package.path = './.luarocks/share/lua/5.2/?.lua;./.luarocks/share/lua/5.2/?/init.lua;./.luarocks/lib/lua/5.2/?.lua;./.luarocks/lib/lua/5.2/?/init.lua;' .. package.path require("luarocks.loader") require("./bot/utils") VERSION = '20151205' -- This function is called when tg receive a msg function on_msg_receive (msg) if not started then return end local receiver = get_receiver(msg) -- vardump(msg) msg = pre_process_service_msg(msg) if msg_valid(msg) then msg = pre_process_msg(msg) if msg then match_plugins(msg) -- mark_read(receiver, ok_cb, false) end end end function ok_cb(extra, success, result) end function on_binlog_replay_end() started = true postpone (cron_plugins, false, 60*5.0) -- See plugins/isup.lua as an example for cron -- load sudo_users and credentials sudo_users = load_sudo_users() cred_data = load_cred() -- load plugins plugins = {} load_plugins() end function msg_valid(msg) -- Don't process outgoing messages if msg.out then print('\27[36mNicht gültig: Nachricht von mir\27[39m') return false end -- Before bot was started if < now then print('\27[36mNicht gültig: alte Nachricht\27[39m') return false end if not then print('\27[36mNicht gültig: To id not provided\27[39m') return false end if not then print('\27[36mNicht gültig: From id not provided\27[39m') return false end if msg.unread == 0 then print('\27[36mNicht gültig: gelesen\27[39m') return false end if == our_id then print('\27[36mNicht gültig: Nachricht von unserer ID\27[39m') return false end if == 'encr_chat' then print('\27[36mNicht gültig: Encrypted Chat\27[39m') return false end if == 777000 then print('\27[36mNicht gültig: Telegram Nachricht\27[39m') return false end return true end function pre_process_service_msg(msg) if msg.service then local action = msg.action or {type=""} -- Double / to discriminate of normal actions msg.text = "//tgservice " .. action.type -- wipe the data to allow the bot to read service messages if msg.out then msg.out = false end if == our_id then = 0 end end return msg end -- Apply plugin.pre_process function function pre_process_msg(msg) --for name,plugin in orderedPairs(plugins) do for name,plugin in pairs(plugins) do if plugin.pre_process and msg then -- print('Preprocess', name) msg = plugin.pre_process(msg) end end return msg end -- Go over enabled plugins patterns. function match_plugins(msg) for name, plugin in pairs(plugins) do match_plugin(plugin, name, msg) end end -- Check if plugin is deactivated in this chat local function is_plugin_disabled_on_chat(plugin_name, msg) local hash = get_redis_hash(msg, 'disabled_plugins') local disabled = redis:hget(hash, plugin_name) -- Plugin is disabled if disabled == 'true' then print('Plugin '..plugin_name..' ist in diesem Chat deaktiviert') return true else return false end end function match_plugin(plugin, plugin_name, msg) local receiver = get_receiver(msg) -- Go over patterns. If one matches it's enough. for k, pattern in pairs(plugin.patterns) do local matches = match_pattern(pattern, msg.text) if matches then print("Nachricht stimmt überein mit ", pattern) if is_plugin_disabled_on_chat(plugin_name, msg) then return nil end -- Function exists if then if not plugin.notyping then send_typing(receiver, ok_cb, true) end -- If plugin is for privileged users only if not warns_user_not_allowed(plugin, msg) then local result =, matches) if result then send_large_msg(receiver, result) end end end -- One patterns matches return end end end -- DEPRECATED, use send_large_msg(destination, text) function _send_msg(destination, text) send_large_msg(destination, text) end -- Load superusers from redis function load_sudo_users() if redis:exists("telegram:sudo_users") == false then -- If sudo_users set doesnt exists print ("Created new sudo_users set: telegram:sudo_users") create_sudo_users() end local sudo_users = redis:smembers("telegram:sudo_users") for v,user in pairs(sudo_users) do print("Superuser: " .. user) end return sudo_users end -- Load credentials from redis function load_cred() if redis:exists("telegram:credentials") == false then -- If credentials hash doesnt exists print ("Neuen Credentials-Hash erstellt: telegram:credentials") create_cred() end return redis:hgetall("telegram:credentials") end -- create credentials hash with redis function create_cred() cred = { bitly_access_token = "", cloudinary_apikey = "", cloudinary_api_secret = "", cloudinary_public_id = "", derpibooru_apikey = "", fb_access_token = "", flickr_apikey = "", ftp_site = "", ftp_username = "", ftp_password = "", gender_apikey = "", golem_apikey = "", google_apikey = "", google_cse_id = "", gitlab_private_token = "", gitlab_project_id = "", instagram_access_token = "", lyricsnmusic_apikey = "", mal_username = "", mal_pw = "", neutrino_userid = "", neutrino_apikey = "", owm_apikey = "", page2images_restkey = "", soundcloud_client_id = "", tumblr_api_key = "", tw_consumer_key = "", tw_consumer_secret = "", tw_access_token = "", tw_access_token_secret = "", x_mashape_key = "", yandex_translate_apikey = "", yandex_rich_content_apikey = "", yourls_site_url = "", yourls_signature_token = "" } redis:hmset("telegram:credentials", cred) print ('Credentials gespeichert in telegram:credentials') end function create_sudo_users() redis:sadd("telegram:sudo_users", '0') redis:sadd("telegram:sudo_users", '1') redis:sadd("telegram:sudo_users", our_id) print('Speichere Superuser in telegram:sudo_users') print('Adde deine ID mit Redis: SADD telegram:sudo_users YOURID') end -- create plugin set if it doesn't exist function create_plugin_set() enabled_plugins = { "plugins", "manager" } print ('enabling a few plugins - saving to redis set telegram:enabled_plugins') for _,plugin in pairs(enabled_plugins) do redis:sadd("telegram:enabled_plugins", plugin) end end function on_our_id (id) our_id = id end function on_user_update (user, what) --vardump (user) end function on_chat_update (chat, what) --vardump (chat) end function on_secret_chat_update (schat, what) --vardump (schat) end function on_get_difference_end () end -- Enable plugins in config.json function load_plugins() enabled_plugins = redis:smembers('telegram:enabled_plugins') if not enabled_plugins[1] then create_plugin_set() end for k, v in pairs(enabled_plugins) do print("Lade Plugin", v) local ok, err = pcall(function() local t = loadfile("plugins/"..v..'.lua')() plugins[v] = t end) if not ok then print('\27[31mFehler beim Laden vom Plugin '..v..'\27[39m') print('\27[31m'..err..'\27[39m') end end end -- Call and postpone execution for cron plugins function cron_plugins() for name, plugin in pairs(plugins) do -- Only plugins with cron function if plugin.cron ~= nil then plugin.cron() end end -- Called again in 5 mins postpone (cron_plugins, false, 5*60.0) end -- Start and load values our_id = 0 now = os.time() math.randomseed(now) started = false