mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 18:22:36 +01:00
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Crunchyroll Downloader/Anime_Add.Designer.vb
Crunchyroll Downloader/Anime_Add.Designer.vb
@ -273,9 +273,9 @@ Partial Class Anime_Add
Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(630, 275)
Me.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None
Me.Name = "Anime_Add"
Me.Text = "Add"
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Imports System.IO
Public Class Anime_Add
Public Mass_DL_Cancel As Boolean = False
Public List_DL_Cancel As Boolean = False
Private Sub ComboBox2_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ComboBox2.SelectedIndexChanged
If ComboBox2.Text = Main.SubFolder_Nothing Then
@ -24,6 +25,14 @@ Public Class Anime_Add
Private Sub Anime_Add_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.Icon = My.Resources.icon
For i As Integer = 0 To Main.ListBoxList.Count - 1
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Main.waveOutSetVolume(0, 0)
Catch ex As Exception
@ -171,12 +180,19 @@ Public Class Anime_Add
End Sub
Private Sub PictureBox3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pictureBox3.Click
If ListBox1.Items.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PictureBox4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pictureBox4.Click
'pictureBox4.Enabled = False
Main.LoginOnly = "Download Mode!"
If groupBox1.Visible = True Then
If CBool(InStr(textBox1.Text, "crunchyroll.com")) Then
@ -271,7 +287,10 @@ Public Class Anime_Add
List_DL_Cancel = False
pictureBox4.Image = My.Resources.main_button_download_default
End If
If InStr(My.Computer.Info.OSFullName, "Server") Then
MsgBox("Windows Server is not supported!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
pictureBox4.Enabled = True
End Sub
@ -371,10 +390,6 @@ Public Class Anime_Add
#Region "Listbox"
Private Sub ListBox1_DoubleClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
End Sub
Private Sub Timer2_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
If GroupBox3.Visible = True Then
If ListBox1.Items.Count = 0 Then
@ -420,6 +435,11 @@ Public Class Anime_Add
End Sub
Private Sub ListBox1_DoubleClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.DoubleClick
End Sub
#End Region
Crunchyroll Downloader/GeckoFX.Designer.vb
Crunchyroll Downloader/GeckoFX.Designer.vb
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Partial Class GeckoFX
Me.Button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(187, 2)
Me.Button1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(187, 1)
Me.Button1.Name = "Button1"
Me.Button1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(96, 26)
Me.Button1.TabIndex = 2
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Partial Class GeckoFX
Me.Button2.Enabled = False
Me.Button2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(3, 2)
Me.Button2.Name = "Button2"
Me.Button2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(181, 26)
Me.Button2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(178, 26)
Me.Button2.TabIndex = 3
Me.Button2.Text = "Start network scan"
Me.Button2.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.WebUtility
Imports System.IO.Compression
Imports System.Text
Public Class GeckoFX
Public keks As String = Nothing
@ -14,12 +15,36 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
Dim t As Thread
Dim ScanTrue As Boolean = False
Private Sub GeckoWebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
If InStr(My.Computer.Info.OSFullName, "Server") Then
MsgBox("Windows Server is not supported!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
If ScanTrue = False Then
Button2.Enabled = True
End If
If Main.LoginOnly = "US_UnBlock" Then
Main.LoginOnly = "US_UnBlocck_Wait2nd"
Main.LoginOnly = "US_UnBlock_Wait"
If CBool(InStr(WebBrowser1.Document.Body.OuterHtml, "waiting for reCAPTCHA . . .")) Then
Main.LoginOnly = "US_UnBlock"
Dim cookieGrapp As String = WebBrowser1.Document.Body.OuterHtml '.Replace(vbTab, "").Replace(" ", "")
If Main.Debug2 = True Then
End If
Dim cookieGrapp2() As String = cookieGrapp.Split(New String() {"<a class=" + Chr(34) + "cookie" + Chr(34) + ">"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim cookieGrapp3() As String = cookieGrapp2(1).Split(New String() {"</a>"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
keks = cookieGrapp3(0)
If Main.Debug2 = True Then
End If
WebBrowser1.Document.Cookie = Nothing
WebBrowser1.Navigate("javascript:document.cookie =" + Chr(34) + "session_id=" + keks + "; expires=Thu, 05 Jan 2021 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;" + Chr(34) + ";")
WebBrowser1.Navigate("javascript:document.cookie = " + Chr(34) + "sess_id=" + keks + "; expires=Thu, 05 Jan 2021 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;" + Chr(34) + ";")
@ -27,23 +52,8 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
WebBrowser1.Navigate("javascript:document.cookie = " + Chr(34) + "c_locale=enUS; expires=Thu, 05 Jan 2021 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;" + Chr(34) + ";")
Main.LoginOnly = "US_UnBlock_Check"
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
ElseIf Main.LoginOnly = "US_UnBlock_Wait" Then
Main.LoginOnly = "US_UnBlocck_Wait2nd"
Main.LoginOnly = "US_UnBlock_Check"
ElseIf Main.LoginOnly = "US_UnBlock_Check" Then
Main.LoginOnly = "false"
If CBool(InStr(WebBrowser1.Document.Body.OuterHtml, "Your detected location is United States of America.")) Then
MsgBox("unlock successful", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
MsgBox("unlock failes", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
End If
@ -127,7 +137,7 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
Main.LabelUpdate = "Status: idle"
End Try
ElseIf main.c = False Then
ElseIf Main.c = False Then
If CBool(InStr(WebBrowser1.Document.Body.OuterHtml, "hardsub_lang")) Then
Main.c = True
Main.WebbrowserURL = WebBrowser1.Url.ToString
@ -176,7 +186,7 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
While (line IsNot Nothing)
line = logFileReader.ReadLine
If InStr(line, ".m3u8?") Then
If InStr(line, ".m3u8") Then 'm3u8?
If HTMLString = Nothing Then
HTMLString = line
@ -188,12 +198,13 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
HTMLString = HTMLString + vbNewLine + line
End If
End If
End While
If InStr(HTMLString, ".m3u8?") Then
If InStr(HTMLString, ".m3u8") Then 'm3u8?
Anime_Add.StatusLabel.Text = "Status: m3u8 found, trying to start the download"
Main.LoggingBrowser = False
GeckoPreferences.Default("logging.config.LOG_FILE") = "log.txt"
@ -201,7 +212,7 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
Dim URL As String = Nothing
Dim HTMLSplit() As String = HTMLString.Split(New String() {vbNewLine}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
For i As Integer = 0 To HTMLSplit.Count - 1
If InStr(HTMLSplit(i), ".m3u8?") Then
If InStr(HTMLSplit(i), ".m3u8") Then 'm3u8?
Dim URLPart2() As String = HTMLSplit(i).Split(New String() {" GET "}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim URLPart2Split2() As String = URLPart2(1).Split(New String() {" HTTP/"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim URLPart1() As String = HTMLSplit(i + 1).Split(New String() {" Host: "}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
@ -224,7 +235,7 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
If CBool(InStr(WebBrowser1.Document.Body.OuterHtml, ".m3u8")) Then
#Region "m3u8 suche"
Main.WebbrowserText = UrlDecode(WebBrowser1.Document.Body.OuterHtml)
If InStr(Main.WebbrowserText, ".m3u8?") Then
If InStr(Main.WebbrowserText, ".m3u8") Then 'm3u8?
Anime_Add.StatusLabel.Text = "Status: no m3u8 found"
Main.UserBowser = False
@ -233,12 +244,12 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
End If
Dim ii As Integer = 0
Dim Video_URI_Master As String = Nothing
Dim Video_URI_Master_Split1 As String() = Main.WebbrowserText.Split(New String() {".m3u8?"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim Video_URI_Master_Split1 As String() = Main.WebbrowserText.Split(New String() {".m3u8"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) 'm3u8?
Dim m3u8Link As String = Nothing
For i As Integer = 0 To Video_URI_Master_Split1.Count - 2
Dim Video_URI_Master_Split_Top As String() = Video_URI_Master_Split1(i).Split(New String() {Chr(34)}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim Video_URI_Master_Split_Bottom As String() = Video_URI_Master_Split1(i + 1).Split(New String() {Chr(34)}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
m3u8Link = Video_URI_Master_Split_Top(Video_URI_Master_Split_Top.Count - 1) + ".m3u8?" + Video_URI_Master_Split_Bottom(0)
m3u8Link = Video_URI_Master_Split_Top(Video_URI_Master_Split_Top.Count - 1) + ".m3u8" + Video_URI_Master_Split_Bottom(0) 'm3u8?
Exit For
m3u8Link = m3u8Link.Replace("&", "&").Replace("/u0026", "&").Replace("\u002F", "/")
@ -359,6 +370,7 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
MsgBox("copied: " + Chr(34) + WebBrowser1.Url.ToString + Chr(34))
@ -431,6 +443,9 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
End If
AsyncWorkerX.RunAsync(AddressOf Main.DownloadMangaPages, BaseURL3, ImageList, Main.RemoveExtraSpaces(NameDLFinal))
ElseIf InStr(WebBrowser1.Url.ToString, "cr-cookie-ui.php") Then
@ -439,6 +454,7 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
Button2.Enabled = False
ScanTrue = True
GeckoPreferences.Default("logging.config.LOG_FILE") = "log.txt"
GeckoPreferences.Default("logging.nsHttp") = 3
Main.LoggingBrowser = True
@ -478,7 +494,7 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
While (line IsNot Nothing)
line = logFileReader.ReadLine
If InStr(line, ".m3u8?") Then
If InStr(line, ".m3u8") Then 'm3u8?
Dim Temp_String As String = Nothing
Temp_String = line
If HTMLString = Nothing Then
@ -502,6 +518,15 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
Main.txtList.Add(Temp_String + vbNewLine + line)
End If
ElseIf InStr(line, ".vtt") Then
Dim Temp_String As String = Nothing
Temp_String = line
For i As Integer = 0 To 10
line = logFileReader.ReadLine
If InStr(line, " Host: ") Then
Main.txtList.Add(Temp_String + vbNewLine + line)
End If
ElseIf InStr(line, ".mpd") Then
Dim Temp_String As String = Nothing
Temp_String = line
@ -516,7 +541,7 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
If InStr(HTMLString, ".m3u8?") Then
If InStr(HTMLString, ".m3u8") Then 'm3u8?
Button2.Text = "found m3u8"
Main.LoggingBrowser = False
GeckoPreferences.Default("logging.config.LOG_FILE") = "log.txt"
@ -524,7 +549,7 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
Dim URL As String = Nothing
Dim HTMLSplit() As String = HTMLString.Split(New String() {vbNewLine}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
For i As Integer = 0 To HTMLSplit.Count - 1
If InStr(HTMLSplit(i), ".m3u8?") Then
If InStr(HTMLSplit(i), ".m3u8") Then 'm3u8?
Dim URLPart2() As String = HTMLSplit(i).Split(New String() {" GET "}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim URLPart2Split2() As String = URLPart2(1).Split(New String() {" HTTP/"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim URLPart1() As String = HTMLSplit(i + 1).Split(New String() {" Host: "}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
@ -566,6 +591,34 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
End If
End If
If Main.txtList.Count > 0 Then 'InStr(HTMLString, ".mpd?") Then
HTMLString = Main.mpdList.Item(0)
'Button2.Text = "found mpd!"
Main.LoggingBrowser = False
GeckoPreferences.Default("logging.config.LOG_FILE") = "log.txt"
GeckoPreferences.Default("logging.nsHttp") = 0
Dim URL As String = Nothing
Dim HTMLSplit() As String = HTMLString.Split(New String() {vbNewLine}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
For i As Integer = 0 To HTMLSplit.Count - 1
If InStr(HTMLSplit(i), ".mpd?") Then
Dim URLPart2() As String = HTMLSplit(i).Split(New String() {" GET "}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim URLPart2Split2() As String = URLPart2(1).Split(New String() {" HTTP/"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim URLPart1() As String = HTMLSplit(i + 1).Split(New String() {" Host: "}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Main.NonCR_URL = "https://" + URLPart1(1) + URLPart2Split2(0)
'RichTextBox1.Text = RichTextBox1.Text + vbNewLine + URL_Final
t = New Thread(AddressOf Main.Grapp_non_CR)
t.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal
t.IsBackground = True
Button2.Text = "Start network scan"
Exit For
End If
End If
ScanTrue = False
Button2.Enabled = True
@ -590,4 +643,6 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
Private Sub WebBrowser1_LostFocus(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.LostFocus
'Debug_Mode.TopMost = False
End Sub
End Class
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Imports System.IO
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class Main
Public ListBoxList As New List(Of String)
Public UseQueue As Boolean = False
Public m3u8List As New List(Of String)
Public txtList As New List(Of String)
@ -147,6 +148,11 @@ Public Class Main
Public Declare Function waveOutSetVolume Lib "winmm.dll" (ByVal uDeviceID As Integer, ByVal dwVolume As Integer) As Integer
Private Sub Form8_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If InStr(My.Computer.Info.OSFullName, "Server") Then
MsgBox("Windows Server is not supported!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
End If
waveOutSetVolume(0, 0)
Dim FileLocation As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(Application.StartupPath)
@ -504,7 +510,8 @@ Public Class Main
For i As Integer = Anime_Add.comboBox3.SelectedIndex To Anime_Add.comboBox4.SelectedIndex
For e As Integer = 0 To Integer.MaxValue
'FontLabel.Visible = True
'FontLabel.Text = PR_List.Count.ToString
If Grapp_RDY = True Then
@ -1053,6 +1060,7 @@ Public Class Main
#End Region
Public Sub GrappURL()
'Throw New System.Exception("Test")
Grapp_RDY = False
@ -1550,6 +1558,23 @@ Public Class Main
Dim pr As Process = sender
Dim FileNameSplit As String() = pr.StartInfo.Arguments.ToString().Split(New String() {Chr(34)}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim FileName As String = Chr(34) + FileNameSplit(FileNameSplit.Count - 1) + Chr(34)
'If CBool(InStr(e.Data, "[Parsed_cropdetect_0")) And CBool(InStr(e.Data, "crop=")) = True Then
' If Debug2 = True Then
' MsgBox(True.ToString)
' End If
' Dim CropSearch() As String = e.Data.Split(New String() {"crop="}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
' Dim CropSearch2 As String = "crop=" + CropSearch(1)
' Dim newProcess As String = pr.StartInfo.Arguments.ToString().Replace("cropdetect=24:16:0", CropSearch2)
' pr.Kill()
' If Debug2 = True Then
' MsgBox(newProcess)
' End If
'End If
If MergeSubstoMP4 = False Then
If CBool(InStr(e.Data, "Stream #")) And CBool(InStr(e.Data, "Video")) = True Then
'MsgBox(True.ToString + vbNewLine + e.Data)
@ -1983,7 +2008,7 @@ Public Class Main
End Sub
Private Sub pictureBox2_DoubleClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pictureBox2.DoubleClick
Private Sub PictureBox2_DoubleClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pictureBox2.DoubleClick
If Debug1 = True Then
If Debug2 = True Then
@ -2046,6 +2071,7 @@ Public Class Main
'End If
For i As Integer = 0 To SiteList.Count - 1
Dim iWert As Integer = i
Using client As New WebClient()
client.DownloadFile(BaseURL + SiteList(i), Pfad_DL + "\" + SiteList(i))
@ -2053,18 +2079,18 @@ Public Class Main
Me.Invoke(New Action(Function()
Dim stringFormat As New StringFormat()
stringFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far
stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
Dim p As PictureBox = PB_list(CurrentIndex)
p.Image = p.BackgroundImage
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(p.Image)
Dim ProgressbarPoint As Point = New Point(195, 70)
Dim WeißeBox As Point = New Point(525, 93)
Dim ProzentText As Point = New Point(795, 113)
Dim Weiß As Brush = New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(242, 242, 242))
g.FillRectangle(Weiß, WeißeBox.X + 1, WeißeBox.Y + 1, 275, 30)
g.DrawString((i + 1).ToString + "/" + SiteList.Count.ToString + " " + Math.Round(i / (SiteList.Count - 1) * 100, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString + "%", FontLabel2.Font, Brushes.Black, ProzentText, stringFormat)
stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
Dim p As PictureBox = PB_list(CurrentIndex)
p.Image = p.BackgroundImage
Dim g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(p.Image)
Dim ProgressbarPoint As Point = New Point(195, 70)
Dim WeißeBox As Point = New Point(525, 93)
Dim ProzentText As Point = New Point(795, 113)
Dim Weiß As Brush = New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(242, 242, 242))
g.FillRectangle(Weiß, WeißeBox.X + 1, WeißeBox.Y + 1, 275, 30)
g.DrawString((iWert + 1).ToString + "/" + SiteList.Count.ToString + " " + Math.Round(iWert / (SiteList.Count - 1) * 100, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString + "%", FontLabel2.Font, Brushes.Black, ProzentText, stringFormat)
Dim brGradient As Brush = New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(247, 140, 37))
g.FillRectangle(brGradient, ProgressbarPoint.X + 1, ProgressbarPoint.Y + 1, CInt((i / (SiteList.Count - 1)) * 600), 19)
g.FillRectangle(brGradient, ProgressbarPoint.X + 1, ProgressbarPoint.Y + 1, CInt((iWert / (SiteList.Count - 1)) * 600), 19)
Return Nothing
End Function))
@ -32,6 +32,6 @@ Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
' übernehmen, indem Sie "*" eingeben:
' <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>
<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("3.2.4")>
<Assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("3.2.4")>
<Assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("")>
<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("3.2.5")>
<Assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("3.2.5")>
<Assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en")>
@ -31,18 +31,18 @@
<!--<supportedOS Id="{e2011457-1546-43c5-a5fe-008deee3d3f0}" />-->
<!-- Windows 7 -->
<!--<supportedOS Id="{35138b9a-5d96-4fbd-8e2d-a2440225f93a}" />-->
<!-- <supportedOS Id="{35138b9a-5d96-4fbd-8e2d-a2440225f93a}" />-->
<!-- Windows 8 -->
<!--<supportedOS Id="{4a2f28e3-53b9-4441-ba9c-d69d4a4a6e38}" />-->
<!-- Windows 8.1 -->
<!--<supportedOS Id="{1f676c76-80e1-4239-95bb-83d0f6d0da78}" />-->
<!-- Windows 10 -->
<!--<supportedOS Id="{8e0f7a12-bfb3-4fe8-b9a5-48fd50a15a9a}" />-->
<!-- Windows 10 -->
<!-- <supportedOS Id="{8e0f7a12-bfb3-4fe8-b9a5-48fd50a15a9a}" />-->
<!-- Gibt an, dass die Anwendung mit DPI-Werten kompatibel ist und von Windows nicht automatisch auf höhere
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
"ExpandedNodes": [
"PreviewInSolutionExplorer": false
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Crunchyroll URL: https://www.crunchyroll.com/de/rwby/episode-45-world-of-remnant-1-dust-658499
subtitle language: enUS
video resolution: 1080
error message: System.Exception: Test
bei Crunchyroll_Downloader.Main.GrappURL() in D:\Projecte\Crunchyroll Downloader - v3.0-final\Crunchyroll-Downloader-v3.0\Crunchyroll Downloader\Main.vb:Zeile 1064.
bei Crunchyroll_Downloader.Main.GrappURL() in D:\Projecte\Crunchyroll Downloader - v3.0-final\Crunchyroll-Downloader-v3.0\Crunchyroll Downloader\Main.vb:Zeile 1064.
softsubs enabled?: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.String]
Crunchyroll Downloader Version: 3.2.4
detected location from Crunchyroll: de
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2"/>
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Crunchyroll Downloader
<member name="T:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources">
Eine stark typisierte Ressourcenklasse zum Suchen von lokalisierten Zeichenfolgen usw.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.ResourceManager">
Gibt die zwischengespeicherte ResourceManager-Instanz zurück, die von dieser Klasse verwendet wird.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.Culture">
Überschreibt die CurrentUICulture-Eigenschaft des aktuellen Threads für alle
Ressourcenzuordnungen, die diese stark typisierte Ressourcenklasse verwenden.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.add_background">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.add_mass_cancel">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.add_mass_cancel_hover">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.add_mass_running_cancel">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.add_mass_running_cancel_hover">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.ads_midroll">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Zeichenfolge, die "type":"midroll" ähnelt.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.ads_preroll">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Zeichenfolge, die {"type":"preroll","offset":0}, ähnelt.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.backgroud">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.balken">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.CC_String">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Zeichenfolge, die <img id="footer_country_flag" src="https://www.crunchyroll.com/i/country_flags/ ähnelt.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.crdSettings_Background">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.crdSettings_Button_SafeExit">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.crdSettings_Button_SafeExit_hover">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.crdsettings_setowncookie_button">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.crdsettings_setowncookie_button_hover">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.crdsettings_setUScookie_button">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.crdsettings_setUScookie_button_hover">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.credits_background">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.DialogNotFound_Background">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.DialogNotFound_Submit">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.DialogNotFound_Submit_hover">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.download_subs">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.download_subs_hover">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.Help_Background">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.hls_endString">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Zeichenfolge, die ","resolution":"adaptive" ähnelt.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.hls_Value">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Zeichenfolge, die "format":"adaptive_hls", ähnelt.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.htmlEnd">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Zeichenfolge, die </body>
</html> ähnelt.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.htmlnachHardSubs">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Zeichenfolge, die </a>
<img alt="image error" src="balken1.png" class="class-balken"> ähnelt.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.htmlnachTumbnail">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Zeichenfolge, die " class="imagestyle">
<span class="titel" dir="auto"> ähnelt.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.htmlTop">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Zeichenfolge, die <!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
.main-bg {margin:0 0 0 0;background-color:#F2F2F2;}
.class-cc{width:36px; [Rest der Zeichenfolge wurde abgeschnitten]"; ähnelt.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.htmlvorAufloesung">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Zeichenfolge, die </span>
<div class="progressbar">
<div class="progressbar-value" style="width: 0%"></div>
<span dir="auto" class='percenttext'>0%</span>
<span dir="auto" class="resotext"> ähnelt.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.htmlvorHardSubs">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Zeichenfolge, die "> <img alt="image error" src="cc1.png" class="class-cc"> ähnelt.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.htmlvorSoftSubs">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Zeichenfolge, die </span>
<a href="#" class="cc-wert" title="Softsubs: ähnelt.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.htmlvorThumbnail">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Zeichenfolge, die
<div class="div-episode">
<img alt="image error" src=" ähnelt.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.icon">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Icon ähnlich wie (Symbol).
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.main_add">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.main_background">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.main_browser">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.main_button_download_deactivate">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.main_button_download_default">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.main_button_download_hovert">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.main_close">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.main_credits_default">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.main_credits_hover">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.main_del">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.main_del_hover">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.main_settings">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.settings_add_softsubs">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.settings_add_softsubs_hover">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.SoftSubs_Baclground">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.softsubs_download">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.softsubs_download_gray">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.softsubs_download_hover">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Ressource vom Typ System.Drawing.Bitmap.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.Startuphtml">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Zeichenfolge, die <!DOCTYPE html>
.main-bg {margin:0 0 0 -36px;background-color:#757575;}
.imagestyle{width:156px;height:88px;display:block;margin-bottom:4px} .ulStyle{margin:0 0 0 -10px;display:block;position:relative;margin-top:8px}
.ulStyle li{margin-left:12px;float:left;display:block;position:relative}
.progressbar{height:14px;backgro [Rest der Zeichenfolge wurde abgeschnitten]"; ähnelt.
<member name="P:Crunchyroll_Downloader.My.Resources.Resources.thumbnailString">
Sucht eine lokalisierte Zeichenfolge, die "thumbnail":{"url":" ähnelt.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:My.Resources.Resources">
Eine stark typisierte Ressourcenklasse zum Suchen von lokalisierten Zeichenfolgen usw.
<member name="P:My.Resources.Resources.ResourceManager">
Gibt die zwischengespeicherte ResourceManager-Instanz zurück, die von dieser Klasse verwendet wird.
<member name="P:My.Resources.Resources.Culture">
Überschreibt die CurrentUICulture-Eigenschaft des aktuellen Threads für alle
Ressourcenzuordnungen, die diese stark typisierte Ressourcenklasse verwenden.
<member name="T:System.Windows.Forms.AsyncWorker">
you can pass Delegates together with suitable arguments to the methods RunAsync(),
NotifyGui() or ReportProgress(), and the Delegate will be executed either in a
side-thread or in the Gui-thread
<member name="M:System.Windows.Forms.AsyncWorker.ReportProgress(System.Action)">
executes the Delegate in the Gui-thread, if the last progress-report is more
than <see cref="F:System.Windows.Forms.AsyncWorker.ReportInterval" />ago, and the process isn't canceled
<member name="M:System.Windows.Forms.AsyncWorker.NotifyGui(System.Action)">
executes the Delegate in the Gui-thread, if the process isn't canceled
<member name="M:System.Windows.Forms.AsyncWorker.RunAsync(System.Action)">
<summary>executes the Delegate in a thread of the threadpool</summary>
<member name="M:System.Windows.Forms.AsyncWorkerX.RunAsync``3(System.Action{``0,``1,``2},``0,``1,``2)">
<summary>executes the Delegate in a thread of the threadpool</summary>
<member name="M:System.Windows.Forms.AsyncWorkerX.NotifyGui``3(System.Action{``0,``1,``2},``0,``1,``2)">
<summary>executes the Delegate in the Gui-thread</summary>
<member name="T:System.BugException">
this Exception is not meant to be handled. Only for logging and debugging-purposes
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -317,13 +317,10 @@ Public Class einstellungen
End Function
Private Sub PictureBox2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PictureBox2.Click
Main.LoginOnly = "US_UnBlock"
Dim wb As New WebClient
Dim Session As String = wb.DownloadString("https://api.criater-stiftung.org/cr-cookie-hama3254.php")
GeckoFX.keks = Session
Main.LoginOnly = "US_UnBlock"
End Sub
Private Function GeräteID() As String
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue
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