Step 1: Subscribe to Core filter
Click here
Step 2: Subscribe to the extension filter for your ad blocker
AdBlock or Adblock Plus Auto-disable (read notes below)
uBlock Origin
Adguard (not actively maintained)
If you are using Adguard, we highly recommend you to NOT use this project, and go to the Adguard forum for help. Your issue will be resolved much faster there.
Extra explanation about AdBlock / Adblock Plus extension filter
For technical reasons, it is not always possible to block ads while breaking anti-adblock with only AdBlock / Adblock Plus. If you are using the Userscript (AAK-Cont Script), then do not subscribe to this filter.
What this extension filter does is it turns AdBlock / Adblock Plus off for you when it is known that there is no other solution without the Userscript, if this is what you want, then subscribe to this extension filter.
This does not apply to uBlock Origin or Adguard, if you are using them, then subscribe to the extension filter.
Adblock, Adblock Plus, uBlock Origin