- fix ipod2,1 3.1.3 getting stuck in recovery after restore
- for a4 and older, the "send pwned ibss" option just puts device in pwndfu, so the option name is changed to "enter pwndfu mode"
- always show pwndfu/pwned ibss option in other utilities
- add sha1sums for some 5.x iphones since some of ipsw.me's hashes are wrong
- add 7.0 11a466 sha1sum and url for 5c
- add dump/stitch activation records
- add restore custom ipsw option for 3gs and touch 2. there is also a warning to proceed with caution when doing so since legacy ios kit will never add support for tethered boots, downgrades, and jailbreaks (everything in legacy ios kit has to be untethered)
- add optional arguments `--disable-sudoloop` and `--disable-usbmuxd` for linux. (i dont recommend enabling any of these since default behavior should work fine in most cases, maybe only `--disable-usbmuxd` will be useful in case, idk)
- by default, legacy ios kit stops the usbmuxd service and starts up `sudo usbmuxd -pz`. `--disable-usbmuxd` disables this
- by default, legacy ios kit runs some tools as root like irecovery and idevicerestore among others. `--disable-sudoloop` disables this
- baseband dumps are actually supposed to be `/usr/standalone` AND `/usr/local/standalone`
- update daibutsuCFW haxx_overwrite. now it should work on all a5/a6 devices
- remove EtasonJB
- fix the conditions for the detection of distro versions
- remove instances of case fall through for bash 3.2 compatibility
- installing bash/limd/irecovery with homebrew/macports is now optional thanks to the limd and irecovery bins
- handling of kdfu/pwndfu for a4 and older devices
I have not done thorough testing yet, hopefully things don't break badly
- Added iOS 5.x and 7.0.x untethers. All of 5.x, 6.x, and 7.x can now be jailbroken with custom IPSW (Jailbreaking using SSH ramdisk is to be added next)
- iPhone 3GS downgrades with 24Kpwn/alloc8
- iPod touch 2 support and downgrades
- Remove 32-bit bsdiff patches for iBSS and iBEC in favor of patching with iBoot32Patcher
- Updated binaries (except for armhf, to follow)
- Add SHSH validation for powdersn0w and "Other" restores
- Add more checks in selecting IPSW menu
- Display some warnings on menu display
- Fix a lot of script stuff, remove the usage of xmlstarlet
- fix ibss and ibec patching (blob dumping still doesnt seem to work tho for a4 and older)
- enabling jailbreaking latest 6.1.6 and 5.1.1
- add option to restore to 4.1 for the 3gs
- get url from ipsw.me api for ramdisk build url as fallback
- add device_get_info in while loop
- show "create ipsw" option without selecting shsh blobs (except for ios 4 dra)