
107 lines
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using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web;
using Telegram.Bot.Types;
using Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums;
namespace RSSBot {
public static class Utils {
private static readonly Regex RegexHtml = new Regex("<.*?>");
public static string StripHtml(string input)
return RegexHtml.Replace(input, string.Empty).Trim();
public static string EscapeHtml(string input)
input = input.Replace("<", "&lt;");
input = input.Replace(">", "&gt;");
return input;
private static string CleanRss(string input)
string[] replacements = {
"Click for full.",
"Read more »",
"Read more",
"...Read More",
"...mehr lesen",
"mehr lesen",
"View On WordPress",
"Continue reading →",
"» weiterlesen",
"Ein Kommentar.",
"Änderungen zeigen",
"(Feed generated with FetchRSS)",
"(RSS generated with FetchRss)",
"-- Delivered by Feed43 service",
"Meldung bei www.tagesschau.de lesen"
string[] regexReplacements = {
"Der Beitrag.*erschien zuerst auf .+.",
"The post.*appeared first on .+.",
"Nächstältere Version.*",
"Die Seite wurde neu angelegt.*",
"Weiterleitung nach.*erstellt.*"
input = input.Replace("\n", " ");
input = replacements.Aggregate(input, (current, replacement) => current.Replace(replacement, ""));
input = regexReplacements.Aggregate(input,
(current, replacement) => Regex.Replace(current, replacement, ""));
return input;
public static string ProcessContent(string input)
string content = StripHtml(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(input));
content = CleanRss(content);
if (content.Length > 250) {
content = content.Substring(0, 250) + "...";
return content;
public static GroupCollection ReturnMatches(string text, string pattern)
return Regex.Match(text,
public static async Task<bool> IsBotAdmin(long chatId)
ChatMember chatMember = await Bot.BotClient.GetChatMemberAsync(chatId, Bot.BotClient.BotId);
return chatMember.Status.Equals(ChatMemberStatus.Administrator);