2020-06-26 19:07:55 +02:00
Imports System . Net
Imports System . Text
Imports System . IO
Imports Microsoft . Win32
Imports System . ComponentModel
Public Class CRD_List_Item
Dim ZeitGesamtInteger As Integer = 0
Dim ListOfStreams As New List ( Of String )
2020-07-23 14:46:02 +02:00
Dim proc As Process
Dim Canceld As Boolean = False
2020-06-26 19:07:55 +02:00
2020-07-23 14:46:02 +02:00
Dim Label_website_Text As String = Nothing
2020-06-26 19:07:55 +02:00
Dim StatusRunning As Boolean = True
Dim UsedMap As String = Nothing
Dim ffmpeg_command As String = Nothing
Dim Debug2 As Boolean = False
Dim MergeSubstoMP4 As Boolean = False
Dim SaveLog As Boolean = False
Dim DownloadPfad As String = Nothing
2020-07-05 14:06:15 +02:00
Dim ToDispose As Boolean = False
Dim HistoryDL_URL As String
Dim HistoryDL_Pfad As String
Dim HistoryFilename As String
Dim Retry As Boolean = False
#Region "Remove from list"
Public Sub DisposeItem ( ByVal Dispose As Boolean )
If Dispose = True Then
Me . Dispose ( )
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetToDispose ( ) As Boolean
Return ToDispose
End Function
#End Region
2020-06-26 19:07:55 +02:00
#Region "Set UI"
Public Sub SetLabelWebsite ( ByVal Text As String )
Label_website . Text = Text
2020-07-23 14:46:02 +02:00
Label_website_Text = Text
2020-06-26 19:07:55 +02:00
End Sub
Public Sub SetLabelAnimeTitel ( ByVal Text As String )
Label_Anime . Text = Text
End Sub
Public Sub SetLabelResolution ( ByVal Text As String )
Label_Reso . Text = Text
End Sub
Public Sub SetLabelHardsub ( ByVal Text As String )
Label_Hardsub . Text = Text
End Sub
Public Sub SetLabelPercent ( ByVal Text As String )
Label_percent . Text = Text
End Sub
Public Sub SetThumbnailImage ( ByVal Thumbnail As Image )
PB_Thumbnail . BackgroundImage = Thumbnail
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Get Variables"
Public Function GetPauseStatus ( ) As Boolean
Return StatusRunning
End Function
Public Function GetIsStatusFinished ( ) As Boolean
If proc . HasExited = True Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
#End Region
#Region "Set Variables"
Public Sub SetUsedMap ( ByVal Value As String )
UsedMap = Value
End Sub
Public Sub Setffmpeg_command ( ByVal Value As String )
ffmpeg_command = Value
End Sub
Public Sub SetMergeSubstoMP4 ( ByVal Value As Boolean )
MergeSubstoMP4 = Value
End Sub
Public Sub SetDebug2 ( ByVal Value As Boolean )
Debug2 = Value
End Sub
Public Sub SetSaveLog ( ByVal Value As Boolean )
SaveLog = Value
End Sub
#End Region
Public Sub KillRunningTask ( )
proc . Kill ( )
proc . WaitForExit ( 500 )
Label_percent . Text = " canceled -% "
End Sub
Private Sub bt_del_MouseEnter ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles bt_del . MouseEnter
Dim p As PictureBox = sender
p . BackgroundImage = My . Resources . main_del_hover
End Sub
Private Sub bt_del_MouseLeave ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles bt_del . MouseLeave
Dim p As PictureBox = sender
p . BackgroundImage = My . Resources . main_del
End Sub
Private Sub bt_pause_MouseEnter ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles bt_pause . MouseEnter
Dim p As PictureBox = sender
If StatusRunning = True Then
p . BackgroundImage = My . Resources . main_pause_hover
p . BackgroundImage = My . Resources . main_pause_play_hover
End If
End Sub
Private Sub bt_pause_MouseLeave ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles bt_pause . MouseLeave
Dim p As PictureBox = sender
If StatusRunning = True Then
p . BackgroundImage = My . Resources . main_pause
p . BackgroundImage = My . Resources . main_pause_play
End If
End Sub
Private Sub bt_pause_Click ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles bt_pause . Click
2020-07-05 14:06:15 +02:00
If proc . HasExited = True Then
If ProgressBar1 . Value < 100 Then
2020-07-23 14:46:02 +02:00
MsgBox ( " The download process seems to have crashed " , MsgBoxStyle . Exclamation )
2020-07-05 14:06:15 +02:00
Label_percent . Text = " Press the play button again to retry. "
ProgressBar1 . Value = 100
Retry = True
StatusRunning = False
ElseIf Retry = True Then
If Main . RunningDownloads < Main . MaxDL Then
If MessageBox . Show ( " You have currtenly on your set Download limit. " + vbNewLine + " You can Press OK to ignore it. " , " Download maximum reached " , MessageBoxButtons . OKCancel ) = DialogResult . Cancel Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If My . Computer . FileSystem . FileExists ( HistoryDL_Pfad . Replace ( Chr ( 34 ) , " " ) ) Then 'Pfad = Kompeltter Pfad mit Dateinamen + ENdung
My . Computer . FileSystem . DeleteFile ( HistoryDL_Pfad . Replace ( Chr ( 34 ) , " " ) )
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
DownloadFFMPEG ( HistoryDL_URL , HistoryDL_Pfad , HistoryFilename )
StatusRunning = True
2020-07-23 14:46:02 +02:00
Label_website . Text = Label_website_Text
2020-07-05 14:06:15 +02:00
End If
Exit Sub
End If
2020-06-26 19:07:55 +02:00
If StatusRunning = True Then
StatusRunning = False
bt_pause . BackgroundImage = My . Resources . main_pause_play
SuspendProcess ( proc )
StatusRunning = True
bt_pause . BackgroundImage = My . Resources . main_pause
ResumeProcess ( proc )
End If
End Sub
Public Sub SetToolTip ( ByVal Text As String )
ToolTip1 . SetToolTip ( Me , Text )
End Sub
Private Sub Item_Load ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles MyBase . Load
2020-07-23 14:46:02 +02:00
Timer1 . Enabled = True
2020-06-26 19:07:55 +02:00
Dim locationY As Integer = 0
bt_del . SetBounds ( 775 , locationY + 10 , 35 , 29 )
bt_pause . SetBounds ( 740 , locationY + 15 , 25 , 20 )
PB_Thumbnail . SetBounds ( 11 , 20 , 168 , 95 )
PB_Thumbnail . BringToFront ( )
Label_website . Location = New Point ( 195 , locationY + 15 )
Label_Anime . Location = New Point ( 195 , locationY + 42 )
Label_Reso . Location = New Point ( 195 , locationY + 101 )
Label_Hardsub . Location = New Point ( 300 , locationY + 101 )
2020-07-23 14:46:02 +02:00
Label_percent . SetBounds ( 455 , locationY + 101 , 355 , 19 )
2020-06-26 19:07:55 +02:00
Label_percent . AutoSize = False
ProgressBar1 . SetBounds ( 195 , locationY + 70 , 601 , 20 )
End Sub
Public Function GetTextBound ( )
Return Label_website . Location . Y
End Function
Public Sub SetLocations ( ByVal locationY As Integer )
bt_del . SetBounds ( 775 , locationY + 10 , 35 , 29 )
bt_pause . SetBounds ( 740 , locationY + 15 , 25 , 20 )
PB_Thumbnail . SetBounds ( 11 , locationY + 20 , 168 , 95 )
PB_Thumbnail . BringToFront ( )
Label_website . Location = New Point ( 195 , locationY + 15 )
Label_Anime . Location = New Point ( 195 , locationY + 42 )
Label_Reso . Location = New Point ( 195 , locationY + 101 )
Label_Hardsub . Location = New Point ( 300 , locationY + 101 )
2020-07-23 14:46:02 +02:00
Label_percent . SetBounds ( 455 , locationY + 101 , 355 , 19 )
2020-06-26 19:07:55 +02:00
Label_percent . AutoSize = False
ProgressBar1 . SetBounds ( 195 , locationY + 70 , 601 , 20 )
End Sub
#Region "Download + Update UI"
Public Function DownloadFFMPEG ( ByVal DL_URL As String , ByVal DL_Pfad As String , ByVal Filename As String ) As String
DownloadPfad = DL_Pfad
2020-07-05 14:06:15 +02:00
HistoryDL_URL = DL_URL
HistoryDL_Pfad = DL_Pfad
HistoryFilename = Filename
2020-06-26 19:07:55 +02:00
Dim exepath As String = Application . StartupPath + " \ffmpeg.exe "
Dim startinfo As New System . Diagnostics . ProcessStartInfo
'Dim cmd As String = "-i " + Chr(34) + URL_DL + Chr(34) + " -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc " + Pfad_DL 'start ffmpeg with command strFFCMD string
Dim cmd As String = " -i " + Chr ( 34 ) + DL_URL + Chr ( 34 ) + " " + ffmpeg_command + " " + DL_Pfad 'start ffmpeg with command strFFCMD string
If MergeSubstoMP4 = True Then
If CBool ( InStr ( DL_URL , " -i " + Chr ( 34 ) ) ) = True Then
cmd = DL_URL + " " + DL_Pfad
End If
End If
If UsedMap = Nothing Then
cmd = " -i " + Chr ( 34 ) + DL_URL + Chr ( 34 ) + " -map 0:a " + " -map " + UsedMap + " " + ffmpeg_command + " " + DL_Pfad
UsedMap = Nothing
End If
If Debug2 = True Then
MsgBox ( cmd )
End If
'all parameters required to run the process
startinfo . FileName = exepath
startinfo . Arguments = cmd
startinfo . UseShellExecute = False
startinfo . WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle . Normal
startinfo . RedirectStandardError = True
startinfo . RedirectStandardInput = True
startinfo . RedirectStandardOutput = True
startinfo . CreateNoWindow = True
2020-07-23 14:46:02 +02:00
proc = New Process
2020-06-26 19:07:55 +02:00
AddHandler proc . ErrorDataReceived , AddressOf TestOutput
AddHandler proc . OutputDataReceived , AddressOf TestOutput
proc . StartInfo = startinfo
proc . Start ( ) ' start the process
proc . BeginOutputReadLine ( )
proc . BeginErrorReadLine ( )
Return Nothing
End Function
Sub TestOutput ( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As DataReceivedEventArgs )
Dim logfile As String = DownloadPfad . Replace ( " .mp4 " , " .log " ) . Replace ( Chr ( 34 ) , " " )
If SaveLog = True Then
If File . Exists ( logfile ) Then
Using sw As StreamWriter = File . AppendText ( logfile )
sw . Write ( vbNewLine )
sw . Write ( Date . Now + e . Data )
End Using
File . WriteAllText ( logfile , Date . Now + " " + e . Data )
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
#Region "Detect Auto resolution"
If MergeSubstoMP4 = False Then
If CBool ( InStr ( e . Data , " Stream # " ) ) And CBool ( InStr ( e . Data , " Video " ) ) = True Then
'MsgBox(True.ToString + vbNewLine + e.Data)
'MsgBox(InStr(e.Data, "Stream #").ToString + vbNewLine + InStr(e.Data, "Video").ToString)
'MsgBox("with CBool" + vbNewLine + CBool(InStr(e.Data, "Stream #")).ToString + vbNewLine + CBool(InStr(e.Data, "Video")).ToString)
ListOfStreams . Add ( e . Data )
End If
If InStr ( e . Data , " Stream # " ) And InStr ( e . Data , " -> " ) Then
Dim StreamSearch ( ) As String = e . Data . Split ( New String ( ) { " -> " } , System . StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries )
Dim StreamSearch2 As String = StreamSearch ( 0 ) + " : "
For i As Integer = 0 To ListOfStreams . Count - 1
If CBool ( InStr ( ListOfStreams ( i ) , StreamSearch2 ) ) Then 'And CBool(InStr(ListOfStreams(i), " Video:")) Then
Dim ResoSearch ( ) As String = ListOfStreams ( i ) . Split ( New String ( ) { " x " } , System . StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries )
If CBool ( InStr ( ResoSearch ( 2 ) , " [ " ) ) = True Then
Dim ResoSearch2 ( ) As String = ResoSearch ( 2 ) . Split ( New String ( ) { " [ " } , System . StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries )
Me . Invoke ( New Action ( Function ( )
Label_Reso . Text = ResoSearch2 ( 0 ) + " p "
Return Nothing
End Function ) )
End If
End If
End If
End If
#End Region
If InStr ( e . Data , " Duration: N/A, bitrate: N/A " ) Then
ElseIf InStr ( e . Data , " Duration: " ) Then
Dim ZeitGesamt As String ( ) = e . Data . Split ( New String ( ) { " Duration: " } , System . StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries )
Dim ZeitGesamt2 As String ( ) = ZeitGesamt ( 1 ) . Split ( New [ Char ] ( ) { System . Convert . ToChar ( " . " ) } )
Dim ZeitGesamtSplit ( ) As String = ZeitGesamt2 ( 0 ) . Split ( New [ Char ] ( ) { System . Convert . ToChar ( " : " ) } )
ZeitGesamtInteger = CInt ( ZeitGesamtSplit ( 0 ) ) * 3600 + CInt ( ZeitGesamtSplit ( 1 ) ) * 60 + CInt ( ZeitGesamtSplit ( 2 ) )
ElseIf InStr ( e . Data , " time= " ) Then
Dim ZeitFertig As String ( ) = e . Data . Split ( New String ( ) { " time= " } , System . StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries )
Dim ZeitFertig2 As String ( ) = ZeitFertig ( 1 ) . Split ( New [ Char ] ( ) { System . Convert . ToChar ( " . " ) } )
Dim ZeitFertigSplit ( ) As String = ZeitFertig2 ( 0 ) . Split ( New [ Char ] ( ) { System . Convert . ToChar ( " : " ) } )
Dim ZeitFertigInteger As Integer = CInt ( ZeitFertigSplit ( 0 ) ) * 3600 + CInt ( ZeitFertigSplit ( 1 ) ) * 60 + CInt ( ZeitFertigSplit ( 2 ) )
Dim bitrate3 As String = 0
If InStr ( e . Data , " bitrate= " ) Then
Dim bitrate As String ( ) = e . Data . Split ( New String ( ) { " bitrate= " } , System . StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries )
Dim bitrate2 As String ( ) = bitrate ( 1 ) . Split ( New String ( ) { " kbits/s " } , System . StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries )
If InStr ( bitrate2 ( 0 ) , " . " ) Then
Dim bitrateTemo As String ( ) = bitrate2 ( 0 ) . Split ( New String ( ) { " . " } , System . StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries )
bitrate3 = bitrateTemo ( 0 )
ElseIf InStr ( bitrate2 ( 0 ) , " , " ) Then
Dim bitrateTemo As String ( ) = bitrate2 ( 0 ) . Split ( New String ( ) { " , " } , System . StringSplitOptions . RemoveEmptyEntries )
bitrate3 = bitrateTemo ( 0 )
End If
End If
Dim bitrateInt As Double = CInt ( bitrate3 ) / 1024
Dim FileSize As Double = ZeitGesamtInteger * bitrateInt / 8
Dim DownloadFinished As Double = ZeitFertigInteger * bitrateInt / 8
Dim percent As Integer = ZeitFertigInteger / ZeitGesamtInteger * 100
Me . Invoke ( New Action ( Function ( )
ProgressBar1 . Value = percent
Label_percent . Text = Math . Round ( DownloadFinished , 2 , MidpointRounding . AwayFromZero ) . ToString + " MB/ " + Math . Round ( FileSize , 2 , MidpointRounding . AwayFromZero ) . ToString + " MB " + percent . ToString + " % "
Return Nothing
End Function ) )
End If
End Sub
#Region "Manga DL"
Public Sub DownloadMangaPages ( ByVal Pfad As String , ByVal BaseURL As String , ByVal SiteList As List ( Of String ) , ByVal FolderName As String )
Dim Pfad_DL As String = Pfad + " \ " + FolderName
If Debug2 = True Then
MsgBox ( BaseURL + SiteList ( 0 ) )
End If
Directory . CreateDirectory ( Pfad_DL )
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
For i As Integer = 0 To SiteList . Count - 1
'MsgBox(BaseURL + SiteList(i) + vbNewLine + Pfad_DL + "\" + SiteList(i))
Dim iWert As Integer = i
Using client As New WebClient ( )
client . Headers . Add ( " User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0 " )
client . DownloadFile ( BaseURL + SiteList ( i ) , Pfad_DL + " \ " + SiteList ( i ) )
Pause ( 1 )
End Using
Me . Invoke ( New Action ( Function ( )
iWert = iWert + 1
Dim Prozent As Integer = iWert / SiteList . Count * 100
Label_percent . Text = iWert . ToString + " / " + SiteList . Count . ToString + " " + Prozent . ToString + " % "
ProgressBar1 . Value = Prozent
Return Nothing
End Function ) )
End Sub
#End Region
Private Sub bt_del_Click ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles bt_del . Click
If proc . HasExited Then
2020-07-05 14:06:15 +02:00
If MessageBox . Show ( " The Download is not running anymore, press ok to remove it from the list. " , " Remove from list! " , MessageBoxButtons . OKCancel ) = DialogResult . Cancel Then
Exit Sub
End If
ToDispose = True
2020-06-26 19:07:55 +02:00
2020-07-05 14:06:15 +02:00
If MessageBox . Show ( " Are you sure you want to cancel the Download? " , " Cancel Download! " , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) = DialogResult . No Then
Exit Sub
End If
2020-07-23 14:46:02 +02:00
Canceld = True
2020-06-26 19:07:55 +02:00
KillRunningTask ( )
End If
End Sub
#End Region
Private Sub SuspendProcess ( ByVal process As System . Diagnostics . Process )
For Each t As ProcessThread In process . Threads
Dim th As IntPtr
th = OpenThread ( ThreadAccess . SUSPEND_RESUME , False , t . Id )
If th <> IntPtr . Zero Then
SuspendThread ( th )
CloseHandle ( th )
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ResumeProcess ( ByVal process As System . Diagnostics . Process )
For Each t As ProcessThread In process . Threads
Dim th As IntPtr
th = OpenThread ( ThreadAccess . SUSPEND_RESUME , False , t . Id )
If th <> IntPtr . Zero Then
ResumeThread ( th )
CloseHandle ( th )
End If
End Sub
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Private Sub Timer1_Tick ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles Timer1 . Tick
If proc . HasExited = True Then
If ProgressBar1 . Value < 100 Then
If Canceld = False Then
Label_website . Text = " The download process seems to have crashed "
Label_percent . Text = " Press the play button again to retry. "
ProgressBar1 . Value = 100
Retry = True
StatusRunning = False
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
2020-06-26 19:07:55 +02:00
End Class