<template> <div class="flex flex-col gap-3 mt-3 font-dm" style="-webkit-app-region: no-drag"> <div class="flex flex-col items-center p-3 bg-[#11111189] rounded-xl select-none"> <div class="text-sm mb-2">L3 Keys</div> <input @click="getFilePathL3Blob()" v-model="pathL3Blob" type="text" name="text" placeholder="Click to select device_client_id_blob" class="bg-[#5c5b5b] w-full focus:outline-none px-3 py-2 rounded-xl text-sm text-center cursor-pointer" readonly /> <input @click="getFilePathL3Key()" v-model="pathL3Key" type="text" name="text" placeholder="Click to select device_private_key" class="bg-[#5c5b5b] w-full focus:outline-none px-3 py-2 rounded-xl text-sm text-center cursor-pointer mt-2" readonly /> </div> <!-- <div class="flex flex-col items-center p-3 bg-[#11111189] rounded-xl select-none"> <div class="text-sm mb-2">L1 Keys</div> <input @click="getFilePathL1Blob()" v-model="pathL1Blob" type="text" name="text" placeholder="Click to select device_client_id_blob" class="bg-[#5c5b5b] w-full focus:outline-none px-3 py-2 rounded-xl text-sm text-center cursor-pointer" readonly /> <input @click="getFilePathL1Key()" v-model="pathL1Key" type="text" name="text" placeholder="Click to select device_private_key" class="bg-[#5c5b5b] w-full focus:outline-none px-3 py-2 rounded-xl text-sm text-center cursor-pointer mt-2" readonly /> </div> --> </div> </template> <script lang="ts" setup> const pathL3Blob = ref<string>() const pathL3Key = ref<string>() const pathL1Blob = ref<string>() const pathL1Key = ref<string>() const getFilePathL3Blob = () => { if (process.client) { ;(window as any).myAPI.selectFile('l3blob').then((result: string) => { pathL3Blob.value = result }) } } const getFilePathL3Key = () => { if (process.client) { ;(window as any).myAPI.selectFile('l3key').then((result: string) => { pathL3Key.value = result }) } } const getFilePathL1Blob = () => { if (process.client) { ;(window as any).myAPI.selectFile('l1blob').then((result: string) => { pathL1Blob.value = result }) } } const getFilePathL1Key = () => { if (process.client) { ;(window as any).myAPI.selectFile('l1key').then((result: string) => { pathL1Key.value = result }) } } onMounted(() => { ;(window as any).myAPI.getFile('l3blob').then((result: any) => { pathL3Blob.value = result }) ;(window as any).myAPI.getFile('l3key').then((result: any) => { pathL3Key.value = result }) ;(window as any).myAPI.getFile('l1blob').then((result: any) => { pathL1Blob.value = result }) ;(window as any).myAPI.getFile('l1key').then((result: any) => { pathL1Key.value = result }) }) </script> <style></style>