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2024-04-16 20:20:30 +02:00
<div class="h-screen overflow-hidden bg-[#111111] flex flex-col p-5 text-white" style="-webkit-app-region: drag">
<div class="relative flex flex-row items-center justify-center">
v-if="tab === 2"
@click="tab = 1"
class="absolute left-0 bg-[#5c5b5b] py-1 px-3 rounded-xl flex flex-row items-center justify-center gap-0.5 hover:bg-[#4b4a4a] transition-all"
style="-webkit-app-region: no-drag"
<Icon name="formkit:arrowleft" class="h-5 w-5" />
<div class="text-2xl">Add Video</div>
<div v-if="tab === 1" class="flex flex-col mt-5 gap-3.5 h-full" style="-webkit-app-region: no-drag">
<div class="relative flex flex-col">
<select v-model="service" name="service" class="bg-[#5c5b5b] focus:outline-none px-3 py-2 rounded-xl text-sm text-center cursor-pointer">
<option value="adn">ADN</option>
<option value="crunchyroll">Crunchyroll</option>
<div class="relative flex flex-col">
class="bg-[#5c5b5b] focus:outline-none px-3 py-2 rounded-xl text-sm text-center"
<div v-if="isFetchingResults" class="absolute top-full left-0 h-28 w-full bg-[#868585] rounded-xl z-10 flex items-center justify-center">
<Icon name="mdi:loading" class="h-8 w-8 animate-spin" />
class="absolute top-full left-0 h-60 w-full bg-[#868585] rounded-xl overflow-y-scroll grid grid-cols-2 gap-3 p-2 z-10"
style="-webkit-app-region: no-drag"
<button v-for="result in crunchySearchResults" @click="selectShow(result)" class="flex flex-row gap-3 px-3 py-3 hover:bg-[#747474] rounded-xl">
<div class="min-w-10 w-10 bg-gray-700">
<img :src="result.Images.poster_tall[0].find((p) => p.height === 720)?.source" alt="Image Banner" class="h-full w-full object-cover" />
<div class="flex flex-col items-start text-start">
<div class="text-sm line-clamp-1">
{{ result.Title }}
<div v-if="service === 'crunchyroll'" class="text-xs"> Seasons: {{ result.Seasons }} </div>
<div class="text-xs"> Episodes: {{ result.Episodes }} </div>
<button v-for="result in adnSearchResults" @click="selectShow(result)" class="flex flex-row gap-3 px-3 py-3 hover:bg-[#747474] rounded-xl h-20">
<div class="min-w-10 w-10 h-14 bg-gray-700">
<img :src="result.image2x" alt="Image Banner" class="h-full w-full object-cover" />
<div class="flex flex-col items-start text-start">
<div class="text-sm line-clamp-1">
{{ result.title }}
<div class="text-xs"> Episodes: {{ result.episodeCount }} </div>
<div class="relative flex flex-col">
<input v-model="url" type="text" name="text" placeholder="URL" class="bg-[#5c5b5b] focus:outline-none px-3 py-2 rounded-xl text-sm text-center" />
<div class="relative flex flex-col">
class="bg-[#5c5b5b] focus:outline-none px-3 py-2 rounded-xl text-sm text-center cursor-pointer"
<div class="relative flex flex-col mt-auto">
<button @click="switchToSeason" class="relative py-3 border-2 rounded-xl flex flex-row items-center justify-center">
<div class="flex flex-row items-center justify-center transition-all" :class="isFetchingSeasons ? 'opacity-0' : 'opacity-100'">
<div class="text-xl">Next</div>
<div class="absolute flex flex-row items-center justify-center gap-1 transition-all" :class="isFetchingSeasons ? 'opacity-100' : 'opacity-0'">
<Icon name="mdi:loading" class="h-6 w-6 animate-spin" />
<div class="text-xl">Loading</div>
<!-- {{ searchresults }} -->
<div v-if="tab === 2" class="flex flex-col mt-5 gap-3.5 h-full" style="-webkit-app-region: no-drag">
<div class="relative flex flex-col">
<select v-model="selectedSeason" name="seasons" class="bg-[#5c5b5b] focus:outline-none px-3 py-2 rounded-xl text-sm text-center cursor-pointer">
<option v-for="season in seasons" :value="season" class="text-sm text-slate-200"
>S{{ season.season_display_number ? season.season_display_number : season.season_number }} - {{ season.title }}</option
<div class="relative flex flex-col">
<select v-model="selectedStartEpisode" name="episode" class="bg-[#5c5b5b] focus:outline-none px-3 py-2 rounded-xl text-sm text-center cursor-pointer">
<option v-for="episode in episodes" :value="episode" class="text-sm text-slate-200"
>E{{ episode.episode_number ? episode.episode_number : episode.episode }} - {{ episode.title }}</option
class="absolute w-full h-9 bg-[#afadad] rounded-xl transition-all flex flex-row items-center justify-center gap-1 text-black"
:class="isFetchingEpisodes ? 'opacity-100' : 'opacity-0 pointer-events-none'"
<Icon name="mdi:loading" class="h-6 w-6 animate-spin" />
<div class="text-sm">Loading</div>
<div class="relative flex flex-col">
<select v-model="selectedEndEpisode" name="episode" class="bg-[#5c5b5b] focus:outline-none px-3 py-2 rounded-xl text-sm text-center cursor-pointer">
v-if="episodes && selectedStartEpisode"
v-for="(episode, index) in episodes"
class="text-sm text-slate-200"
:disabled="index < episodes.findIndex((i) => === selectedStartEpisode?.id)"
>E{{ episode.episode_number ? episode.episode_number : episode.episode }} - {{ episode.title }}</option
class="absolute w-full h-9 bg-[#afadad] rounded-xl transition-all flex flex-row items-center justify-center gap-1 text-black"
:class="isFetchingEpisodes ? 'opacity-100' : 'opacity-0 pointer-events-none'"
<Icon name="mdi:loading" class="h-6 w-6 animate-spin" />
<div class="text-sm">Loading</div></div
<div class="relative flex flex-col select-none">
<div @click="selectDub ? (selectDub = false) : (selectDub = true)" class="bg-[#5c5b5b] focus:outline-none px-3 py-2 rounded-xl text-sm text-center cursor-pointer">
{{ =>', ') }}
<div v-if="selectDub" class="absolute top-full left-0 w-full bg-[#868585] rounded-xl grid grid-cols-12 gap-1 p-1 z-10">
v-for="l in CRselectedShow? => {
return { name: locales.find((l) => l.locale === s) ? locales.find((l) => l.locale === s)?.name : s, locale: s }
class="flex flex-row items-center justify-center gap-3 py-2 rounded-xl text-sm"
:class="selectedDubs.find((i) => i.locale === l.locale) ? 'bg-[#585858]' : 'hover:bg-[#747474]'"
{{ }}
<div class="relative flex flex-col select-none">
<div @click="selectSub ? (selectSub = false) : (selectSub = true)" class="bg-[#5c5b5b] focus:outline-none px-3 py-2 rounded-xl text-sm text-center cursor-pointer">
{{ =>', ') }}
<div v-if="selectSub" class="absolute top-full left-0 w-full bg-[#868585] rounded-xl grid grid-cols-12 gap-1 p-1 z-10">
v-for="l in CRselectedShow? => {
return { name: locales.find((l) => l.locale === s) ? locales.find((l) => l.locale === s)?.name : s, locale: s }
class="flex flex-row items-center justify-center gap-3 py-2 rounded-xl text-sm"
:class="selectedSubs.find((i) => i.locale === l.locale) ? 'bg-[#585858]' : 'hover:bg-[#747474]'"
{{ }}
<div class="relative flex flex-col">
<select v-model="hardsub" name="episode" class="bg-[#5c5b5b] focus:outline-none px-3 py-2 rounded-xl text-sm text-center cursor-pointer">
class="text-sm text-slate-200"
>Hardsub: false</option
class="text-sm text-slate-200"
>Hardsub: true</option
class="absolute w-full h-9 bg-[#afadad] rounded-xl transition-all flex flex-row items-center justify-center gap-1 text-black"
:class="isFetchingEpisodes ? 'opacity-100' : 'opacity-0 pointer-events-none'"
<Icon name="mdi:loading" class="h-6 w-6 animate-spin" />
<div class="text-sm">Loading</div></div
2024-04-16 20:20:30 +02:00
<!-- {{ CRselectedShow?> { return locales.find(l => l.locale === s)?.name }) }}
{{ CRselectedShow?> { return locales.find(l => l.locale === s)?.name }) }} -->
<div class="relative flex flex-col mt-auto">
<button @click="addToPlaylist" class="relative py-3 border-2 rounded-xl flex flex-row items-center justify-center">
<div class="flex flex-row items-center justify-center transition-all" :class="isFetchingSeasons ? 'opacity-0' : 'opacity-100'">
<div class="text-xl">Add to Download</div>
2024-04-16 20:20:30 +02:00
<div class="absolute flex flex-row items-center justify-center gap-1 transition-all" :class="isFetchingSeasons ? 'opacity-100' : 'opacity-0'">
<Icon name="mdi:loading" class="h-6 w-6 animate-spin" />
<div class="text-xl">Loading</div>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { searchADN } from '~/components/ADN/ListAnimes'
import { searchCrunchy } from '~/components/Crunchyroll/ListAnimes'
import { listEpisodeCrunchy } from '~/components/Crunchyroll/ListEpisodes'
import { listSeasonCrunchy } from '~/components/Crunchyroll/ListSeasons'
import type { CrunchyEpisode, CrunchyEpisodes } from '~/components/Episode/Types'
import type { ADNSearchResult, ADNSearchResults, CrunchyrollSearchResult, CrunchyrollSearchResults } from '~/components/Search/Types'
import type { CrunchySeason, CrunchySeasons } from '~/components/Season/Types'
let timeoutId: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> | null = null
const locales = ref<Array<{ locale: string; name: string }>>([
{ locale: 'ja-JP', name: 'JP' },
{ locale: 'de-DE', name: 'DE' },
{ locale: 'hi-IN', name: 'HI' },
{ locale: 'ru-RU', name: 'RU' },
{ locale: 'en-US', name: 'EN' },
{ locale: 'fr-FR', name: 'FR' },
{ locale: 'pt-BR', name: 'PT' },
{ locale: 'es-419', name: 'LA-ES' },
{ locale: 'en-IN', name: 'EN-IN' },
{ locale: 'it-IT', name: 'IT' },
{ locale: 'es-ES', name: 'ES' },
{ locale: 'ta-IN', name: 'TA' },
{ locale: 'te-IN', name: 'TE' },
{ locale: 'ar-SA', name: 'AR' },
{ locale: 'ms-MY', name: 'MS' },
{ locale: 'th-TH', name: 'TH' },
{ locale: 'vi-VN', name: 'VI' },
{ locale: 'id-ID', name: 'ID' },
{ locale: 'ko-KR', name: 'KO' }
const selectDub = ref<boolean>(false)
const selectedDubs = ref<Array<{ name: string | undefined; locale: string }>>([{ locale: 'ja-JP', name: 'JP' }])
const selectSub = ref<boolean>(false)
const selectedSubs = ref<Array<{ name: string | undefined; locale: string }>>([{ locale: 'en-US', name: 'EN' }])
const tab = ref<number>(1)
const search = ref<string>('')
const searchActive = ref<boolean>(false)
const crunchySearchResults = ref<CrunchyrollSearchResults>()
const adnSearchResults = ref<ADNSearchResults>()
const CRselectedShow = ref<CrunchyrollSearchResult>()
const ADNselectedShow = ref<ADNSearchResult>()
const url = ref<string>('')
const path = ref<string>()
const service = ref<'adn' | 'crunchyroll'>('crunchyroll')
const seasons = ref<CrunchySeasons>()
const episodes = ref<CrunchyEpisodes>()
const selectedSeason = ref<CrunchySeason>()
const selectedStartEpisode = ref<CrunchyEpisode>()
const selectedEndEpisode = ref<CrunchyEpisode>()
const hardsub = ref<boolean>(false)
2024-04-16 20:20:30 +02:00
const isFetchingSeasons = ref<number>(0)
const isFetchingEpisodes = ref<number>(0)
const isFetchingResults = ref<number>(0)
const fetchSearch = async () => {
if (!search.value || search.value.length === 0) {
adnSearchResults.value = []
crunchySearchResults.value = []
searchActive.value = false
if (service.value === 'adn') {
adnSearchResults.value = await searchADN(search.value)
if (service.value === 'crunchyroll') {
crunchySearchResults.value = await searchCrunchy(search.value)
searchActive.value = true
const debounceFetchSearch = () => {
if (timeoutId) {
timeoutId = setTimeout(fetchSearch, 500)
const handleInputChange = () => {
if (process.client) {
;(window as any).myAPI.getFolder().then((result: any) => {
path.value = result
const getFolderPath = () => {
if (process.client) {
;(window as any).myAPI.selectFolder().then((result: any) => {
path.value = result
const selectShow = async (show: any) => {
if (service.value === 'adn') {
ADNselectedShow.value = show
url.value = show.url
if (service.value === 'crunchyroll') {
CRselectedShow.value = show
url.value = show.Url
search.value = ''
crunchySearchResults.value = []
adnSearchResults.value = []
searchActive.value = false
watch(selectedSeason, () => {
watch(selectedStartEpisode, () => {
if (!selectedEndEpisode.value) return
if (!episodes.value) return
const indexA = episodes.value.findIndex((i) => i === selectedStartEpisode.value)
const indexE = episodes.value.findIndex((i) => i === selectedEndEpisode.value)
if (indexA > indexE) {
selectedEndEpisode.value = episodes.value[indexA]
const refetchEpisodes = async () => {
if (!selectedSeason.value) {
episodes.value = await listEpisodeCrunchy(
if (episodes.value) {
selectedStartEpisode.value = episodes.value[0]
selectedEndEpisode.value = episodes.value[0]
const switchToSeason = async () => {
if (!ADNselectedShow.value && !CRselectedShow.value) {
if (CRselectedShow.value) {
seasons.value = await listSeasonCrunchy(CRselectedShow.value.ID)
if (!seasons.value) {
selectedSeason.value = seasons.value[0]
episodes.value = await listEpisodeCrunchy(
if (episodes.value) {
selectedStartEpisode.value = episodes.value[0]
selectedEndEpisode.value = episodes.value[0]
tab.value = 2
selectedDubs.value = [{ locale: 'ja-JP', name: 'JP' }],
selectedSubs.value = [{ locale: 'en-US', name: 'EN' }],
const toggleDub = (lang: { name: string | undefined; locale: string }) => {
const index = selectedDubs.value.findIndex((i) => i.locale === lang.locale)
if (index !== -1) {
if (selectedDubs.value.length !== 1) {
selectedDubs.value.splice(index, 1)
if (index === -1) {
const toggleSub = (lang: { name: string | undefined; locale: string }) => {
const index = selectedSubs.value.findIndex((i) => i.locale === lang.locale)
if (index !== -1) {
if (selectedSubs.value.length !== 1) {
selectedSubs.value.splice(index, 1)
if (index === -1) {
const addToPlaylist = async () => {
const data = {
episodes: [selectedStartEpisode.value],
dubs: selectedDubs.value,
subs: selectedSubs.value,
dir: path.value,
hardsub: hardsub.value
2024-04-16 20:20:30 +02:00
const { error } = await useFetch('http://localhost:8080/api/crunchyroll/playlist', {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(data)
if (error.value) {