mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 22:13:40 +01:00
redone hybrid mode, fixes
redone hybrid mode for EXT-X-VERSION:3 and EXT-X-VERSION:5 fix beta crunchyroll issue
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -535,15 +535,19 @@ Public Class Anime_Add
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
Debug.WriteLine("error- getting EpisodeJson data")
'Exit Sub
Exit Sub
End Try
Main.CrBetaMassEpisodes = EpisodeJson
Dim EpisodeSplit() As String = EpisodeJson.Split(New String() {Chr(34) + "episode" + Chr(34) + ":" + Chr(34)}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
For i As Integer = 1 To EpisodeSplit.Count - 1
Dim EpisodeSplit2() As String = EpisodeSplit(i).Split(New String() {Chr(34)}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
comboBox3.Items.Add("Episode " + EpisodeSplit2(0))
comboBox4.Items.Add("Episode " + EpisodeSplit2(0))
For i As Integer = 1 To EpisodeSplit.Count - 1
Dim EpisodeSplit2() As String = EpisodeSplit(i).Split(New String() {Chr(34)}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
comboBox3.Items.Add("Episode " + EpisodeSplit2(0))
comboBox4.Items.Add("Episode " + EpisodeSplit2(0))
ElseIf AoD_Mode = False Then
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Public Class CRD_List_Item
If Service = "AoD" Then
MetroStyleManager1.Style = MetroColorStyle.LightGreen
ServiceSleep = 1000
ServiceSleep = 500
ElseIf Service = "FM" Then
MetroStyleManager1.Style = MetroColorStyle.DarkPurple
@ -453,9 +453,396 @@ Public Class CRD_List_Item
#Region "Download Cache"
Private Function TS_StatusAsync(ByVal prozent As Integer, ByVal di As IO.DirectoryInfo, ByVal pausetime As Integer)
Dim FinishedSize As Double = 0
Dim AproxFinalSize As Double = 0
Dim aryFi As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.*")
Dim fi As IO.FileInfo
For Each fi In aryFi
FinishedSize = FinishedSize + fi.Length
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
If prozent > 0 Then
AproxFinalSize = Math.Round((FinishedSize / 1048576) * 100 / prozent, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() ' Math.Round( / 1048576, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString()
End If
Dim duration As TimeSpan = Date.Now - LastDate
Dim TimeinMilliSeconds As Integer = duration.Seconds * 1000 + duration.Milliseconds
If FinishedSize = LastSize Then
ElseIf TimeinMilliSeconds < 250 Then
LastDate = Date.Now
'TimeinSeconds = TimeinSeconds - pausetime
Dim SinceLast = FinishedSize - LastSize
LastSize = FinishedSize
Dim DataRate As Double = (SinceLast / 1048576) / (TimeinMilliSeconds / 1000)
Dim DataRateFinal As Double = (DataRate + LastDataRate1 + LastDataRate2 + LastDataRate3) / 4
LastDataRate3 = LastDataRate2
LastDataRate2 = LastDataRate1
LastDataRate1 = DataRate
Dim DataRateString As String = Math.Round(DataRateFinal, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString()
If prozent > 100 Then
prozent = 100
ElseIf prozent < 0 Then
prozent = 0
End If
Me.Invoke(New Action(Function()
ProgressBar1.Value = prozent 'ThreadList.Count.ToString + " " +
Label_percent.Text = DataRateString + "MB\s " + Math.Round(FinishedSize / 1048576, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString + "MB/" + Math.Round(AproxFinalSize, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString + "MB " + prozent.ToString + "%"
Return Nothing
End Function))
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
#Region "ThreadChecker"
Private Sub CheckThreadCount()
For w As Integer = 0 To Integer.MaxValue
If StatusRunning = False Then
PauseTime = PauseTime + 5
ElseIf ThreadList.Count > Threads Then
Exit For
End If
End Sub
#End Region
Private Function GetFullUri(ByVal MainUri As String, ByVal CurrentPath As String)
Dim path As String = Nothing
If InStr(CurrentPath, "https://") Then
path = CurrentPath
ElseIf InStr(CurrentPath, "../") Then
Dim countDot() As String = CurrentPath.Split(New String() {"./"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim c() As String = New Uri(MainUri).Segments
path = "https://" + New Uri(MainUri).Host
For i3 As Integer = 0 To c.Count - (2 + countDot.Count - 1)
path = path + c(i3)
path = path + countDot(countDot.Count - 1)
Dim c() As String = New Uri(MainUri).Segments
path = "https://" + New Uri(MainUri).Host
For i3 As Integer = 0 To c.Count - 2
path = path + c(i3)
End If
Return path
End Function
#Region "v4"
Private Function ProcessV4(ByVal url As String, ByVal InputData As String, ByVal Folder As String) As String
If Not Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(Folder)) Then
' Nein! Jetzt erstellen...
Catch ex As Exception
Debug.WriteLine("folder issue")
Return "Error"
Exit Function
End Try
End If
Dim KeyFile As String = Einstellungen.GeräteID + ".key"
Dim KeyFilePath As String = Application.StartupPath + "\" + KeyFile 'needs to be in the ffmpeg/downloader directory
Dim Fragments() As String = InputData.Split(New String() {"#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim FragmentsInt As Integer = Fragments.Count - 2
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(Folder)
Dim m3u8FileContent As String = Nothing
Dim m3u8Text As String = InputData
Dim m3u8Key() As String = m3u8Text.Split(New String() {"URI=" + Chr(34)}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim m3u8Key2() As String = m3u8Key(1).Split(New String() {Chr(34)}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim KeyFileDL = New Thread(Sub() Me.TS_DownloadAsync(GetFullUri(url, m3u8Key2(0)), KeyFilePath))
Dim DownloadFile As String = Nothing
Dim FileUrl() As String = InputData.Split(New String() {vbLf}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
For line As Integer = 0 To FileUrl.Count - 1
If CBool(InStr(FileUrl(line), "#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:")) = True Then
DownloadFile = GetFullUri(url, FileUrl(line + 1))
Exit For
End If
'Dim StreamFile() As String = m3u8Text.Split(New String() {"https://"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
'Dim StreamFile2() As String = StreamFile(2).Split(New String() {vbLf}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
'Dim DownloadFile As String = "https:\\" + StreamFile2(0)
Dim text() As String = m3u8Text.Split(New String() {vbLf}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim zeile As String
Dim Count As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To text.Count - 1
zeile = text(i)
If Canceld = True Then
For www As Integer = 0 To Integer.MaxValue
If ThreadList.Count > 0 Then
System.IO.Directory.Delete(HybridModePath, True)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Me.Invoke(New Action(Function()
ProgressBar1.Value = 0
Label_percent.Text = "canceled -%"
bt_pause.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.main_pause_play
Return Nothing
End Function))
Exit For
End If
Return "Canceld"
Exit Function
End If
If zeile.Contains("#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:") Then
Dim Zeile2 As String = zeile.Replace("#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:", "")
Dim Zeile3() As String = Zeile2.Split(New String() {"@"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim CurrentSize As Integer = Integer.Parse(Zeile3(1))
Dim NewBytes As Integer = Integer.Parse(Zeile3(0))
Dim File As String = Folder + String.Format("{0:0000}", Count)
Dim Evaluator = New Thread(Sub() Me.DownloadTSv4(DownloadFile, File, CurrentSize, NewBytes))
m3u8FileContent = m3u8FileContent + File + vbNewLine
Count = Count + 1
Dim FragmentsFinised = Count * 100 / FragmentsInt
Dim Update = New Thread(Sub() Me.TS_StatusAsync(FragmentsFinised, di, PauseTime))
ElseIf zeile.Contains("URI=" + Chr(34)) Then
Dim Zeile2() As String = zeile.Split(New String() {"URI=" + Chr(34)}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
m3u8FileContent = m3u8FileContent + Zeile2(0) + "URI=" + Chr(34) + KeyFile + Chr(34) + vbNewLine ' a full path does not work here, that's why KeyFilePath is in the ffmpeg/downloader folder
ElseIf zeile.Contains("https://") Then
'If zeile = DownloadFile Then
' DownloadFile = zeile
'End If
m3u8FileContent = m3u8FileContent + zeile + vbNewLine
End If
Dim utf8WithoutBom As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding(False)
Using sink As New StreamWriter(Folder + "\index.m3u8", False, utf8WithoutBom)
End Using
Return Folder + "\index.m3u8"
End Function
Private Sub DownloadTSv4(ByVal DL_URL As String, ByVal DL_Pfad As String, ByVal CurrentSize As Integer, ByVal NewBytes As Integer)
Dim retry As Boolean = True
Dim retryCount As Integer = 3
While retry
Dim Request As Net.HttpWebRequest = Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(DL_URL)
Dim Bytes(NewBytes) As Byte
Request.UserAgent = My.Resources.ffmpeg_user_agend.Replace(Chr(34), "").Replace("User-Agent: ", "")
Request.Timeout = 30000
Request.Method = "GET"
Request.AddRange(CurrentSize, CurrentSize + NewBytes)
Dim Response As Net.HttpWebResponse = Request.GetResponse()
If Response.StatusCode = Net.HttpStatusCode.PartialContent Or Net.HttpStatusCode.OK Then
Using binaryReader As New BinaryReader(Response.GetResponseStream())
Bytes = binaryReader.ReadBytes(NewBytes)
End Using
End If
File.WriteAllBytes(DL_Pfad, Bytes)
retry = False
Catch ex As Exception
If retryCount > 0 Then
retryCount = retryCount - 1
Me.Invoke(New Action(Function()
Label_percent.Text = "Access Error - retrying"
Return Nothing
End Function))
Me.Invoke(New Action(Function()
Label_percent.Text = "Access Error - download canceled"
Return Nothing
End Function))
End If
End Try
End While
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "v3/v5"
Public WithEvents WC_TS As WebClient
Private Function ProcessV3(ByVal url As String, ByVal InputData As String, ByVal Folder As String) As String
If Not Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(Folder)) Then
' Nein! Jetzt erstellen...
Catch ex As Exception
Debug.WriteLine("folder issue")
Return "Error"
Exit Function
End Try
End If
Dim LoadedKeys As New List(Of String)
Dim KeyFileCache As String = Nothing
Dim textLenght() As String = InputData.Split(New String() {vbLf}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim Fragments() As String = InputData.Split(New String() {".ts"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim FragmentsInt As Integer = Fragments.Count - 2
Dim Count As Integer = 0
Dim m3u8FileContent As String = Nothing
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(Folder)
For i As Integer = 0 To textLenght.Length - 1
If Canceld = True Then
For www As Integer = 0 To Integer.MaxValue
If ThreadList.Count > 0 Then
System.IO.Directory.Delete(HybridModePath, True)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Me.Invoke(New Action(Function()
ProgressBar1.Value = 0
Label_percent.Text = "canceled -%"
bt_pause.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.main_pause_play
Return Nothing
End Function))
Exit For
End If
Return "Canceld"
Exit Function
End If
If InStr(textLenght(i), ".ts") Then
Dim File As String = Folder + String.Format("{0:00000}", Count)
Dim curi As String = GetFullUri(url, textLenght(i))
Dim Evaluator = New Thread(Sub() Me.TS_DownloadAsync(curi, File))
m3u8FileContent = m3u8FileContent + File + vbLf
Dim FragmentsFinised = Count * 100 / FragmentsInt
Dim Update = New Thread(Sub() Me.TS_StatusAsync(FragmentsFinised, di, PauseTime))
Count = Count + 1
ElseIf textLenght(i) = "#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:VOD" Then
ElseIf InStr(textLenght(i), "URI=" + Chr(34)) Then
Dim KeyLine As String = textLenght(i)
Dim KeyFileUri() As String = KeyLine.Split(New String() {"URI=" + Chr(34)}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim KeyFileUri2() As String = KeyFileUri(1).Split(New String() {Chr(34)}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim KeyFileUri3 As String = GetFullUri(url, KeyFileUri2(0))
If LoadedKeys.Item(LoadedKeys.Count - 1) = KeyFileUri3 Then
KeyLine = KeyFileUri(0) + "URI=" + Chr(34) + KeyFileCache + Chr(34)
Dim KeyFile As String = Einstellungen.GeräteID() + ".key"
KeyFileCache = KeyFile
Dim Evaluator = New Thread(Sub() Me.TS_DownloadAsync(KeyFileUri3, Application.StartupPath + "\" + KeyFile))
If KeyFileUri2.Count > 1 Then
KeyLine = KeyFileUri(0) + "URI=" + Chr(34) + KeyFileCache + Chr(34) + KeyFileUri2(1)
KeyLine = KeyFileUri(0) + "URI=" + Chr(34) + KeyFileCache + Chr(34)
End If
End If
m3u8FileContent = m3u8FileContent + KeyLine + vbLf
m3u8FileContent = m3u8FileContent + textLenght(i) + vbLf
End If
Dim utf8WithoutBom As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding(False)
Using sink As New StreamWriter(Folder + "\index.m3u8", False, utf8WithoutBom)
End Using
Return Folder + "\index.m3u8"
End Function
Private Sub TS_DownloadAsync(ByVal DL_URL As String, ByVal DL_Pfad As String)
HybrideLog = HybrideLog + vbNewLine + DL_Pfad + " - " + DL_URL
@ -491,288 +878,19 @@ Public Class CRD_List_Item
End Try
End Sub
Private Function TS_StatusAsync(ByVal prozent As Integer, ByVal di As IO.DirectoryInfo, ByVal pausetime As Integer)
'Dim Now As Date = Date.Now
Dim FinishedSize As Double = 0
Dim AproxFinalSize As Double = 0
Dim aryFi As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.*")
Dim fi As IO.FileInfo
For Each fi In aryFi
FinishedSize = FinishedSize + fi.Length 'Math.Round(fi.Length / 1048576, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString()
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
If prozent > 0 Then
AproxFinalSize = Math.Round((FinishedSize / 1048576) * 100 / prozent, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() ' Math.Round( / 1048576, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString()
End If
'Dim duration As TimeSpan = Date.Now - di.CreationTime
'Dim TimeinSeconds As Integer = duration.Hours * 3600 + duration.Minutes * 60 + duration.Seconds
'TimeinSeconds = TimeinSeconds - pausetime
'Dim DataRate As Double = FinishedSize / TimeinSeconds
'Dim DataRateString As String = Math.Round(DataRate, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString()
Dim duration As TimeSpan = Date.Now - LastDate
Dim TimeinMilliSeconds As Integer = duration.Seconds * 1000 + duration.Milliseconds
If FinishedSize = LastSize Then
ElseIf TimeinMilliSeconds < 250 Then
LastDate = Date.Now
'TimeinSeconds = TimeinSeconds - pausetime
Dim SinceLast = FinishedSize - LastSize
LastSize = FinishedSize
Dim DataRate As Double = (SinceLast / 1048576) / (TimeinMilliSeconds / 1000)
Dim DataRateFinal As Double = (DataRate + LastDataRate1 + LastDataRate2 + LastDataRate3) / 4
LastDataRate3 = LastDataRate2
LastDataRate2 = LastDataRate1
LastDataRate1 = DataRate
Dim DataRateString As String = Math.Round(DataRateFinal, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString()
If prozent > 100 Then
prozent = 100
ElseIf prozent < 0 Then
prozent = 0
End If
Me.Invoke(New Action(Function()
ProgressBar1.Value = prozent 'ThreadList.Count.ToString + " " +
Label_percent.Text = DataRateString + "MB\s " + Math.Round(FinishedSize / 1048576, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString + "MB/" + Math.Round(AproxFinalSize, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString + "MB " + prozent.ToString + "%"
Return Nothing
End Function))
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
'RaiseEvent UpdateUI(Filename, prozent, FinishedSize, AproxFinalSize, Color.FromArgb(247, 140, 37), DataRateString + "MB\s")
Return Nothing
End Function
Private Function GetFullUri(ByVal MainUri As String, ByVal CurrentPath As String)
Dim path As String = Nothing
If InStr(CurrentPath, "../") Then
Dim countDot() As String = CurrentPath.Split(New String() {"./"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim c() As String = New Uri(MainUri).Segments
path = "https://" + New Uri(MainUri).Host
For i3 As Integer = 0 To c.Count - (2 + countDot.Count - 1)
path = path + c(i3)
path = path + countDot(countDot.Count - 1)
Dim c() As String = New Uri(MainUri).Segments
path = "https://" + New Uri(MainUri).Host
For i3 As Integer = 0 To c.Count - 2
path = path + c(i3)
End If
Return path
End Function
Private Function ProcessV4(ByVal InputData As String, ByVal Folder As String) As String
If Not Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(Folder)) Then
' Nein! Jetzt erstellen...
Catch ex As Exception
Debug.WriteLine("folder issue")
Return "Error"
Exit Function
End Try
End If
Dim KeyFile As String = Einstellungen.GeräteID + ".key"
Dim KeyFilePath As String = Application.StartupPath + "\" + KeyFile 'needs to be in the ffmpeg/downloader directory
Dim Fragments() As String = InputData.Split(New String() {"#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim FragmentsInt As Integer = Fragments.Count - 2
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(Folder)
Dim m3u8FileContent As String = Nothing
Dim Client As New WebClient
Client.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8
Client.Headers.Add(My.Resources.ffmpeg_user_agend.Replace(Chr(34), ""))
Dim m3u8Text As String = InputData
Dim m3u8Key() As String = m3u8Text.Split(New String() {"URI=" + Chr(34)}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim m3u8Key2() As String = m3u8Key(1).Split(New String() {Chr(34)}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Client.DownloadFile(m3u8Key2(0), KeyFilePath)
Dim StreamFile() As String = m3u8Text.Split(New String() {"https://"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim StreamFile2() As String = StreamFile(2).Split(New String() {vbLf}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim DownloadFile As String = "https:\\" + StreamFile2(0)
Dim text() As String = m3u8Text.Split(New String() {vbLf}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim zeile As String
Dim Count As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To text.Count - 1
zeile = text(i)
For w As Integer = 0 To Integer.MaxValue
If StatusRunning = False Then
PauseTime = PauseTime + 5
ElseIf ThreadList.Count > Threads Then
ElseIf Canceld = True Then
For www As Integer = 0 To Integer.MaxValue
If ThreadList.Count > 0 Then
System.IO.Directory.Delete(HybridModePath, True)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Me.Invoke(New Action(Function()
ProgressBar1.Value = 0
Label_percent.Text = "canceled -%"
bt_pause.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.main_pause_play
Return Nothing
End Function))
Exit For
End If
Return Nothing
Exit Function
Exit For
End If
If zeile.Contains("#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:") Then
Dim Zeile2 As String = zeile.Replace("#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:", "")
Dim Zeile3() As String = Zeile2.Split(New String() {"@"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim CurrentSize As Integer = Integer.Parse(Zeile3(1))
Dim NewBytes As Integer = Integer.Parse(Zeile3(0))
Dim File As String = Folder + String.Format("{0:0000}", Count)
Dim Evaluator = New Thread(Sub() Me.DownloadTSv4(DownloadFile, File, CurrentSize, NewBytes))
m3u8FileContent = m3u8FileContent + File + vbNewLine
Count = Count + 1
Dim FragmentsFinised = Count * 100 / FragmentsInt
Dim Update = New Thread(Sub() Me.TS_StatusAsync(FragmentsFinised, di, PauseTime))
ElseIf zeile.Contains("URI=" + Chr(34)) Then
Dim Zeile2() As String = zeile.Split(New String() {"URI=" + Chr(34)}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
m3u8FileContent = m3u8FileContent + Zeile2(0) + "URI=" + Chr(34) + KeyFile + Chr(34) + vbNewLine ' a full path does not work here, that's why KeyFilePath is in the ffmpeg/downloader folder
ElseIf zeile.Contains("https://") Then
'If zeile = DownloadFile Then
' DownloadFile = zeile
'End If
m3u8FileContent = m3u8FileContent + zeile + vbNewLine
End If
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(Application.StartupPath + "\m3u8FileContent.txt", m3u8FileContent, False)
Dim utf8WithoutBom As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding(False)
Using sink As New StreamWriter(Folder + "\index.m3u8", False, utf8WithoutBom)
End Using
Return Folder + "\index.m3u8"
End Function
Private Sub DownloadTSv4(ByVal DL_URL As String, ByVal DL_Pfad As String, ByVal CurrentSize As Integer, ByVal NewBytes As Integer)
Dim retry As Boolean = True
Dim retryCount As Integer = 3
While retry
Dim Request As Net.HttpWebRequest = Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(DL_URL)
Dim Bytes(NewBytes) As Byte
Request.UserAgent = My.Resources.ffmpeg_user_agend.Replace(Chr(34), "").Replace("User-Agent: ", "")
Request.Timeout = 30000
Request.Method = "GET"
Request.AddRange(CurrentSize, CurrentSize + NewBytes)
Dim Response As Net.HttpWebResponse = Request.GetResponse()
If Response.StatusCode = Net.HttpStatusCode.PartialContent Or Net.HttpStatusCode.OK Then
Using binaryReader As New BinaryReader(Response.GetResponseStream())
Bytes = binaryReader.ReadBytes(NewBytes)
End Using
End If
File.WriteAllBytes(DL_Pfad, Bytes)
retry = False
Catch ex As Exception
If retryCount > 0 Then
retryCount = retryCount - 1
Me.Invoke(New Action(Function()
Label_percent.Text = "Access Error - retrying"
Return Nothing
End Function))
Me.Invoke(New Action(Function()
Label_percent.Text = "Access Error - download canceled"
Return Nothing
End Function))
End If
End Try
End While
End Sub
#End Region
Public Function DownloadHybrid(ByVal DL_URL As String, ByVal DL_Pfad As String, ByVal Filename As String) As String
Dim Folder As String = Einstellungen.GeräteID()
Dim DL_URL_old As String = DL_URL
Dim PauseTime As Integer = 0
Dim Pfad2 As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(DL_Pfad.Replace(Chr(34), "")) + "\" + Folder + "\"
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(Pfad2)
Dim m3u8_url As String() = DL_URL.Split(New [Char]() {Chr(34)})
Dim m3u8FFmpeg As String = Nothing
HybridModePath = Pfad2
Dim InuputStreams As String() = DL_URL.Split(New String() {"-i " + Chr(34)}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Me.Invoke(New Action(Function()
@ -794,10 +912,31 @@ Public Class CRD_List_Item
Dim InputData As String = InputClient.DownloadString(InputURL(0))
If InStr(InputData, "#EXT-X-VERSION:3") Then
If CBool(InStr(InputData, "RESOLUTION=")) = True And CBool(InStr(InputData, "#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:")) = False Then 'master m3u8 no fragments
Dim index_m3u8() As String = InputData.Split(New String() {vbLf}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
If TargetReso = 42 Then
TargetReso = 1080
End If
For line As Integer = 0 To index_m3u8.Count - 1
If CBool(InStr(index_m3u8(line), "x" + TargetReso.ToString)) = True Then
InputData = InputClient.DownloadString(GetFullUri(InputURL(0), index_m3u8(line + 1)))
InputURL(0) = index_m3u8(line + 1)
Exit For
End If
End If
If InStr(InputData, "#EXT-X-VERSION:3") Or InStr(InputData, "#EXT-X-VERSION:5") Then
ProcessV3(InputURL(0), InputData, Pfad2)
DL_URL = DL_URL.Replace("-i " + Chr(34) + InputURL(0), "-allowed_extensions ALL " + "-i " + Chr(34) + Pfad2 + "index.m3u8")
ElseIf InStr(InputData, "#EXT-X-VERSION:4") Then
ProcessV4(InputData, Pfad2 + "Stream-" + int.ToString + "\")
ProcessV4(InputURL(0), InputData, Pfad2 + "Stream-" + int.ToString + "\")
DL_URL = DL_URL.Replace("-i " + Chr(34) + InputURL(0), "-allowed_extensions ALL " + "-i " + Chr(34) + Pfad2 + "Stream-" + int.ToString + "\index.m3u8")
'write string to file
@ -809,9 +948,14 @@ Public Class CRD_List_Item
DL_URL = DL_URL.Replace(InputURL(0), SubsFile)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
If Canceld = True Then
Return Nothing
Exit Function
End If
@ -830,7 +974,7 @@ Public Class CRD_List_Item
If InStr(DL_URL, " -headers " + My.Resources.ffmpeg_user_agend) Then
If CBool(InStr(DL_URL, " -headers " + My.Resources.ffmpeg_user_agend)) = True And CBool(InStr(DL_URL, "https:\\")) = False Then
DL_URL = DL_URL.Replace(" -headers " + My.Resources.ffmpeg_user_agend, "")
End If
@ -1163,7 +1307,7 @@ Public Class CRD_List_Item
Private Sub Label_Anime_Click(sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Label_Anime.Click, PB_Thumbnail.Click, Label_Reso.Click, Label_percent.Click, ProgressBar1.Click, Label_website.Click, Me.Click
If e.Button = MouseButtons.Right Then
' MsgBox("Right Button Clicked")
'MsgBox("Right Button Clicked")
ContextMenuStrip1.ContextMenu.Show(Me, MousePosition)
End If
@ -311,14 +311,8 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'Main.WebbrowserURL = WebBrowser1.Url.ToString
'Main.WebbrowserText = WebBrowser1.Document.Body.OuterHtml
'Main.WebbrowserTitle = WebBrowser1.DocumentTitle
MsgBox("copied: " + Chr(34) + WebBrowser1.Url.ToString + Chr(34))
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
@ -395,7 +389,7 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
Main.MangaListItemAdd(Main.RemoveExtraSpaces(NameDLFinal), Thumbnail, BaseURL3, ImageList)
ElseIf InStr(WebBrowser1.Url.ToString, "cr-cookie-ui.php") Then
@ -455,7 +449,7 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
End If
If CBool(InStr(requesturl, ".js")) = True Then
End If
If CBool(InStr(requesturl, "https://beta-api.crunchyroll.com/")) And CBool(InStr(requesturl, "streams?")) Then
If Main.b = False Then
@ -463,6 +457,7 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
Exit Sub
End If
ElseIf CBool(InStr(requesturl, "https://beta-api.crunchyroll.com/")) And CBool(InStr(requesturl, "seasons?series_id=")) Then
If Main.b = False Then
'Main.WebbrowserURL = WebBrowser1.Url.ToString
@ -470,7 +465,9 @@ Public Class GeckoFX
End If
End If
'If CBool(InStr(requesturl, "https://beta-api.crunchyroll.com/")) And CBool(InStr(requesturl, "episodes?")) Then
' Debug.WriteLine(requesturl)
'End If
If ScanTrue = True Then
If InStr(requesturl, ".m3u8") Then
@ -1851,7 +1851,7 @@ Public Class Main
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
Debug.WriteLine("error- getting name data")
'Exit Sub
Exit Sub
End Try
@ -2440,22 +2440,7 @@ Public Class Main
Dim ZeileReso2() As String = ZeileReso(0).Split(New String() {"x"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim ZeileReso3() As String = e.Data.Split(New String() {": Video:"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim ZeileReso4() As String = ZeileReso3(0).Split(New String() {"Stream #"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
'If ResoAvalibe = Nothing Then
' ResoAvalibe = ZeileReso2(ZeileReso2.Count - 1).Trim + ":--:" + ZeileReso4(1)
ResoAvalibe = ResoAvalibe + vbNewLine + ZeileReso2(ZeileReso2.Count - 1).Trim + ":--:" + ZeileReso4(1)
'End If
'ElseIf InStr(e.Data, "Duration: N/A, bitrate: N/A") Then
'ElseIf InStr(e.Data, "Duration: ") Then
' Dim ZeitGesamt As String() = e.Data.Split(New String() {"Duration: "}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
' Dim ZeitGesamt2 As String() = ZeitGesamt(1).Split(New [Char]() {System.Convert.ToChar(".")})
' NetworkScanTime = ZeitGesamt2(0)
' Dim ZeitGesamt2 As String() = ZeitGesamt(1).Split(New [Char]() {System.Convert.ToChar(".")})
' Dim ZeitGesamtSplit() As String = ZeitGesamt2(0).Split(New [Char]() {System.Convert.ToChar(":")})
' MsgBox(ZeitGesamt2(0))
' ZeitGesamtInteger = CInt(ZeitGesamtSplit(0)) * 3600 + CInt(ZeitGesamtSplit(1)) * 60 + CInt(ZeitGesamtSplit(2))
ElseIf InStr(e.Data, "At least one output file must be specified") Then
ResoSearchRunning = False
End If
@ -3384,7 +3369,6 @@ Public Class Main
c = c.Replace("balken1.png", Balken)
Dim CC As String = "cc.png"
c = c.Replace("cc1.png", CC)
'My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(Application.StartupPath + "\WebInterface\index.html", c, False)
HTML = c
Catch ex As Exception
@ -3392,71 +3376,7 @@ Public Class Main
End Try
End Sub
#Region "server"
'Dim tcpListener As TcpListener
'Public Sub ServerStart()
' Try
' Dim hostName As String = "localhost" 'Dns.GetHostName()
' Dim Adresscount As Integer
' For i As Integer = 0 To Dns.GetHostEntry(hostName).AddressList.Count - 1
' If Dns.GetHostEntry(hostName).AddressList(i).ToString = "" Then
' Adresscount = i
' End If
' Next
' If Adresscount = Nothing Then
' MsgBox("http server start failed")
' Exit Sub
' End If
' Dim serverIP As IPAddress = Dns.GetHostEntry(hostName).AddressList(Adresscount) 'Dns.Resolve(hostName).AddressList(0) 'New IPAddress("localhost") '
' Dim Port As String = StartServer
' tcpListener = New TcpListener(serverIP, Int32.Parse(Port))
' tcpListener.Start()
' Debug.WriteLine("Web server started at: " & serverIP.ToString() & ":" & Port)
' ProcessThread()
' Catch abort As ThreadAbortException
' Exit Sub
' MsgBox(abort.ToString())
' Catch ex As Exception
' MsgBox(ex.ToString())
' End Try
'End Sub
'Public Sub ProcessThread()
' Dim ServerRunning = True
' Dim clientSocket As Socket
' While ServerRunning = True
' Try
' clientSocket = tcpListener.AcceptSocket
' clientSocket.ReceiveBufferSize = 1048576
' ' Socket Information
' 'Dim clientInfo As IPEndPoint = CType(clientSocket.RemoteEndPoint, IPEndPoint)
' 'Debug.WriteLine("Client: " + clientInfo.Address.ToString() + ":" + clientInfo.Port.ToString())
' ' Set Thread for each Web Browser Connection
' Dim clientThread As New Thread(Sub() Me.ProcessRequest(clientSocket))
' clientThread.Start()
' Catch ex As Exception
' Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString())
' Try
' clientSocket.Close()
' Catch ex2 As Exception
' End Try
' ServerRunning = False
' Exit Sub
' End Try
' End While
' 'New AsyncCallback(AddressOf DoAcceptSocketCallback), listener
'End Sub
Dim ListOfThread As New List(Of Thread)
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Public Class Einstellungen
Private Sub Einstellungen_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Label6.Text = "You have: v" + Application.ProductVersion.ToString + " Beta-U1"
Label6.Text = "You have: v" + Application.ProductVersion.ToString + " Beta-U2"
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue
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