do function run(msg, matches) local lat = matches[1] local lon = matches[2] local receiver = get_receiver(msg) local zooms = {16, 18} local urls = {} for i = 1, #zooms do local zoom = zooms[i] local url = "" .. zoom .. "&size=600x300&maptype=roadmap¢er=" .. lat .. "," .. lon .. "&markers=color:blue%7Clabel:X%7C" .. lat .. "," .. lon table.insert(urls, url) end send_photos_from_url(receiver, urls) return "" .. lat .. "," .. lon end return { description = "generates a map showing the given GPS coordinates", usage = "!gps latitude,longitude: generates a map showing the given GPS coordinates", patterns = {"^!gps ([^,]*)[,%s]([^,]*)$"}, run = run } end