local usage = { "/mine [IP]: Sucht Minecraft-Server und sendet Infos. Standard-Port: 25565", "/mine [IP] [Port]: Sucht Minecraft-Server auf Port und sendet Infos.", } local function mineSearch(ip, port, receiver) --25565 local responseText = "" local api = "https://mcapi.us/server/status" local parameters = "?ip="..(URL.escape(ip) or "").."&port="..(URL.escape(port) or "").."&players=true" print(api..parameters) local respbody = {} local body, code, headers, status = http.request{ url = api..parameters, method = "GET", redirect = true, sink = ltn12.sink.table(respbody) } local body = table.concat(respbody) if (status == nil) then return "FEHLER: status = nil" end if code ~=200 then return "FEHLER: "..code..". Status: "..status end local jsonData = json:decode(body) responseText = responseText..ip..":"..port..":\n" if (jsonData.motd ~= nil and jsonData.motd ~= '') then local tempMotd = "" tempMotd = jsonData.motd:gsub('%§.', '') if (jsonData.motd ~= nil) then responseText = responseText.." MOTD: "..tempMotd.."\n" end end if (jsonData.online ~= nil) then if jsonData.online == true then server_online = "Ja" else server_online = "Nein" end responseText = responseText.." Online: "..server_online.."\n" end if (jsonData.players ~= nil) then if (jsonData.players.max ~= nil and jsonData.players.max ~= 0) then responseText = responseText.." Slots: "..jsonData.players.max.."\n" end if (jsonData.players.now ~= nil and jsonData.players.max ~= 0) then responseText = responseText.." Spieler online: "..jsonData.players.now.."\n" end if (jsonData.players.sample ~= nil and jsonData.players.sample ~= false) then responseText = responseText.." Spieler: "..table.concat(jsonData.players.sample, ", ").."\n" end if (jsonData.server.name ~= nil and jsonData.server.name ~= "") then responseText = responseText.." Server: "..jsonData.server.name.."\n" end end return responseText end local function parseText(chat, text) if (text == nil or text == "/mine") then return usage end ip, port = string.match(text, "^/mine (.-) (.*)$") if (ip ~= nil and port ~= nil) then return mineSearch(ip, port, chat) end local ip = string.match(text, "^/mine (.*)$") if (ip ~= nil) then return mineSearch(ip, "25565", chat) end return "FEHLER: Keine Input IP??" end local function run(msg, matches) local chat_id = tostring(msg.to.id) local result = parseText(chat_id, msg.text) return result end return { description = "Dursucht Minecraft-Server und sendet Infos", usage = usage, patterns = { "^/mine (.*)$" }, run = run }