#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys from configparser import ConfigParser from datetime import datetime import tweepy from requests import get config = ConfigParser() try: config.read_file(open('config.ini')) except FileNotFoundError: print('config.ini not found.') sys.exit(1) # API path try: api_path = config['DEFAULT']['api_path'] consumer_key = config['DEFAULT']['consumer_key'] consumer_secret = config['DEFAULT']['consumer_secret'] access_token = config['DEFAULT']['access_token'] access_token_secret = config['DEFAULT']['access_token_secret'] except KeyError as exception: print('Please check your config.ini.') sys.exit(1) if not (api_path, consumer_key, consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret): print('2 Please check your config.ini.') sys.exit(1) def comma_value(num): """Helper function for thousand separators""" return "{:,}".format(int(num)).replace(',', ',') def get_api(): auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) return tweepy.API(auth) def get_pihole_data(): try: res = get(api_path) except Exception as exception: print('Could not contact API: ' + str(exception)) return if res.status_code != 200: print('Could not get data from Pi-Hole API.') return try: data = res.json() except: print('Got no or invalid JSON.') return if not all(k in data for k in ('ads_blocked_today', 'ads_percentage_today', 'dns_queries_today', 'domains_being_blocked')): print('This is not Pi-Hole JSON...') return return data def construct_tweet(data): today = datetime.today().strftime("%m/%d/%Y") tweet += 'Pi-hole statistics for {date}:\n'.format(date=today) tweet += 'Ads Blocked: ' + str(comma_value(data['ads_blocked_today'])) tweet += ' (' + str(round(data['ads_percentage_today'], 2)).replace('.', ',') + ' %)\n' tweet += 'Total DNS Queries: ' + str(comma_value(data['dns_queries_today'])) + '\n' tweet += 'Domains on Blocklist: ' + str(comma_value(data['domains_being_blocked'])) tweet += '#Sky-hole: The @The_Pi_Hole on @GoogleCompute.' return tweet def main(): # Twitter login api = get_api() try: print('Logged in as @' + api.me().screen_name) except tweepy.error.TweepError: print('Error while logging in - check your credentials.') return # Get Pi-Hole info from API data = get_pihole_data() if not data: return # Tweet it! tweet = construct_tweet(data) try: status = api.update_status(status=tweet) except tweepy.error.TweepError: print('Status could not be posted.') return print('Status posted! https://twitter.com/' + status.author.screen_name + '/status/' + status.id_str) if __name__ == '__main__': main()