do local BASE_URL = '' function get_yt_data (yt_code) local apikey = cred_data.google_apikey local url = BASE_URL..'/videos?part=snippet,statistics,contentDetails&key='..apikey..'&id='..yt_code..'&fields=items(snippet(channelTitle,localized(title,description)),statistics(viewCount,likeCount,dislikeCount,commentCount),contentDetails(duration))' local res,code = https.request(url) if code ~= 200 then return "HTTP-FEHLER" end local data = json:decode(res).items[1] return data end local function convertISO8601Time(duration) local a = {} for part in string.gmatch(duration, "%d+") do table.insert(a, part) end if duration:find('M') and not (duration:find('H') or duration:find('S')) then a = {0, a[1], 0} end if duration:find('H') and not duration:find('M') then a = {a[1], 0, a[2]} end if duration:find('H') and not (duration:find('M') or duration:find('S')) then a = {a[1], 0, 0} end duration = 0 if #a == 3 then duration = duration + tonumber(a[1]) * 3600 duration = duration + tonumber(a[2]) * 60 duration = duration + tonumber(a[3]) end if #a == 2 then duration = duration + tonumber(a[1]) * 60 duration = duration + tonumber(a[2]) end if #a == 1 then duration = duration + tonumber(a[1]) end return duration end function send_youtube_data(data, receiver) local title = data.snippet.localized.title -- local description = data.items[1].snippet.localized.description local uploader = data.snippet.channelTitle local viewCount = data.statistics.viewCount local likeCount = data.statistics.likeCount local dislikeCount = data.statistics.dislikeCount local commentCount = data.statistics.commentCount local totalseconds = convertISO8601Time(data.contentDetails.duration) -- convert s to mm:ss local seconds = totalseconds % 60 local minutes = math.floor(totalseconds / 60) local minutes = minutes % 60 local duration = string.format("%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds) local text = 'Titel: '..title..'\nUploader: '..uploader..'\nAufrufe: '..viewCount..'\nLänge: '..duration..' Minuten\nLikes: '..likeCount..'\nDislikes: '..dislikeCount..'\nKommentare: '..commentCount..'\n' send_msg(receiver, text, ok_cb, false) end function run(msg, matches) local yt_code = matches[1] local data = get_yt_data(yt_code) local receiver = get_receiver(msg) send_youtube_data(data, receiver) end return { description = "Sendet YouTube-Info.", usage = "", patterns = { "[A-Za-z0-9-_-]+)", "[A-Za-z0-9-_-]+)" }, run = run } end