local f = io.open('./res/values.json', "r+") if f == nil then f = io.open('./res/values.json', "w+") f:write("{}") -- Write empty table f:close() _values = {} else local c = f:read "*a" f:close() _values = json:decode(c) end function fetch_value(chat, value_name) if (_values[chat] == nil) then return nil end if (value_name == nil ) then return nil end local value = _values[chat][value_name] return value end function get_value(chat, value_name) -- If chat values is empty if (_values[chat] == nil) then return "There isn't any data" end -- If there is not value name, return all the values. if (value_name == nil ) then local text = "" for key,value in pairs(_values[chat]) do text = text..key.." = "..value.."\n" end return text end local value = _values[chat][value_name] if ( value == nil) then return "Can't find "..value_name end return value_name.." = "..value end function run(msg, matches) local chat_id = tostring(msg.to.id) if matches[1] == "!get" then return get_value(chat_id, nil) end return get_value(chat_id, matches[1]) end function lex(msg, text) local chat_id = tostring(msg.to.id) local s, e = text:find("%$%a+") if (s == nil) then return nil end local var = text:sub(s + 1, e) local value = fetch_value(chat_id, var) if (value == nil) then value = "(unknown value " .. var .. ")" end return text:sub(0, s - 1) .. value .. text:sub(e + 1) end return { description = "retrieves variables saved with !set", usage = "!get (value_name)", patterns = { "^!get (%a+)$", "^!get$"}, run = run, lex = lex }