diff --git a/source/aak-cont-master-es6.js b/source/aak-cont-master-es6.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db77784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/aak-cont-master-es6.js
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+// ==UserScript==
+// @name AAK-Cont Userscript
+// @namespace https://userscripts.org/scripts/show/155840
+// @description Helps you keep your Ad-Blocker active, when you visit a website and it asks you to disable.
+// @author Originally by Reek, revived by jspenguin2017
+// @version 1.005
+// @encoding utf-8
+// @license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
+// @icon https://gitlab.com/xuhaiyang1234/AAK-Cont/raw/master/images/icon.png
+// @homepage https://xuhaiyang1234.gitlab.io/AAK-Cont/
+// @supportURL https://gitlab.com/xuhaiyang1234/AAK-Cont/issues
+// @updateURL https://gitlab.com/xuhaiyang1234/AAK-Cont/raw/master/source/aak-cont-script.user.js
+// @downloadURL https://gitlab.com/xuhaiyang1234/AAK-Cont/raw/master/source/aak-cont-script.user.js
+// @include http://*/*
+// @include https://*/*
+// @grant unsafeWindow
+// @grant GM_addStyle
+// @grant GM_getValue
+// @grant GM_setValue
+// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
+// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
+// @grant GM_deleteValue
+// @grant GM_listValues
+// @grant GM_getResourceText
+// @grant GM_getResourceURL
+// @grant GM_log
+// @grant GM_openInTab
+// @grant GM_setClipboard
+// @grant GM_info
+// @grant GM_getMetadata
+// @run-at document-start
+// @connect *
+// ==/UserScript==
+/*jshint evil:true newcap:false*/
+/*global unsafeWindow, GM_addStyle, GM_getValue, GM_setValue, GM_xmlhttpRequest, GM_registerMenuCommand, GM_deleteValue, GM_listValues, GM_getResourceText, GM_getResourceURL, GM_log, GM_openInTab, GM_setClipboard, GM_info, GM_getMetadata, $, document, console, location, setInterval, setTimeout, clearInterval*/
+ Thanks
+ Donors: M. Howard, Shunjou, Charmine, Kierek93, G. Barnard, H. Young, Seinhor9, ImGlodar, Ivanosevitch, HomeDipo, R. Martin, DrFiZ, Tippy, B. Rohner, P. Kozica, M. Patel, W4rell, Tscheckoff, AdBlock Polska, AVENIR INTERNET, coolNAO, Ben, J. Park, C. Young, J. Bou, M. Cano, J. Jung, A. Sonino, J. Litten, M. Schrumpf, G. Pepe, A. Trufanov, R. Palmer, J. Rautiainen, S. Blystone, M. Silveira, K. MacArthur, M. Ivanov, A. Schmidt, A. Waage, F. Tismer, S. Ehnert, J. Corpus, J. Dluhos, Maklemenz, Strobelix, Modellpilot.EU, E. Benedetti, V. Venditti, Shakos, A. Eliason, A. Saloranta, S. Geiger, A. Otterloo, M. Coppen, S. Fischer, H. Becker, D. Ackerman, S. Pitsch, K. Pertcheck, S. Abel, K. O'Connor, B. Obrien, S. Vogler, S. Goebl, A. Biar, S. Scott, Bassmobile.org, S. Große, M. Peot, R. Chan Balam, L. Bond-Kennedy, R. Emond, A. Pavlov, W. Tracey, A. Sergey, R. López López, R. Reddy Kasireddy, A. Moujeer, M. Betz, M. Lefèvre, R. McCurdy, LR Geeks, M. Beauregard, CasperTech Ltd, M. Dudas, S. Scharf, S. Prokhorov, K. Papalias, J. Wojnowski, B. Curtis, D. Lawrence, D. He, N. Kelsall, Idogewallet, J. Spaulding, S. Lafon, Mat, H. Roberts, C. Hedlund, J. Hawkins, J. Andersen, M. Bjorksten, B. Wolfe III, T. Yocom, Š. Intas, S. Moenich, J. Chang, C. Munk, A. Naruta, Б. Михаил, J. Benz, F. Sloot, J. Creed, M. Gillam, C. Leicht, A. Gnana, S. Sundaram, A. Koller, M. Kotlar, S. Abel, T. Flanagan, M. Arduini, P. Stackhouse, B. Oliver, M. Johnson, R. Mannert, E. Siordia
+ Collaborators: InfinityCoding, Couchy, Dindog, Floxflob, U Bless, Watilin, @prdonahue, Hoshie, 3lf3nLi3d, Alexo, Crits, Noname120, Crt32, JixunMoe, Athorcis, Killerbadger, SMed79, Alexander255, Anonsubmitter, RaporLoLpro, Maynak00, Robotex, Vinctux, Blahx, MajkiIT, F4z, Angelsl, Mikhaelk, Marek, Hamsterbacke, Gorhill, Hacker999, xxcriticxx, Skr4tchGr3azyMonkiBallllllZzzz, Giwayume, MrSherlockHolmes, xDarkARG, Noahp78, Mapx-
+ Users: Thank you to all those who use Anti Adblock Killer, who report problems, who write the review, which add to their favorites, making donations, which support the project and help in its development or promote.
+ Mirrors
+ Github: http://tinyurl.com/mcra3dn
+ Greasyfork: http://tinyurl.com/pbbdnh6
+ Openuserjs: http://tinyurl.com/nnqje32
+ MonkeyGuts: http://tinyurl.com/ka5fcqm
+ Userscripts: http://tinyurl.com/q8xcejl
+ Documentation
+ Greasemonkey: http://tinyurl.com/yeefnj5
+ Scriptish: http://tinyurl.com/cnd9nkd
+ Tampermonkey: http://tinyurl.com/pdytfde
+ Violentmonkey: http://tinyurl.com/n34wn6j
+ NinjaKit: http://tinyurl.com/pkkm9ug
+ Script
+/* AAK/uBP API */
+var a = (function(window) {
+ "use strict";
+ var unsafeWindow = (typeof unsafeWindow !== "undefined") ? unsafeWindow : window;
+ var aak = {
+ /**
+ * Runs a function on DOM & window load.
+ * @method always
+ * @param func {Function} The function to run.
+ * @param capture {Boolean} Dispatches event to the listener (func) before the event target.
+ */
+ always(func, capture) {
+ func();
+ this.on("DOMContentLoaded", func, capture);
+ this.on("load", func, capture);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Adds an HTML element to the page for scripts checking an element's existence.
+ * @method bait
+ * @param type {String} The element tag name.
+ * @param identifier {String} CSS selector for adding an ID or class to the element.
+ */
+ bait(type, identifier) {
+ let elem = a.$(`<${type}>`);
+ if (identifier.startsWith("#") {
+ elem.attr("id", identifier.substr(1));
+ } else if (identifier.startsWith(".")) {
+ elem.addClass(identifier.substr(1));
+ }
+ elem.html("
+ },
+ /**
+ * Configuration for this script.
+ * @property config
+ * @type Object
+ */
+ config: {
+ aggressiveAdflySkipper: true,
+ allowExperimental: true,
+ allowGeneric: true,
+ debugMode: false,
+ domExcluded: null,
+ init() {
+ this.debugMode = GM_getValue("config_debugMode", this.debugMode);
+ this.allowExperimental = GM_getValue("config_allowExperimental", this.allowExperimental);
+ this.aggressiveAdflySkipper = GM_getValue("config_aggressiveAdflySkiper", this.aggressiveAdflySkipper);
+ aak.mods.Facebook_JumpToTop = GM_getValue("mods_Facebook_JumpToTop", aak.mods.Facebook_JumpToTop);
+ aak.mods.Blogspot_AutoNCR = GM_getValue("mods_Blogspot_AutoNCR", aak.mods.Blogspot_AutoNCR);
+ aak.mods.NoAutoplay = GM_getValue("mods_NoAutoplay", aak.mods.NoAutoplay);
+ },
+ update(id, val) {
+ const names = [
+ "config_debugMode",
+ "config_allowExperimental",
+ "config_aggressiveAdflySkiper",
+ "mods_Facebook_JumpToTop",
+ "mods_Blogspot_AutoNCR",
+ "mods_NoAutoplay"
+ ];
+ if (names.includes(id)) {
+ GM_setValue(id, Boolean(val));
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sets or gets a cookie, depending on whether the value is provided or not.
+ * @method cookie
+ * @param key {String} The cookie name.
+ * @param val {String} The cookie value. Leave out to retrieve the current value.
+ * @param time {Number} Number of milliseconds in which to expire the cookie.
+ * @param path {String} The cookie path.
+ * @return {String} The value of the cookie, if "val" parameter is omitted.
+ */
+ cookie(key, val, time, path) {
+ if (typeof val === "undefined") {
+ const value = "; " + a.doc.cookie;
+ let parts = value.split("; " + key + "=");
+ if (parts.length == 2) {
+ return parts.pop().split(";").shift();
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ let expire = new this.win.Date();
+ expire.setTime((new this.win.Date()).getTime() + (time || 31536000000));
+ this.doc.cookie = key + "=" + this.win.encodeURIComponent(val) + ";expires=" + expire.toGMTString() + ";path=" + (path || "/");
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Adds CSS styles to the page.
+ * @method css
+ * @param str {String} The CSS string to add.
+ */
+ css(str) {
+ let temp = str.split(";");
+ for (let i=0; i