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synced 2025-03-06 08:37:56 +01:00
Apply linux_fix
This commit is contained in:
@ -78,21 +78,13 @@ SetToolPaths() {
if [[ $platform == "linux" ]]; then
# these need to run as root for device detection
expect="sudo $expect"
futurerestore="sudo $futurerestore"
ipwndfu="sudo $ipwndfu"
irecovery="sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./resources/lib $irecovery"
irecovery2="sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./resources/lib $irecovery2"
pwnedDFU="sudo $pwnedDFU"
rmsigchks="sudo $rmsigchks"
irecovery="env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./resources/lib $irecovery"
irecovery2="env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./resources/lib $irecovery2"
# openssl
opensslver=$(openssl version | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c -3)
if [[ $opensslver == "3"* ]]; then
cherrybin="env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../resources/lib $cherrybin"
idevicerestore="sudo ${idevicerestore}2"
idevicerestore="sudo $idevicerestore"
elif [[ $platform == "macos" ]]; then
@ -161,21 +153,23 @@ InstallDepends() {
if [[ $ID == "arch" || $ID_LIKE == "arch" || $ID == "artix" ]]; then
sudo pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed base-devel bsdiff curl expect libimobiledevice openssh python2 unzip usbutils vim xmlstarlet zenity
sudo pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed base-devel bsdiff curl expect libimobiledevice openssh python2 udev unzip usbmuxd usbutils vim xmlstarlet zenity
elif [[ -n $UBUNTU_CODENAME && $VERSION_ID == "2"* ]] ||
(( DebianVer >= 11 )) || [[ $DebianVer == "sid" ]]; then
[[ -n $UBUNTU_CODENAME ]] && sudo add-apt-repository -y universe
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y bsdiff curl expect libimobiledevice6 openssh-client python2 unzip usbmuxd usbutils xmlstarlet xxd zenity
sudo apt install -y bsdiff curl expect libimobiledevice6 openssh-client python2 udev unzip usbmuxd usbutils xmlstarlet xxd zenity
sudo systemctl enable --now udev systemd-udevd usbmuxd 2>/dev/null
elif [[ $ID == "fedora" ]] && (( VERSION_ID >= 35 )); then
ln -sf /usr/lib64/libbz2.so.1.* ../resources/lib/libbz2.so.1.0
sudo dnf install -y bsdiff expect libimobiledevice openssl perl-Digest-SHA python2 vim-common xmlstarlet zenity
sudo dnf install -y bsdiff ca-certificates libimobiledevice openssl perl-Digest-SHA python2 systemd udev usbmuxd vim-common xmlstarlet zenity
sudo ln -sf /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-certificates.crt
elif [[ $ID == "opensuse-tumbleweed" || $PRETTY_NAME == *"Leap 15.4" ]]; then
[[ $ID == "opensuse-leap" ]] && ln -sf /lib64/libreadline.so.7 ../resources/lib/libreadline.so.8
sudo zypper -n in bsdiff curl expect libimobiledevice-1_0-6 openssl python-base vim xmlstarlet zenity
sudo zypper -n in bsdiff curl expect libimobiledevice-1_0-6 openssl python-base usbmuxd vim xmlstarlet zenity
elif [[ $platform == "macos" ]]; then
xcode-select --install
@ -198,6 +192,12 @@ InstallDepends() {
if [[ $platform == "linux" ]]; then
libimobiledevice=("https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader-Keys/releases/download/tools/libimobiledevice_linux.zip" "fc5e714adf6fa72328d3e1ddea4e633f370559a4")
# from linux_fix script by Cryptiiiic
sudo systemctl enable --now systemd-udevd usbmuxd 2>/dev/null
echo "QUNUSU9OPT0iYWRkIiwgU1VCU1lTVEVNPT0idXNiIiwgQVRUUntpZFZlbmRvcn09PSIwNWFjIiwgQVRUUntpZFByb2R1Y3R9PT0iMTIyWzI3XXwxMjhbMC0zXSIsIE9XTkVSPSJyb290IiwgR1JPVVA9InVzYm11eGQiLCBNT0RFPSIwNjYwIiwgVEFHKz0idWFjY2VzcyIKCkFDVElPTj09ImFkZCIsIFNVQlNZU1RFTT09InVzYiIsIEFUVFJ7aWRWZW5kb3J9PT0iMDVhYyIsIEFUVFJ7aWRQcm9kdWN0fT09IjEzMzgiLCBPV05FUj0icm9vdCIsIEdST1VQPSJ1c2JtdXhkIiwgTU9ERT0iMDY2MCIsIFRBRys9InVhY2Nlc3MiCgoK" | base64 -d | sudo tee /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/39-libirecovery.rules >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
sudo chown root:root /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/39-libirecovery.rules
sudo chmod 0644 /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/39-libirecovery.rules
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
if [[ ! -d ../resources/libimobiledevice_$platform && $MPath == "./resources"* ]]; then
@ -212,4 +212,5 @@ InstallDepends() {
cd ..
Log "Install script done! Please run the script again to proceed"
Log "If your iOS device is plugged in, unplug and replug your device"
@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ GetDeviceValues() {
ideviceinfo2=$($ideviceinfo -s)
if [[ $? != 0 && $1 != "NoDevice" ]]; then
Log "Finding device in DFU/recovery mode..."
[[ $platform == "linux" ]] && Echo "* Enter your user password when prompted"
DeviceState="$($irecovery -q 2>/dev/null | grep -w "MODE" | cut -c 7-)"
elif [[ $1 == "NoDevice" ]]; then
Log "NoDevice argument detected. Skipping device detection"
@ -227,7 +226,6 @@ EnterPwnDFU() {
Log "Entering pwnDFU mode with: $pwnDFUTool..."
if [[ $pwnDFUTool == "ipwndfu" ]]; then
cd resources/ipwndfu
Echo "* Enter your user password when prompted"
$ipwndfu -p
if [[ $DeviceProc == 7 ]]; then
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ FutureRestore() {
local ExtraArgs=()
Log "Proceeding to futurerestore..."
[[ $platform == "linux" ]] && Echo "* Enter your user password when prompted"
if [[ $platform != "win" ]]; then
cd resources
@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ DowngradeOther() {
Log "Selected SHSH file: $SHSH"
if [[ ! -e resources/firmware/$ProductType/$BuildVer/index.html ]]; then
Log "Getting firmware keys for $ProductType-$BuildVer"
Log "Getting firmware keys for $ProductType"
unzip -o -j "$IPSW.ipsw" Restore.plist -d tmp
BuildVer=$(cat tmp/Restore.plist | grep -i ProductBuildVersion -A 1 | grep -oPm1 "(?<=<string>)[^<]+")
mkdir -p resources/firmware/$ProductType/$BuildVer 2>/dev/null
@ -164,7 +163,6 @@ iDeviceRestore() {
mkdir shsh
cp $SHSH shsh/${UniqueChipID}-${ProductType}-${OSVer}.shsh
Log "Proceeding to idevicerestore..."
Echo "* Enter your user password when prompted"
[[ $platform == "macos" ]] && sudo codesign --sign - --force --deep $idevicerestore
[[ $1 == "latest" ]] && ExtraArgs="-ey" || ExtraArgs="-ewy"
$idevicerestore $ExtraArgs "$IPSWRestore.ipsw"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user