mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 14:03:32 +01:00
fix funimation queue
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -177,6 +177,8 @@ Public Class Anime_Add
Private Sub Btn_dl_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_dl.Click
Main.LoginOnly = "Download Mode!"
@ -190,81 +192,6 @@ Public Class Anime_Add
If CBool(InStr(textBox1.Text, "crunchyroll.com")) Or CBool(InStr(textBox1.Text, "funimation.com")) Or CBool(InStr(textBox1.Text, "vrv.co/series/")) Or CBool(InStr(textBox1.Text, "vrv.co/watch/")) Then
#Region "Funimation url parameter"
If CBool(InStr(textBox1.Text, "funimation.com")) Then
Main.WebbrowserURL = textBox1.Text
If CBool(InStr(textBox1.Text, "funimation.com/v/")) Then
Dim Episode() As String = textBox1.Text.Split(New String() {"/"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim v1JsonUrl As String = "https://d33et77evd9bgg.cloudfront.net/data/v1/episodes/" + Episode(Episode.Length - 1) + ".json"
Dim v1Json As String = Nothing
Using client As New WebClient()
client.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8
client.Headers.Add(My.Resources.ffmpeg_user_agend.Replace(Chr(34), ""))
v1Json = client.DownloadString(v1JsonUrl)
End Using
Main.GetFunimationNewJS_VideoProxy(Nothing, v1Json)
Exit Sub
Catch ex As Exception
Debug.WriteLine("error- getting v1Json data for the bypasss")
End Try
End If
If Main.DubFunimation = "Disabled" Then
If CBool(InStr(textBox1.Text, "?lang=")) Then
Dim ClearUri As String() = textBox1.Text.Split(New String() {"?lang="}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
If ClearUri.Count > 1 Then
If CBool(InStr(ClearUri(1), "&")) Then
Dim ClearUri2 As String() = ClearUri(1).Split(New String() {"&"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim Parms As String = Nothing
For i As Integer = 1 To ClearUri2.Count - 1
Parms = Parms + "&" + ClearUri2(i)
textBox1.Text = ClearUri(0) + "?lang=" + Main.DubFunimation + Parms
textBox1.Text = ClearUri(0) + "?lang=" + Main.DubFunimation
End If
textBox1.Text = ClearUri(0) + "?lang=" + Main.DubFunimation
End If
ElseIf CBool(InStr(textBox1.Text, "&lang=")) Then
Dim ClearUri As String() = textBox1.Text.Split(New String() {"&lang="}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
If ClearUri.Count > 1 Then
If CBool(InStr(ClearUri(1), "&")) Then
Dim ClearUri2 As String() = ClearUri(1).Split(New String() {"&"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim Parms As String = Nothing
For i As Integer = 1 To ClearUri2.Count - 1
Parms = Parms + "&" + ClearUri2(i)
textBox1.Text = ClearUri(0) + "&lang=" + Main.DubFunimation + Parms
textBox1.Text = ClearUri(0) + "&lang=" + Main.DubFunimation
End If
textBox1.Text = ClearUri(0) + "&lang=" + Main.DubFunimation
End If
ElseIf CBool(InStr(textBox1.Text, "?")) Then
textBox1.AppendText("&lang=" + Main.DubFunimation)
textBox1.AppendText("?lang=" + Main.DubFunimation)
End If
End If
'ElseIf CBool(InStr(textBox1.Text, "vrv.co/series/")) Then
End If
#End Region
If StatusLabel.Text = "Status: waiting for episode selection" Then
If MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want cancel the advanced download?", "confirm?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) = DialogResult.Yes Then
@ -284,6 +211,32 @@ Public Class Anime_Add
textBox1.ForeColor = Color.Black
textBox1.Text = "URL"
If CBool(InStr(textBox1.Text, "funimation.com")) Then
Main.WebbrowserURL = textBox1.Text
If CBool(InStr(textBox1.Text, "funimation.com/v/")) Then
Dim Episode() As String = textBox1.Text.Split(New String() {"/"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim v1JsonUrl As String = "https://d33et77evd9bgg.cloudfront.net/data/v1/episodes/" + Episode(Episode.Length - 1) + ".json"
Dim v1Json As String = Nothing
Using client As New WebClient()
client.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8
client.Headers.Add(My.Resources.ffmpeg_user_agend.Replace(Chr(34), ""))
v1Json = client.DownloadString(v1JsonUrl)
End Using
Main.GetFunimationNewJS_VideoProxy(Nothing, v1Json)
Exit Sub
Catch ex As Exception
Debug.WriteLine("error- getting v1Json data for the bypasss")
End Try
End If
End If
If Main.Grapp_RDY = True Then
Main.b = False
@ -730,6 +683,11 @@ Public Class Anime_Add
client.Headers.Add(My.Resources.ffmpeg_user_agend.Replace(Chr(34), ""))
v1Json = client.DownloadString(v1JsonUrl)
End Using
Main.Funimation_Grapp_RDY = False
Main.WebbrowserURL = UriUsed
Main.b = False
Main.GetFunimationNewJS_VideoProxy(Nothing, v1Json)
Exit Sub
Catch ex As Exception
@ -739,57 +697,9 @@ Public Class Anime_Add
End If
If Main.DubFunimation = "Disabled" Then
If CBool(InStr(UriUsed, "?lang=")) Then
Dim ClearUri As String() = UriUsed.Split(New String() {"?lang="}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
If ClearUri.Count > 1 Then
If CBool(InStr(ClearUri(1), "&")) Then
Dim ClearUri2 As String() = ClearUri(1).Split(New String() {"&"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim Parms As String = Nothing
For i As Integer = 1 To ClearUri2.Count - 1
Parms = Parms + "&" + ClearUri2(i)
UriUsed = ClearUri(0) + "?lang=" + Main.DubFunimation + Parms
UriUsed = ClearUri(0) + "?lang=" + Main.DubFunimation
End If
UriUsed = ClearUri(0) + "?lang=" + Main.DubFunimation
End If
ElseIf CBool(InStr(UriUsed, "&lang=")) Then
Dim ClearUri As String() = UriUsed.Split(New String() {"&lang="}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
If ClearUri.Count > 1 Then
If CBool(InStr(ClearUri(1), "&")) Then
Dim ClearUri2 As String() = ClearUri(1).Split(New String() {"&"}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim Parms As String = Nothing
For i As Integer = 1 To ClearUri2.Count - 1
Parms = Parms + "&" + ClearUri2(i)
UriUsed = ClearUri(0) + "&lang=" + Main.DubFunimation + Parms
UriUsed = ClearUri(0) + "&lang=" + Main.DubFunimation
End If
UriUsed = ClearUri(0) + "&lang=" + Main.DubFunimation
End If
ElseIf CBool(InStr(UriUsed, "?")) Then
UriUsed = UriUsed + "&lang=" + Main.DubFunimation
UriUsed = UriUsed + "?lang=" + Main.DubFunimation
End If
End If
Main.Funimation_Grapp_RDY = False
Main.WebbrowserURL = UriUsed
'Main.b = False
Main.b = False
StatusLabel.Text = "Status: loading in browser"
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ Imports System.Text
Imports AdapterRequestHandler
Public Class CefSharp_Browser
Public keks As String = Nothing
'Public c As Boolean = True
Dim t As Thread
@ -122,16 +125,21 @@ Public Class CefSharp_Browser
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
If Main.UserBowser = False Then
Me.Location = New Point(-10000, -1000)
Me.Location = New Point(-10000, -10000)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub GeckoFX_Closing(sender As Object, e As CancelEventArgs) Handles Me.Closing
Private Sub CefSharp_Browser_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
Main.UserBowser = False
Me.Location = New Point(-10000, -10000)
e.Cancel = True
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
@ -299,7 +307,7 @@ Public Class CefSharp_Browser
Exit Sub
End If
ElseIf CBool(InStr(e.requesturl, "https://api.vrv.co")) And CBool(InStr(e.requesturl, "streams?")) Then
ElseIf CBool(InStr(e.RequestUrl, "https://api.vrv.co")) And CBool(InStr(e.RequestUrl, "streams?")) Then
If (Me.InvokeRequired) Then
Me.Invoke(Sub() Main.LoadedUrls.Add(e.RequestUrl))
Exit Sub
@ -308,7 +316,7 @@ Public Class CefSharp_Browser
Exit Sub
End If
ElseIf CBool(InStr(e.requesturl, "https://api.vrv.co")) And CBool(InStr(e.requesturl, "seasons?series_id=")) Then
ElseIf CBool(InStr(e.RequestUrl, "https://api.vrv.co")) And CBool(InStr(e.RequestUrl, "seasons?series_id=")) Then
If (Me.InvokeRequired) Then
Me.Invoke(Sub() Main.LoadedUrls.Add(e.RequestUrl))
Exit Sub
@ -318,7 +326,7 @@ Public Class CefSharp_Browser
End If
End If
End If
Exit Sub
@ -489,8 +497,10 @@ Public Class CefSharp_Browser
'Private Sub WebBrowser1_ConsoleMessage(sender As Object, e As ConsoleMessageEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.ConsoleMessage
' Debug.WriteLine(e.Message)
'End Sub
End Class
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ Public Class Main
Public Grapp_non_cr_RDY As Boolean = True
Public Grapp_Abord As Boolean = False
Public CR_NameMethode As Integer = 0
Public LeadingZero As Integer = 1
Public MaxDL As Integer
Public ResoNotFoundString As String
Public ResoBackString As String
@ -321,6 +322,29 @@ Public Class Main
Einstellungen.Theme = Manager.Theme
End Sub
Function AddLeadingZeros(ByVal txt As String) As String
txt = txt.Replace(",", ".")
Dim Post As String = Nothing
If CBool(InStr(txt, ".")) = True Then
Dim txt_split As String() = txt.Split(New String() {"."}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
txt = txt_split(0)
Post = "." + txt_split(1)
End If
For i As Integer = 0 To LeadingZero + 1
If txt.Count = LeadingZero + 1 Then
Exit For
txt = "0" + txt
End If
Dim Output As String = txt + Post
Return Output
End Function
Private Sub Form8_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.ContextMenuStrip = ContextMenuStrip1
Dim tbtl As TextBoxTraceListener = New TextBoxTraceListener(TheTextBox)
@ -357,6 +381,7 @@ Public Class Main
'Initialize Cef with the provided settings
Dim rkg As RegistryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\CRDownloader")
DarkModeValue = CBool(Integer.Parse(rkg.GetValue("Dark_Mode").ToString))
@ -462,6 +487,12 @@ Public Class Main
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim rkg As RegistryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\CRDownloader")
LeadingZero = Integer.Parse(rkg.GetValue("LeadingZero").ToString)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim rkg As RegistryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\CRDownloader")
SubSprache = rkg.GetValue("Sub").ToString
@ -597,6 +628,8 @@ Public Class Main
BlockList = New List(Of String)
End Sub
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(sender As Object, e As DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
@ -1122,26 +1155,7 @@ Public Class Main
Dim CR_Episode_2 As String() = CR_Episode_1(1).Split(New String() {Chr(34)}, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) '(New [Char]() {"-"})
CR_Anime_Folge_int = String.Join(" ", CR_Episode_2(0).Split(invalids, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)).TrimEnd("."c) 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(CR_Name_2(0), "[^\w\\-]", " ")
CR_Anime_Folge_int = RemoveExtraSpaces(CR_Anime_Folge_int)
Dim CleanedNumber As String = Nothing
Dim myChars() As Char = CR_Anime_Folge_int.ToCharArray()
For Each ch As Char In myChars
If Char.IsDigit(ch) Then
CleanedNumber = CleanedNumber + ch.ToString
ElseIf ch = "." Then
CleanedNumber = CleanedNumber + ch.ToString
ElseIf ch = "," Then
CleanedNumber = CleanedNumber + "."
End If
If CleanedNumber = Nothing Then
ElseIf CBool(InStr(CleanedNumber, ".")) Then
Dim Folge_Double As Double = Double.Parse(CleanedNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
If Folge_Double < 10 Then
CR_Anime_Folge_int = String.Format("{0:00.0}", Folge_Double)
End If
ElseIf Integer.Parse(CleanedNumber) < 10 Then
CR_Anime_Folge_int = "0" + CleanedNumber
End If
'CR_Anime_Folge_int = AddLeadingZeros(CR_Anime_Folge_int)
End If
If CBool(InStr(CR_Anime_Folge_int, ",")) Then
CR_Anime_Folge_int = CR_Anime_Folge_int.Replace(",", ".")
@ -1174,7 +1188,7 @@ Public Class Main
End If
If Episode_Prefix = "[default episode prefix]" Then
CR_Anime_Folge = Episode_Prefix + CR_Anime_Folge_int
CR_Anime_Folge = Episode_Prefix + AddLeadingZeros(CR_Anime_Folge_int)
End If
If CR_Anime_Titel = Nothing Then
CR_FilenName = CR_Anime_Name
@ -1773,9 +1787,9 @@ Public Class Main
End If
If CR_episode = Nothing Then
ElseIf Episode_Prefix = "[default episode prefix]" Then
CR_episode = "Episode " + CR_episode
CR_episode = "Episode " + AddLeadingZeros(CR_episode)
CR_episode = Episode_Prefix + CR_episode
CR_episode = Episode_Prefix + AddLeadingZeros(CR_episode)
End If
If CR_NameMethode = 0 Then 'nummer
If CR_season_number = Nothing Then
@ -2279,9 +2293,9 @@ Public Class Main
End If
If CR_episode = Nothing Then
ElseIf Episode_Prefix = "[default episode prefix]" Then
CR_episode = "Episode " + CR_episode
CR_episode = "Episode " + AddLeadingZeros(CR_episode)
CR_episode = Episode_Prefix + CR_episode
CR_episode = Episode_Prefix + AddLeadingZeros(CR_episode)
End If
If CR_NameMethode = 0 Then 'nummer
If CR_season_number = Nothing Then
@ -2882,6 +2896,14 @@ Public Class Main
End Sub
Private Sub Btn_add_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Btn_add.Click
If Application.OpenForms().OfType(Of CefSharp_Browser).Any = True Then
UserBowser = False
End If
If Anime_Add.WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Minimized Then
Anime_Add.WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Normal
@ -2930,12 +2952,17 @@ Public Class Main
End Sub
Private Sub Btn_Browser_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Btn_Browser.Click
If Application.OpenForms().OfType(Of CefSharp_Browser).Any = True Then
CefSharp_Browser.Location = Me.Location
End If
Debug.WriteLine(Date.Now.ToString + "." + Date.Now.Millisecond.ToString)
UserBowser = True
If Application.OpenForms().OfType(Of CefSharp_Browser).Any = True Then
CefSharp_Browser.Location = Me.Location
CefSharp_Browser.Location = Me.Location
End If
End Sub
Public Function RemoveExtraSpaces(input_text As String) As String
@ -3390,25 +3417,30 @@ Public Class Main
End If
End Function
Public Sub GetFunimationNewJS_VideoProxy(Optional ByVal v1JsonURL As String = Nothing, Optional ByVal v1JsonData As String = Nothing)
Dim Collector As New TaskCookieVisitor
Dim CM As ICookieManager = CefSharp_Browser.WebBrowser1.GetCookieManager
Dim list As List(Of Global.CefSharp.Cookie) = Collector.Task.Result()
Dim Cookie As String = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To list.Count - 1
If CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Domain, "funimation.com")) Then 'list.Item(i).Domain = "funimation.com" Then
'MsgBox(list.Item(i).Name + vbNewLine + list.Item(i).Value)
Cookie = Cookie + list.Item(i).Name + "=" + list.Item(i).Value + ";"
End If
If CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Domain, "funimation.com")) And CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Name, "src_token")) Then 'list.Item(i).Domain = "funimation.com" Then
'MsgBox(list.Item(i).Name + vbNewLine + list.Item(i).Value)
FunimationToken = "Token " + list.Item(i).Value
End If
If CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Domain, "funimation.com")) And CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Name, "region")) Then 'list.Item(i).Domain = "funimation.com" Then
'MsgBox(list.Item(i).Name + vbNewLine + list.Item(i).Value)
FunimationDeviceRegion = "?deviceType=web&" + list.Item(i).Name + "=" + list.Item(i).Value
End If
Dim Collector As New TaskCookieVisitor
Dim CM As ICookieManager = CefSharp_Browser.WebBrowser1.GetCookieManager
Dim list As List(Of Global.CefSharp.Cookie) = Collector.Task.Result()
Dim Cookie As String = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To list.Count - 1
If CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Domain, "funimation.com")) Then 'list.Item(i).Domain = "funimation.com" Then
'MsgBox(list.Item(i).Name + vbNewLine + list.Item(i).Value)
Cookie = Cookie + list.Item(i).Name + "=" + list.Item(i).Value + ";"
End If
If CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Domain, "funimation.com")) And CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Name, "src_token")) Then 'list.Item(i).Domain = "funimation.com" Then
'MsgBox(list.Item(i).Name + vbNewLine + list.Item(i).Value)
FunimationToken = "Token " + list.Item(i).Value
End If
If CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Domain, "funimation.com")) And CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Name, "region")) Then 'list.Item(i).Domain = "funimation.com" Then
'MsgBox(list.Item(i).Name + vbNewLine + list.Item(i).Value)
FunimationDeviceRegion = "?deviceType=web&" + list.Item(i).Name + "=" + list.Item(i).Value
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
' region=US;
Dim Evaluator = New Thread(Sub() Me.GetFunimationNewJS_Video(v1JsonURL, v1JsonData))
@ -3493,9 +3525,9 @@ Public Class Main
Case "episodeNumber"
Dim FunimationEpisode3 As String = RemoveExtraSpaces(item.Value.ToString)
If Episode_Prefix = "[default episode prefix]" Then
FunimationEpisode = "Episode " + FunimationEpisode3
FunimationEpisode = "Episode " + AddLeadingZeros(FunimationEpisode3)
FunimationEpisode = Episode_Prefix + FunimationEpisode3
FunimationEpisode = Episode_Prefix + AddLeadingZeros(FunimationEpisode3)
End If
Case "name"
Dim NameData As List(Of JToken) = item.Values.ToList()
@ -5002,27 +5034,31 @@ Public Class Main
End Sub
Private Sub TestDownloadToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TestDownloadToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim Collector As New TaskCookieVisitor
Dim CM As ICookieManager = CefSharp_Browser.WebBrowser1.GetCookieManager
Dim Token As String = Nothing
Dim DeviceRegion As String = Nothing
Dim list As List(Of Global.CefSharp.Cookie) = Collector.Task.Result()
Dim Cookie As String = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To list.Count - 1
If CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Domain, "funimation.com")) Then 'list.Item(i).Domain = "funimation.com" Then
'MsgBox(list.Item(i).Name + vbNewLine + list.Item(i).Value)
Cookie = Cookie + list.Item(i).Name + "=" + list.Item(i).Value + ";"
End If
If CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Domain, "funimation.com")) And CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Name, "src_token")) Then 'list.Item(i).Domain = "funimation.com" Then
'MsgBox(list.Item(i).Name + vbNewLine + list.Item(i).Value)
Token = "Token " + list.Item(i).Value
End If
If CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Domain, "funimation.com")) And CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Name, "region")) Then 'list.Item(i).Domain = "funimation.com" Then
'MsgBox(list.Item(i).Name + vbNewLine + list.Item(i).Value)
DeviceRegion = "?deviceType=web&" + list.Item(i).Name + "=" + list.Item(i).Value
End If
Dim Collector As New TaskCookieVisitor
Dim CM As ICookieManager = CefSharp_Browser.WebBrowser1.GetCookieManager
Dim DeviceRegion As String = Nothing
Dim list As List(Of Global.CefSharp.Cookie) = Collector.Task.Result()
Dim Cookie As String = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To list.Count - 1
If CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Domain, "funimation.com")) Then 'list.Item(i).Domain = "funimation.com" Then
'MsgBox(list.Item(i).Name + vbNewLine + list.Item(i).Value)
Cookie = Cookie + list.Item(i).Name + "=" + list.Item(i).Value + ";"
End If
If CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Domain, "funimation.com")) And CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Name, "src_token")) Then 'list.Item(i).Domain = "funimation.com" Then
'MsgBox(list.Item(i).Name + vbNewLine + list.Item(i).Value)
Token = "Token " + list.Item(i).Value
End If
If CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Domain, "funimation.com")) And CBool(InStr(list.Item(i).Name, "region")) Then 'list.Item(i).Domain = "funimation.com" Then
'MsgBox(list.Item(i).Name + vbNewLine + list.Item(i).Value)
DeviceRegion = "?deviceType=web&" + list.Item(i).Name + "=" + list.Item(i).Value
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
' region=US;
If Token = Nothing Then
MsgBox("No Token has been found...", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
@ -32,6 +32,6 @@ Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
' übernehmen, indem Sie "*" eingeben:
' <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>
<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")>
<Assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")>
<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("")>
<Assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")>
<Assembly: NeutralResourcesLanguage("en")>
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
<p>System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Der Index war außerhalb des Arraybereichs.
bei Crunchyroll_Downloader.Main.ProcessRequest(NetworkStream stream, String htmlReq) in D:\Projecte\Crunchyroll Downloader - v3.0-final\Crunchyroll-Downloader-v3.0\Crunchyroll Downloader\Main.vb:Zeile 4697.</p>
bei Crunchyroll_Downloader.Main.ProcessRequest(NetworkStream stream, String htmlReq) in D:\Projecte\Crunchyroll Downloader - v3.0-final\Crunchyroll-Downloader-v3.0 - CefSharp\Crunchyroll Downloader\Main.vb:Zeile 4577.</p>
Crunchyroll Downloader/einstellungen.Designer.vb
Crunchyroll Downloader/einstellungen.Designer.vb
@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ Partial Class Einstellungen
Me.Label5 = New MetroFramework.Controls.MetroLabel()
Me.BackgroundWorker1 = New System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker()
Me.Btn_Save = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
Me.LeadingZeroDD = New MetroFramework.Controls.MetroComboBox()
CType(Me.pictureBox1, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
@ -400,7 +401,7 @@ Partial Class Einstellungen
Me.GB_Filename_Pre.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 9.75!)
Me.GB_Filename_Pre.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black
Me.GB_Filename_Pre.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(5, 182)
Me.GB_Filename_Pre.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(5, 220)
Me.GB_Filename_Pre.Name = "GB_Filename_Pre"
Me.GB_Filename_Pre.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(490, 59)
Me.GB_Filename_Pre.TabIndex = 20
@ -433,6 +434,7 @@ Partial Class Einstellungen
Me.GroupBox12.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent
@ -441,7 +443,7 @@ Partial Class Einstellungen
Me.GroupBox12.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black
Me.GroupBox12.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(5, 11)
Me.GroupBox12.Name = "GroupBox12"
Me.GroupBox12.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(490, 165)
Me.GroupBox12.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(490, 203)
Me.GroupBox12.TabIndex = 10
Me.GroupBox12.TabStop = False
Me.GroupBox12.Text = "Filename"
@ -450,7 +452,7 @@ Partial Class Einstellungen
Me.IgnoreS1.AutoSize = True
Me.IgnoreS1.FontSize = MetroFramework.MetroCheckBoxSize.Medium
Me.IgnoreS1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(133, 135)
Me.IgnoreS1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(248, 155)
Me.IgnoreS1.Name = "IgnoreS1"
Me.IgnoreS1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(227, 19)
Me.IgnoreS1.TabIndex = 19
@ -508,7 +510,7 @@ Partial Class Einstellungen
Me.GroupBox4.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 9.75!)
Me.GroupBox4.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black
Me.GroupBox4.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(5, 300)
Me.GroupBox4.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(5, 340)
Me.GroupBox4.Name = "GroupBox4"
Me.GroupBox4.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(490, 78)
Me.GroupBox4.TabIndex = 40
@ -545,7 +547,7 @@ Partial Class Einstellungen
Me.GroupBox2.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 9.75!)
Me.GroupBox2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black
Me.GroupBox2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(5, 380)
Me.GroupBox2.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(5, 420)
Me.GroupBox2.Name = "GroupBox2"
Me.GroupBox2.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(490, 63)
Me.GroupBox2.TabIndex = 50
@ -751,7 +753,7 @@ Partial Class Einstellungen
Me.GB_Resolution.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 9.75!)
Me.GB_Resolution.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black
Me.GB_Resolution.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(5, 240)
Me.GB_Resolution.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(5, 280)
Me.GB_Resolution.Name = "GB_Resolution"
Me.GB_Resolution.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(490, 59)
Me.GB_Resolution.TabIndex = 30
@ -1103,7 +1105,7 @@ Partial Class Einstellungen
Me.TabControl1.FontWeight = MetroFramework.MetroTabControlWeight.Regular
Me.TabControl1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(22, 60)
Me.TabControl1.Name = "TabControl1"
Me.TabControl1.SelectedIndex = 0
Me.TabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1
Me.TabControl1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(509, 567)
Me.TabControl1.TabIndex = 0
Me.TabControl1.UseSelectable = True
@ -1117,9 +1119,9 @@ Partial Class Einstellungen
Me.MetroTabPage1.HorizontalScrollbarBarColor = True
Me.MetroTabPage1.HorizontalScrollbarHighlightOnWheel = False
Me.MetroTabPage1.HorizontalScrollbarSize = 10
Me.MetroTabPage1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(4, 44)
Me.MetroTabPage1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(4, 35)
Me.MetroTabPage1.Name = "MetroTabPage1"
Me.MetroTabPage1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(501, 519)
Me.MetroTabPage1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(501, 528)
Me.MetroTabPage1.TabIndex = 7
Me.MetroTabPage1.Text = "Crunchyroll"
Me.MetroTabPage1.VerticalScrollbarBarColor = True
@ -1165,10 +1167,10 @@ Partial Class Einstellungen
Me.TabPage6.HorizontalScrollbarBarColor = True
Me.TabPage6.HorizontalScrollbarHighlightOnWheel = False
Me.TabPage6.HorizontalScrollbarSize = 10
Me.TabPage6.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(4, 44)
Me.TabPage6.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(4, 35)
Me.TabPage6.Name = "TabPage6"
Me.TabPage6.Padding = New System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3)
Me.TabPage6.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(501, 519)
Me.TabPage6.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(501, 528)
Me.TabPage6.TabIndex = 4
Me.TabPage6.Text = "Funimation"
Me.TabPage6.VerticalScrollbarBarColor = True
@ -1360,9 +1362,9 @@ Partial Class Einstellungen
Me.TabPage7.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(4, 44)
Me.TabPage7.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(4, 35)
Me.TabPage7.Name = "TabPage7"
Me.TabPage7.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(501, 519)
Me.TabPage7.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(501, 528)
Me.TabPage7.TabIndex = 5
Me.TabPage7.Text = "About "
@ -1494,6 +1496,20 @@ Partial Class Einstellungen
Me.Btn_Save.TabIndex = 9
Me.Btn_Save.UseVisualStyleBackColor = False
Me.LeadingZeroDD.DropDownHeight = 250
Me.LeadingZeroDD.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9.75!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte))
Me.LeadingZeroDD.FormattingEnabled = True
Me.LeadingZeroDD.IntegralHeight = False
Me.LeadingZeroDD.ItemHeight = 23
Me.LeadingZeroDD.Items.AddRange(New Object() {"1", "01", "001", "0001"})
Me.LeadingZeroDD.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(6, 151)
Me.LeadingZeroDD.Name = "LeadingZeroDD"
Me.LeadingZeroDD.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(225, 29)
Me.LeadingZeroDD.TabIndex = 20
Me.LeadingZeroDD.UseSelectable = True
Me.ApplyImageInvert = True
@ -1671,4 +1687,5 @@ Partial Class Einstellungen
Friend WithEvents ListBit_4500 As ToolStripMenuItem
Friend WithEvents ListBit_3500 As ToolStripMenuItem
Friend WithEvents ListBit_2500 As ToolStripMenuItem
Friend WithEvents LeadingZeroDD As MetroFramework.Controls.MetroComboBox
End Class
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Public Class Einstellungen
Private Sub Einstellungen_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Label6.Text = "You have: v" + Application.ProductVersion.ToString + " Chromium-U10"
Label6.Text = "You have: v" + Application.ProductVersion.ToString + " Chromium-U10.1"
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Public Class Einstellungen
ProfileTextBox.Text = Main.ProfileFolder
LeadingZeroDD.SelectedIndex = Main.LeadingZero
If Main.IgnoreS1 = True Then
IgnoreS1.Checked = True
End If
@ -327,6 +327,9 @@ Public Class Einstellungen
Private Sub Btn_Save_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Btn_Save.Click
Dim rk As RegistryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("Software\CRDownloader")
Main.LeadingZero = LeadingZeroDD.SelectedIndex
rk.SetValue("LeadingZero", LeadingZeroDD.SelectedIndex, RegistryValueKind.String)
If http_support.Text = "add-on support disabled" Then
rk.SetValue("ServerPort", 0, RegistryValueKind.String)
Main.StartServer = CInt(False)
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
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