pairs(config.values) do text = text..key.." = "..value.."\n" end return text end local value = config.values[value_name] if ( value == nil) then return "Cant find "..value_name end return value_name.." = "..value end function is_sudo(msg) local var = false -- Check users id in config for v,user in pairs(config.sudo_users) do if user == then var = true end end return var end function write_log_file(msg) name = get_name(msg) ret = name .. ' > ' .. msg.text write_to_file(config.log_file, ret) end -- Saves a string to file function write_to_file(filename, value) if (value) then local file =,"a") file:write(value, "\n") file:close() end end function get_name(msg) local name = msg.from.first_name if name == nil then name = end return name end function run_sh(msg) name = get_name(msg) text = '' if config.sh_enabled == false then text = '!sh command is disabled' else if is_sudo(msg) then bash = msg.text:sub(4,-1) text = run_bash(bash) else text = name .. ' you have no power here!' end end return text end function run_bash(str) local cmd = io.popen(str) local result = cmd:read('*all') cmd:close() return result end function download_to_file( url ) print("url a descargar: "..url) req, c, h = http.request(url) htype = h["content-type"] vardump(c) print("content-type: "..htype) if htype == "image/jpeg" then file_name = string.random(5)..".jpg" file_path = "/tmp/"..file_name else if htype == "image/gif" then file_name = string.random(5)..".gif" file_path = "/tmp/"..file_name else if htype == "image/png" then file_name = string.random(5)..".png" file_path = "/tmp/"..file_name else file_name = url:match("([^/]+)$") file_path = "/tmp/"..file_name end end end file =, "w+") file:write(req) file:close() return file_path end function string.random(length) math.randomseed(os.time()) local str = ""; for i = 1, length do math.random(97, 122) str = str..string.char(math.random(97, 122)); end return str; end function string.get_extension_from_filename( filename ) return filename:match( "%.([^%.]+)$" ) end function string.get_last_word( words ) local splitted = split_by_space ( words ) return splitted[#splitted] end function split_by_space ( text ) words = {} for word in string.gmatch(text, "[^%s]+") do table.insert(words, word) end return words end function string:split(sep) local sep, fields = sep or ":", {} local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep) self:gsub(pattern, function(c) fields[#fields+1] = c end) return fields end function vardump(value, depth, key) local linePrefix = "" local spaces = "" if key ~= nil then linePrefix = "["..key.."] = " end if depth == nil then depth = 0 else depth = depth + 1 for i=1, depth do spaces = spaces .. " " end end if type(value) == 'table' then mTable = getmetatable(value) if mTable == nil then print(spaces ..linePrefix.."(table) ") else print(spaces .."(metatable) ") value = mTable end for tableKey, tableValue in pairs(value) do vardump(tableValue, depth, tableKey) end elseif type(value) == 'function' or type(value) == 'thread' or type(value) == 'userdata' or value == nil then print(spaces..tostring(value)) else print(spaces..linePrefix.."("..type(value)..") "..tostring(value)) end end function get_receiver(msg) if == 'user' then return 'user#id' end if == 'chat' then return 'chat#id' end end function on_our_id (id) our_id = id end function on_user_update (user, what) --vardump (user) end function on_chat_update (chat, what) --vardump (chat) end function on_secret_chat_update (schat, what) --vardump (schat) end function on_get_difference_end () end function on_binlog_replay_end () started = 1 end -- Start and load values config = load_config() our_id = 0 now = os.time() -- load plugins plugins = {} -- load all plugins in the plugins/ directory for k, v in pairs(scandir("plugins")) do if not (v:sub(0, 1) == ".") then print("Loading plugin", v) t = loadfile("plugins/" .. v)() table.insert(plugins, t) end end