Removed because macos vms are pricey and needed for building
Crunchyroll Downloader
Important: At the moment its only possible to download with L3 Widevine keys since Crunchyroll added drm to the switch endpoint
Guide to get L3 Widevine keys: https://forum.videohelp.com/threads/408031-Dumping-Your-own-L3-CDM-with-Android-Studio
Add the keys you get here:
A simple tool for downloading videos from Crunchyroll and ADN.
Supported Platforms
- Windows
- Linux
Getting Started on Windows
Step 1: Download the latest windows installer here.
Step 2: Run the installer. The app starts automatically after install and creates a desktop shortcut.
Thats it! Now you can start download!
Getting Started on Linux
Step 1: Download one of the latest linux builds here.
Step 2 for .AppImage: Just run it, the downloader will appear!
Step 2 for .deb: Run the .deb file with your package manager and install it!
Thats it! Now you can start download!
Login Proxies
Since v1.1.3 the downloader uses proxies to log in to crunchyroll, the reason for this is that a lot of content is now geoblocked.
The servers are secure and hosted by big hosters like hetzner and ovh, also no login data is logged.
To deactivate it you just have to go to settings -> proxy and uncheck login proxy.