local function is_user_whitelisted(id) local hash = 'whitelist:user#id'..id local white = redis:get(hash) or false return white end local function is_chat_whitelisted(id) local hash = 'whitelist:chat#id'..id local white = redis:get(hash) or false return white end local function kick_user(user_id, chat_id) local chat = 'chat#id'..chat_id local user = 'user#id'..user_id chat_del_user(chat, user, ok_cb, true) end local function ban_user(user_id, chat_id) -- Save to redis local hash = 'banned:'..chat_id..':'..user_id redis:set(hash, true) -- Kick from chat kick_user(user_id, chat_id) end local function is_banned(user_id, chat_id) local hash = 'banned:'..chat_id..':'..user_id local banned = redis:get(hash) return banned or false end local function pre_process(msg) -- SERVICE MESSAGE if msg.action and msg.action.type then local action = msg.action.type -- Check if banned user joins chat if action == 'chat_add_user' or action == 'chat_add_user_link' then local user_id if msg.action.link_issuer then user_id = msg.from.id else user_id = msg.action.user.id end print('Checking invited user '..user_id) local banned = is_banned(user_id, msg.to.id) if banned then print('User wurde gebannt!') kick_user(user_id, msg.to.id) end end -- No further checks return msg end -- BANNED USER TALKING if msg.to.type == 'chat' then local user_id = msg.from.id local chat_id = msg.to.id local banned = is_banned(user_id, chat_id) if banned then print('Banned user talking!') ban_user(user_id, chat_id) msg.text = '' end end -- WHITELIST local hash = 'whitelist:enabled' local whitelist = redis:get(hash) local issudo = is_sudo(msg) -- Allow all sudo users even if whitelist is allowed if whitelist and not issudo then print('Whitelist enabled and not sudo') -- Check if user or chat is whitelisted local allowed = is_user_whitelisted(msg.from.id) if not allowed then print('User '..msg.from.id..' not whitelisted') if msg.to.type == 'chat' then allowed = is_chat_whitelisted(msg.to.id) if not allowed then print ('Chat '..msg.to.id..' not whitelisted') else print ('Chat '..msg.to.id..' whitelisted :)') end end else print('User '..msg.from.id..' allowed :)') end if not allowed then msg.text = '' end else print('Whitelist not enabled or is sudo') end return msg end local function run(msg, matches) -- Silent ignore if not is_sudo(msg) then return nil end if matches[1] == 'ban' then local user_id = matches[3] local chat_id = msg.to.id if msg.to.type == 'chat' then if matches[2] == 'user' then ban_user(user_id, chat_id) return 'User '..user_id..' banned' end if matches[2] == 'delete' then local hash = 'banned:'..chat_id..':'..user_id redis:del(hash) return 'User '..user_id..' unbanned' end else return 'This isn\'t a chat group' end end if matches[1] == 'kick' then if msg.to.type == 'chat' then kick_user(matches[2], msg.to.id) else return 'This isn\'t a chat group' end end if matches[1] == 'whitelist' then if matches[2] == 'enable' then local hash = 'whitelist:enabled' redis:set(hash, true) return 'Enabled whitelist' end if matches[2] == 'disable' then local hash = 'whitelist:enabled' redis:del(hash) return 'Disabled whitelist' end if matches[2] == 'user' then local hash = 'whitelist:user#id'..matches[3] redis:set(hash, true) return 'User "'..matches[3]..'" wurde freigeschalten' end if matches[2] == 'chat' then if msg.to.type ~= 'chat' then return 'Das hier ist kein Chat!' end local hash = 'whitelist:chat#id'..msg.to.id redis:set(hash, true) return 'Chat "'..msg.to.id..'" wurde freigeschalten' end if matches[2] == 'delete' and matches[3] == 'user' then local hash = 'whitelist:user#id'..matches[4] redis:del(hash) return 'User "'..matches[4]..'" removed from whitelist' end if matches[2] == 'delete' and matches[3] == 'chat' then if msg.to.type ~= 'chat' then return 'This isn\'t a chat group' end local hash = 'whitelist:chat#id'..msg.to.id redis:del(hash) return 'Chat '..msg.to.id..' removed from whitelist' end end end return { description = "Plugin to manage bans, kicks and white/black lists.", usage = { "/whitelist /: Enable or disable whitelist mode", "/whitelist user : Allow user to use the bot when whitelist mode is enabled", "/whitelist chat: Allow everybody on current chat to use the bot when whitelist mode is enabled", "/whitelist delete user : Remove user from whitelist", "/whitelist delete chat: Remove chat from whitelist", "/ban user : Kick user from chat and kicks it if joins chat again", "/ban delete : Unban user", "/kick Kick user from chat group" }, patterns = { "^/(whitelist) (enable)$", "^/(whitelist) (disable)$", "^/(whitelist) (user) (%d+)$", "^/(whitelist) (chat)$", "^/(whitelist) (delete) (user) (%d+)$", "^/(whitelist) (delete) (chat)$", "^/(ban) (user) (%d+)$", "^/(ban) (delete) (%d+)$", "^/(kick) (%d+)$", "^//tgservice (.+)$", }, run = run, pre_process = pre_process, privileged = true }