-- This is a proprietary plugin, property of Andreas Bielawski, (c) 2015 -- DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION -- INFO: Stats must be activated, so that it can collect all members of a group and save his/her id to redis. -- You can deactivate it afterwards. local function pre_process(msg) local notify_users = redis:smembers('notify:ls') -- I call this beautiful lady the "if soup" if msg.to.type == 'chat' then if msg.text then for _,user in pairs(notify_users) do if string.match(string.lower(msg.text), '@'..user) then local chat_id = msg.to.id local id = redis:hget('notify:'..user, 'id') -- check, if user has sent at least one message to the group, -- so that we don't send the user some private text, when he/she is not -- in the group. if redis:sismember('chat:'..chat_id..':users', id) then -- ignore message, if it user is mentioning him/herself if id == tostring(msg.from.id) then break; end local send_date = run_bash('date -d @'..msg.date..' +"%d.%m.%Y um %H:%M:%S Uhr"') local send_date = string.gsub(send_date, "\n", "") local from = string.gsub(msg.from.print_name, "%_", " ") local chat_name = string.gsub(msg.to.print_name, "%_", " ") local text = from..' am '..send_date..' in "'..chat_name..'":\n\n'..msg.text send_msg('user#id'..id, text, ok_cb, false) end end end end end return msg end local function run(msg, matches) if not msg.from.username then return 'Du hast keinen Usernamen und kannst daher dieses Feature nicht nutzen. Tut mir leid!' end local username = string.lower(msg.from.username) local hash = 'notify:'..username if matches[1] == "del" then if not redis:sismember('notify:ls', username) then return 'Du wirst noch gar nicht benachrichtigt!' end print('Setting notify in redis hash '..hash..' to false') redis:hset(hash, 'notify', false) print('Removing '..username..' from redis set notify:ls') redis:srem('notify:ls', username) return 'Du erhälst jetzt keine Benachrichtigungen mehr, wenn du angesprochen wirst.' else if redis:sismember('notify:ls', username) then return 'Du wirst schon benachrichtigt!' end print('Setting notify in redis hash '..hash..' to true') redis:hset(hash, 'notify', true) print('Setting id in redis hash '..hash..' to '..msg.from.id) redis:hset(hash, 'id', msg.from.id) print('Adding '..username..' to redis set notify:ls') redis:sadd('notify:ls', username) return 'Du erhälst jetzt Benachrichtigungen, wenn du angesprochen wirst!' end end return { description = "Benachrichtigt User, wenn er/sie erwähnt wird.", usage = { "/notify: Benachrichtigt dich privat, wenn du erwähnt wirst", "/notify del: Benachrichtigt dich nicht mehr" }, patterns = { "^/notify (del)$", "^/notify$" }, run = run, pre_process = pre_process, notyping = true }