#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import gettext import html import logging import re import sys from configparser import ConfigParser from json import loads from urllib.parse import urlparse import feedparser import redis import telegram from telegram.error import Unauthorized from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, Updater from telegram.ext.dispatcher import run_async import utils config = ConfigParser() try: config.read_file(open("config.ini")) except FileNotFoundError: logging.critical("config.ini not found") sys.exit(1) # Language try: lang = config["DEFAULT"]["lang"] except KeyError: lang = "en" el = gettext.translation("base", localedir="locales", languages=[lang, "en"]) el.install() _ = el.gettext # Logging try: logging_conf = config["LOGGING"] logging_level = logging_conf.get("level", "INFO") logging_format = logging_conf.get("format", "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s", raw=True) if logging_level not in ["DEBUG", "INFO", "CRITICAL", "ERROR", "WARNING"]: logging.warning(_("Logging Level invalid. Will be changed to INFO")) logging.basicConfig(format=logging_format, level=logging.INFO, datefmt="%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") else: logging.basicConfig(format=logging_format, level=eval("logging.{0}".format(logging_level.upper())), datefmt="%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") except KeyError: logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=logging.INFO, datefmt="%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Bot token try: bot_token = config["DEFAULT"]["token"] except KeyError: logger.error(_("Bot token is missing, check config.ini.")) sys.exit(1) if not bot_token: logger.error(_("Bot token is missing, check config.ini.")) sys.exit(1) # Admins try: admins = loads(config["ADMIN"]["id"]) except KeyError: logger.error(_("No admin IDs are set, check config.ini.")) sys.exit(1) if not admins: logger.error(_("No admin IDs are set, check config.ini.")) sys.exit(1) for admin in admins: if not isinstance(admin, int): logger.error(_("Admin IDs need to be integers.")) sys.exit(1) # Redis redis_conf = config["REDIS"] redis_db = redis_conf.get("db", 0) redis_host = redis_conf.get("host", "") redis_port = redis_conf.get("port", 6379) redis_socket = redis_conf.get("socket_path") if redis_socket: r = redis.Redis(unix_socket_path=redis_socket, db=int(redis_db), decode_responses=True) else: r = redis.Redis(host=redis_host, port=int(redis_port), db=int(redis_db), decode_responses=True) if not r.ping(): logging.getLogger("Redis").critical(_("Failed to connect to Redis server.")) sys.exit(1) feed_hash = "pythonbot:rss:{0}" @run_async def start(update, context): if not utils.can_use_bot(update): return update.message.reply_text( text=_("Welcome to the RSS Bot!\nSend /help to get started."), parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.HTML ) @run_async def help_text(update, context): if not utils.can_use_bot(update): return update.message.reply_text( text=_("/rss [Chat]: Show subbed feeds\n" "/sub Feed URL [Chat]: Sub to feed\n" "/del n [Chat]: Unsubscribe feed\n" "[Chat] is an optional argument with the @Channelname."), parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.HTML ) @run_async def list_feeds(update, context): if not utils.can_use_bot(update): return if context.args: chat_name = context.args[0] try: resp = context.bot.getChat(chat_name) except telegram.error.BadRequest: update.message.reply_text("❌ " + _("This channel does not exist.")) return chat_id = str(resp.id) chat_title = resp.title else: chat_id = str(update.message.chat.id) if update.message.chat.type == "private": chat_title = update.message.chat.first_name else: chat_title = update.message.chat.title subs = r.smembers(feed_hash.format(chat_id)) if not subs: text = "❌ " + _("There are no feeds.") else: text = _("{0} is subscribed to:\n").format(html.escape(chat_title)) for n, feed in enumerate(subs): text += "" + str(n + 1) + ") " + feed + "\n" update.message.reply_text( text=text, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.HTML ) @run_async def subscribe(update, context): if not utils.can_use_bot(update): return if not context.args: update.message.reply_text("❌ " + _("No feed URL given.")) return feed_url = context.args[0] if not re.match("^http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&~+]|[!*(),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+$", feed_url): update.message.reply_text("❌ " + _("That doesn't look like an URL.")) return # Get Chat ID from name if given if len(context.args) > 1: chat_name = context.args[1] try: resp = context.bot.getChat(chat_name) except telegram.error.BadRequest: update.message.reply_text("❌ " + _("This channel does not exist.")) return chat_id = str(resp.id) resp = context.bot.getChatMember(chat_id, context.bot.id) if resp.status != "administrator": update.message.reply_text("❌ " + _("You need to add the bot as an administrator to the channel.")) return else: chat_id = str(update.message.chat.id) context.bot.sendChatAction(update.message.chat.id, action=telegram.ChatAction.TYPING) data = feedparser.parse(feed_url) if "link" not in data.feed: update.message.reply_text("❌ " + _("Not a valid feed.")) return feed_url = data.href # Follow all redirects if r.sismember(feed_hash.format(chat_id), feed_url): update.message.reply_text("✅ " + _("Already subscribed to this feed.")) return if "title" not in data.feed: feed_title = feed_url else: feed_title = html.escape(data.feed["title"]) # Save the last entry in Redis, if it doesn't exist if data.entries: last_entry_hash = feed_hash.format(feed_url + ":last_entry") if not r.exists(last_entry_hash): if "id" not in data.entries[0]: last_entry = data.entries[0]["link"] else: last_entry = data.entries[0]["id"] r.set(last_entry_hash, last_entry) r.sadd(feed_hash.format(feed_url + ":subs"), chat_id) r.sadd(feed_hash.format(chat_id), feed_url) update.message.reply_text( text="✅ " + _("{0} added!").format(feed_title), parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.HTML ) @run_async def unsubscribe(update, context): if not utils.can_use_bot(update): return if not context.args: update.message.reply_text("❌ " + _("No number given.")) return # Get Chat ID from name if given if len(context.args) > 1: chat_name = context.args[1] try: resp = context.bot.getChat(chat_name) except telegram.error.BadRequest: update.message.reply_text("❌ " + _("This channel does not exist.")) return chat_id = str(resp.id) else: chat_id = str(update.message.chat.id) try: n = int(context.args[0]) except ValueError: update.message.reply_text("❌ " + _("No number given.")) return chat_hash = feed_hash.format(chat_id) subs = r.smembers(chat_hash) if n < 1: update.message.reply_text("❌ " + _("Number must be bigger than 0!")) return elif n > len(subs): update.message.reply_text("❌ " + _("Feed ID too high.")) return feed_url = list(subs)[n - 1] sub_hash = feed_hash.format(feed_url + ":subs") r.srem(chat_hash, feed_url) r.srem(sub_hash, chat_id) if not r.smembers(sub_hash): # no one subscribed, remove it r.delete(feed_hash.format(feed_url + ":last_entry")) update.message.reply_text( text="✅ " + _("{0} removed!").format(feed_url), parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.HTML ) @run_async def check_feed(bot, key): feed_url = re.match("^" + feed_hash.format("(.+):subs$"), key).group(1) logger.info(feed_url) data = feedparser.parse(feed_url) if "link" not in data.feed: if "status" in data and data["status"] != 200: logger.warning(_("{0} - Not a valid feed, got HTTP Code {1}").format(feed_url, data["status"])) else: logger.warning(_("{0} - Not a valid feed: {1}").format(feed_url, str(data.bozo_exception))) return None if "title" not in data.feed: feed_title = data.feed["link"] else: feed_title = data.feed["title"] last_entry_hash = feed_hash.format(feed_url + ":last_entry") last_entry = r.get(last_entry_hash) new_entries = utils.get_new_entries(data.entries, last_entry) for entry in reversed(new_entries): if "title" not in entry: post_title = _("No title") else: post_title = utils.remove_html_tags(entry["title"]).strip() post_title = post_title.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">") if "link" not in entry: post_link = data.link link_name = post_link else: post_link = entry.link feedproxy = re.search("^https?://feedproxy\.google\.com/~r/(.+?)/.*", post_link) # feedproxy.google.com if feedproxy: link_name = feedproxy.group(1) else: link_name = urlparse(post_link).netloc link_name = re.sub("^www\d?\.", "", link_name) # remove www. if "content" in entry: content = utils.get_content(entry.content[0]["value"]) elif "summary" in entry: content = utils.get_content(entry.summary) else: content = "" text = "{post_title}\n{feed_title}\n{content}".format( post_title=post_title, feed_title=feed_title, content=content ) readmore = _("Read more on {0}").format(link_name) text += "\n{readmore}\n".format( post_link=post_link, readmore=readmore ) for member in r.smembers(key): try: bot.sendMessage( chat_id=member, text=text, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.HTML, disable_web_page_preview=True ) except telegram.error.Unauthorized: logger.warning(_("Chat {0} doesn't exist anymore, will be deleted.").format(member)) r.srem(key, member) r.delete(feed_hash.format(member)) except telegram.error.ChatMigrated as new_chat: new_chat_id = new_chat.new_chat_id logger.info(_("Chat migrated: ") + member + " -> " + str(new_chat_id)) r.srem(key, member) r.sadd(key, new_chat_id) r.rename(feed_hash.format(member), feed_hash.format(new_chat_id)) bot.sendMessage( chat_id=member, text=text, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.HTML, disable_web_page_preview=True ) except telegram.error.TimedOut: pass except telegram.error.BadRequest as exception: logger.error(exception) if not r.exists(key): r.delete(last_entry_hash) return # Set the new last entry if there are any if new_entries: if "id" not in new_entries[0]: new_last_entry = new_entries[0].link else: new_last_entry = new_entries[0].id r.set(last_entry_hash, new_last_entry) @run_async def run_job(context): logger.info("================================") keys = r.keys(feed_hash.format("*:subs")) for key in keys: check_feed(context.bot, key) def run_job_manually(update, context): run_job(context) def onerror(update, context): logger.error(_("Update \"%s\" caused error \"%s\""), update, context.error) # Main function def main(): # Setup the updater and show bot info updater = Updater(token=bot_token, use_context=True) try: logger.info( _("Starting {0}, AKA @{1} ({2})").format(updater.bot.first_name, updater.bot.username, updater.bot.id)) except Unauthorized: logger.critical(_("Logging in failed, check bot token.")) sys.exit(1) # Register Handlers handlers = [ CommandHandler("start", start), CommandHandler("help", help_text), CommandHandler("rss", list_feeds, pass_args=True), CommandHandler("sub", subscribe, pass_args=True), CommandHandler("del", unsubscribe, pass_args=True), CommandHandler("sync", run_job_manually) ] for handler in handlers: updater.dispatcher.add_handler(handler) # Hide "Error while getting Updates" because it's not our fault updater.logger.addFilter((lambda log: not log.msg.startswith("Error while getting Updates:"))) # Fix for Python <= 3.5 updater.dispatcher.add_error_handler(onerror) updater.job_queue.run_repeating( run_job, interval=60.0, first=2.0 ) # Start this thing! updater.start_polling( clean=True, bootstrap_retries=-1, allowed_updates=["message"] ) # Run Bot until CTRL+C is pressed or a SIGINIT, # SIGTERM or SIGABRT is sent. updater.idle() if __name__ == "__main__": main()