// ==UserScript== // @name AAK-Cont uBlock Origin Runtime for AdBlock / Adblock Plus // @namespace https://userscripts.org/scripts/show/155840 // @description Helps AdBlock / Adblock Plus to handle uBlock Origin filters // @author jspenguin2017, based on work of gorhill // @version 1.003 // @encoding utf-8 // @license https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/blob/master/LICENSE // @icon https://gitlab.com/xuhaiyang1234/AAK-Cont/raw/master/images/icon.png // @homepage https://xuhaiyang1234.gitlab.io/AAK-Cont/ // @supportURL https://gitlab.com/xuhaiyang1234/AAK-Cont/issues // @updateURL https://gitlab.com/xuhaiyang1234/AAK-Cont/raw/master/source/aak-cont-ubo-runtime.user.js // @downloadURL https://gitlab.com/xuhaiyang1234/AAK-Cont/raw/master/source/aak-cont-ubo-runtime.user.js // @include http://*/* // @include https://*/* // @grant unsafeWindow // @run-at document-start // @connect * // ==/UserScript== (function () { //=====START UTIL===== var util = { dropScript: function (txt, scriptDropMode) { //scriptDropMode: undefined = autodetect, 1 for force eval, 2 for force drop element var forceEval = function (txt) { unsafeWindow.eval("(" + txt + ")();"); }; var forceDrop = function (txt) { var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.innerHTML = "(" + String(txt) + ")();"; if (body) { document.body.appendChild(script); } else { document.head.appendChild(script); } script.remove(); }; if (!scriptDropMode) { if (unsafeWindow && util.getScriptManager() === "Tampermonkey") { forceEval(txt); } else { forceDrop(txt); } } else if (scriptDropMode === 1) { forceEval(txt); } else { forceDrop(txt); } }, getScriptManager: function () { if (typeof GM_info === 'object') { // Greasemonkey (Firefox) if (typeof GM_info.uuid !== 'undefined') { return 'Greasemonkey'; } // Tampermonkey (Chrome/Opera) else if (typeof GM_info.scriptHandler !== 'undefined') { return 'Tampermonkey'; } } else { // Scriptish (Firefox) if (typeof GM_getMetadata === 'function') { return 'Scriptish'; } // NinjaKit (Safari/Chrome) else if (typeof GM_setValue !== 'undefined' && typeof GM_getResourceText === 'undefined' && typeof GM_getResourceURL === 'undefined' && typeof GM_openInTab === 'undefined' && typeof GM_setClipboard === 'undefined') { return 'NinjaKit'; } else { // Native return 'Native'; } } }, domCmp: function (domain) { return domain === location.hostname || location.hostname.endsWith("." + domain); }, patchToString: function () { //Implementation wanted. //Patch Function.prototype.toString so our modification can't be detected by the page script } }; //=====START CORE RUNTIME===== var ubo = { setTimeout_defuser: function (niddle, delay, scriptDropMode) { var uSol = function () { var z = window.setTimeout, needle = '{{1}}', delay = parseInt('{{2}}', 10); if (needle === '') { // || needle === '{{1}}' ) { needle = '.?'; } else if (needle.slice(0, 1) === '/' && needle.slice(-1) === '/') { needle = needle.slice(1, -1); } else { needle = needle.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); } needle = new RegExp(needle); window.setTimeout = function (a, b) { if ((isNaN(delay) || b == delay) && needle.test(a.toString())) { return 0; } return z(a, b); }.bind(window); }; var str = String(uSol).replace("{{1}}", String(niddle || "")).replace("{{2}}", String(delay)); util.dropScript(str, scriptDropMode); }, abort_on_property_read: function (niddle, scriptDropMode) { var uSol = function () { var magic = String.fromCharCode(Date.now() % 26 + 97) + Math.floor(Math.random() * 982451653 + 982451653).toString(36); var abort = function () { throw new ReferenceError(magic); }; var chain = '{{1}}', owner = window, pos, desc; var makeProxy = function (owner, chain) { pos = chain.indexOf('.'); if (pos === -1) { desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(owner, chain); if (!desc || desc.get !== abort) { Object.defineProperty(owner, chain, { get: abort, set: function () { } }); } return; } var prop = chain.slice(0, pos), v = owner[prop]; chain = chain.slice(pos + 1); if (v !== undefined) { makeProxy(v, chain); return; } desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(owner, prop); if (desc && desc.set && desc.set.hasOwnProperty(magic)) { return; } var setter = function (a) { v = a; if (a instanceof Object) { makeProxy(a, chain); } }; setter[magic] = undefined; Object.defineProperty(owner, prop, { get: function () { return v; }, set: setter }); }; makeProxy(owner, chain); var oe = window.onerror; window.onerror = function (msg, src, line, col, error) { if (typeof msg === 'string' && msg.indexOf(magic) !== -1) { return true; } if (oe instanceof Function) { return oe(msg, src, line, col, error); } }.bind(); }; var str = String(uSol).replace("{{1}}", String(niddle)); util.dropScript(str, scriptDropMode); }, abort_on_property_write: function (niddle, scriptDropMode) { var uSol = function () { var magic = String.fromCharCode(Date.now() % 26 + 97) + Math.floor(Math.random() * 982451653 + 982451653).toString(36); var prop = '{{1}}', owner = window, pos; for (; ;) { pos = prop.indexOf('.'); if (pos === -1) { break; } owner = owner[prop.slice(0, pos)]; if (owner instanceof Object === false) { return; } prop = prop.slice(pos + 1); } delete owner[prop]; Object.defineProperty(owner, prop, { set: function () { throw new ReferenceError(magic); } }); var oe = window.onerror; window.onerror = function (msg, src, line, col, error) { if (typeof msg === 'string' && msg.indexOf(magic) !== -1) { return true; } if (oe instanceof Function) { return oe(msg, src, line, col, error); } }.bind(); }; var str = String(uSol).replace("{{1}}", String(niddle)); util.dropScript(str, scriptDropMode); }, bab_defuser: function (scriptDropMode) { var uSol = function () { var sto = window.setTimeout, re = /\.bab_elementid.$/; window.setTimeout = function (a, b) { if (typeof a !== 'string' || !re.test(a)) { return sto(a, b); } }.bind(window); var signatures = [ ['blockadblock'], ['babasbm'], [/getItem\('babn'\)/], [ 'getElementById', 'String.fromCharCode', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789', 'charAt', 'DOMContentLoaded', 'AdBlock', 'addEventListener', 'doScroll', 'fromCharCode', '<<2|r>>4', 'sessionStorage', 'clientWidth', 'localStorage', 'Math', 'random' ] ]; var check = function (s) { var tokens, match, j, token, pos; for (var i = 0; i < signatures.length; i++) { tokens = signatures[i]; match = 0; for (j = 0, pos = 0; j < tokens.length; j++) { token = tokens[j]; pos = token instanceof RegExp ? s.search(token) : s.indexOf(token); if (pos !== -1) { match += 1; } } if ((match / tokens.length) >= 0.8) { return true; } } return false; }; var realEval = window.eval; window.eval = function (a) { if (!check(a)) { return realEval(a); } var el = document.body; if (el) { el.style.removeProperty('visibility'); } el = document.getElementById('babasbmsgx'); if (el) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } }.bind(window); }; var str = String(uSol); util.dropScript(str, scriptDropMode); }, noeval: function (scriptDropMode) { var uSol = function () { window.eval = function (s) { console.log('Document tried to eval... \n' + s); }.bind(window); }; var str = String(uSol); util.dropScript(str, scriptDropMode); } }; //=====START RULES===== if (util.domCmp("finalservers.net")) { ubo.abort_on_property_read("_gunggo"); } if (util.domCmp("pwn.pl")) { ubo.abort_on_property_read("adblock"); } if (util.domCmp("hentaitake.net")) { ubo.abort_on_property_read("anOptions"); } if (util.domCmp("rarbgmirror.com")) { ubo.abort_on_property_read("open"); } if (util.domCmp("bracknellnews.co.uk")) { ubo.abort_on_property_write("_sp_"); } if (util.domCmp("hackinformer.com")) { ubo.abort_on_property_write("anOptions"); } if (util.domCmp("techdracula.com")) { ubo.setTimeout_defuser("an_message_display"); } if (util.domCmp("keshavcommoditycalls.com")) { ubo.setTimeout_defuser("an_message_display"); } if (util.domCmp("animeid.io")) { ubo.setTimeout_defuser("#player"); } if (util.domCmp("jkanime.co")) { ubo.setTimeout_defuser("#player"); } if (util.domCmp("gogoanime.ch")) { ubo.setTimeout_defuser("#player"); } if (util.domCmp("chiaanime.co")) { ubo.setTimeout_defuser("#player"); } if (util.domCmp("savetodrive.net")) { ubo.setTimeout_defuser("ad"); } if (util.domCmp("wordsense.eu")) { ubo.setTimeout_defuser("ad", 2000); } if (util.domCmp("hackinformer.com")) { ubo.setTimeout_defuser("an_message_display"); } if (util.domCmp("futbolchile.net")) { ubo.bab_defuser(); } if (util.domCmp("freeomovie.com")) { ubo.bab_defuser(); } if (util.domCmp("appdrop.net")) { ubo.bab_defuser(); } if (util.domCmp("skmedix.pl")) { ubo.bab_defuser(); } if (util.domCmp("ps4news.com")) { ubo.noeval(); } if (util.domCmp("filechoco.net")) { ubo.noeval(); } if (util.domCmp("rule34hentai.net")) { ubo.noeval(); } if (util.domCmp("afreesms.com")) { ubo.noeval(); } if (util.domCmp("vidlox.tv")) { ubo.noeval(); } if (util.domCmp("themeslide.com")) { ubo.noeval(); } if (util.domCmp("thewindowsclub.com")) { ubo.setTimeout_defuser("[native code]"); } if (util.domCmp("kbb.com")) { ubo.abort_on_property_write("KBB.DetectBlockerExtensions"); } if (util.domCmp("gamesradar.com")) { ubo.abort_on_property_write("_sp_"); } if (util.domCmp("androidcentral.com")) { //Other half of the rules are in AdBlock / ABP extension filter... //I couldn't think of another way... ubo.abort_on_property_write("adonisHash"); ubo.setTimeout_defuser("ubo", 300); } })();