telegram-bot ============ A telegram bot using Installation ------------ * Requirements ```bash # Tested on Ubuntu 14.04, for other OSs check out $ sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev libevent-dev fortune curl luarocks ``` * Clone the repo & compile the telegram library ```bash $ git clone --recursive && cd telegram-bot/tg $ ./configure && make $ cd .. && ./ # Will ask you for a telegram enabled number phone & confirmation code. ``` Command list ``` !help : print command list !ping : bot sends pong !sh (text) : send commands to bash (only privileged users) !echo (text) : echo the msg !version : version info !cpu : status (uname + top) !fwd : forward msg !forni : send text to group Fornicio !fortune : print a random adage !weather [city] : weather in that city (Madrid if not city) !9gag : send random image from 9gag !rae (word): Spanish dictionary !eur : EURUSD market value !img (text) : search image with Google API and sends it !uc3m : fortunes from Universidad Carlos III ```