-- JPEG Glitcher v1.1 -- Contributed by Francesco do local KILOBYTE = 1000 local MEGABYTE = KILOBYTE * 1000 function handle_http_response(code, status) if code ~= 200 then if status then print(status) else print("http.request failed! (invalid url?)") end return false end return true end function get_jpg_header_size(data) local res = 417 for i, byte in ipairs(data) do if byte == 255 and data[i + 1] == 218 then res = i + 2 break end end return res end function simple_file_size(bytes) local simplesize = bytes local unit = "B" if bytes >= MEGABYTE then simplesize = simplesize / MEGABYTE unit = "MB" elseif bytes >= KILOBYTE then simplesize = simplesize / KILOBYTE unit = "KB" end return simplesize, unit end local GLITCH_MAX_FILE = MEGABYTE function run(msg, matches) http = require("socket.http") local stamp = os.time() -- try checking file size from a HEAD request local default_timeout = http.TIMEOUT http.TIMEOUT = 5 local _, code, headers, status = http.request { url = matches[1], method = "HEAD" } if not handle_http_response(code, status) then return "HTTP request failed or file not found" end if not string.find(headers["content-type"], "jpeg") then -- TODO: convert to jpg? return "Not a JPEG file!" end local filesize = tonumber(headers["content-length"]) local response = nil -- if the HEAD request doesn't contain content-length, -- send a full GET request. the timeout will abort the request -- after 5 seconds if the file is too large or takes too long -- to download if not filesize then print("No content-length, performing a full request...") response = http.request(matches[1]) filesize = #response end -- show user-friendly filesize simplesize, unit = simple_file_size(filesize) print("File Size: " .. simplesize .. unit .. " (" .. filesize .. " bytes)") -- check filesize limit if filesize > GLITCH_MAX_FILE then return "Sorry, maximum filesize is " .. GLITCH_MAX_FILE / MEGABYTE .. "MB!" end -- if we previously got the file size through a HEAD request, -- retrieve the actual data with a full request if not response then response, code, _, status = http.request(matches[1]) if not handle_http_response(code, status) then return "HTTP request failed or file not found" end end -- convert to byte array for manipulation local arr = {} response:gsub(".", function(c) table.insert(arr, string.byte(c)) end) response = nil -- skip jpeg header local header_size = get_jpg_header_size(arr) print("JPEG header size: " .. header_size .. " bytes") -- corrupt a set amount of bytes local data_end = #arr - 4 local corrupt_count = matches[2] if not corrupt_count then corrupt_count = 20 end for i=1, corrupt_count do local index = math.random(header_size, data_end) print("Corrupting byte " .. index) arr[index] = math.floor(math.random() * 255) end -- write glitched jpg print("Writing glitched.jpg") local out = assert(io.open("tmp/"..stamp..".jpg", "wb")) local glitched = "" for i=1, #arr do out:write(string.char(arr[i])) end arr = nil assert(out:close()) -- send glitched jpg local receiver = get_receiver(msg) send_photo(receiver, "tmp/"..stamp..".jpg", function() end, function() end) http.TIMEOUT = default_timeout end return { description = "Randomly glitches a JPEG image", usage = "!glitch [url] [amount]: glitches the JPEG image retrieved from _url_ " .. "by corrupting _amount_ bytes. Amount is optional and defaults to 20 bytes.", patterns = { "^/glitch ([^ ]*) ([0-9]*)$", "^/glitch ([^ ]*)$" }, run = run } end