#!/bin/bash FRBaseband() { local BasebandSHA1L if [[ $DeviceProc == 7 ]]; then mkdir -p saved/baseband 2>/dev/null cp -f $IPSWRestore/Firmware/$Baseband saved/baseband/ fi if [[ ! -e saved/baseband/$Baseband ]]; then Log "Downloading baseband..." $partialzip $BasebandURL Firmware/$Baseband $Baseband $partialzip $BasebandURL BuildManifest.plist BuildManifest.plist mkdir -p saved/$ProductType saved/baseband 2>/dev/null mv $Baseband saved/baseband/ mv BuildManifest.plist saved/$ProductType/ BuildManifest="saved/$ProductType/BuildManifest.plist" elif [[ $DeviceProc != 7 ]]; then BuildManifest="saved/$ProductType/BuildManifest.plist" fi BasebandSHA1L=$($sha1sum saved/baseband/$Baseband | awk '{print $1}') if [[ ! -e $(ls saved/baseband/$Baseband) || $BasebandSHA1L != $BasebandSHA1 ]]; then rm -f saved/baseband/$Baseband $BuildManifest if [[ $DeviceProc == 7 || $platform == "win" ]]; then Error "Downloading/verifying baseband failed. Please run the script again" else Log "Downloading/verifying baseband failed. Proceeding with --latest-baseband flag" fi fi } FutureRestore() { local ExtraArgs=() Log "Proceeding to futurerestore..." if [[ $IPSWA7 != 1 ]]; then ExtraArgs+=("--use-pwndfu") cd resources $SimpleHTTPServer & ServerPID=$! cd .. fi if [[ $DeviceProc == 7 ]]; then ExtraArgs+=("-s" "$IPSWRestore/Firmware/all_flash/$SEP" "-m" "$BuildManifest") if [[ $IPSWA7 != 1 ]]; then # Send dummy file for device detection $irecovery -f README.md sleep 2 fi elif [[ $SendiBSS != 1 ]]; then ExtraArgs+=("--no-ibss") fi if [[ $Baseband == 0 ]]; then Log "Device $ProductType has no baseband/disabled baseband update" ExtraArgs+=("--no-baseband") else FRBaseband if [[ -e saved/baseband/$Baseband && -e $BuildManifest ]]; then ExtraArgs+=("-b" "saved/baseband/$Baseband" "-p" "$BuildManifest") else rm -f saved/baseband/$Baseband $BuildManifest ExtraArgs+=("--latest-baseband") fi fi Log "Running futurerestore with command: $futurerestore -t \"$SHSH\" ${ExtraArgs[*]} \"$IPSWRestore.ipsw\"" $futurerestore -t "$SHSH" "${ExtraArgs[@]}" "$IPSWRestore.ipsw" echo Log "Restoring done! Read the message below if any error has occurred:" Echo "* Please read the \"Troubleshooting\" wiki page in GitHub before opening any issue!" Echo "* Your problem may have already been addressed within the wiki page." Echo "* If opening an issue in GitHub, please provide a FULL log/output. Otherwise, your issue may be dismissed." echo } DowngradeOther() { local FWKeys local NoMove Input "Select your IPSW file in the file selection window." IPSW="$($zenity --file-selection --file-filter='IPSW | *.ipsw' --title="Select IPSW file")" [[ ! -s "$IPSW" ]] && Error "No IPSW selected, or IPSW file not found." IPSW="${IPSW%?????}" Log "Selected IPSW file: $IPSW.ipsw" Input "Select your SHSH file in the file selection window." SHSH="$($zenity --file-selection --file-filter='SHSH | *.shsh *.shsh2' --title="Select SHSH file")" [[ ! -s "$SHSH" ]] && Error "No SHSH selected, or SHSH file not found." Log "Selected SHSH file: $SHSH" Log "Getting build version from IPSW" unzip -o -j "$IPSW.ipsw" Restore.plist -d tmp if [[ $platform == "macos" ]]; then plutil -extract 'ProductBuildVersion' xml1 tmp/Restore.plist -o tmp/BuildVer BuildVer=$(cat tmp/BuildVer | sed -ne '//,/<\/string>/p' | sed -e "s///" | sed "s/<\/string>//" | sed '2d') else BuildVer=$(cat tmp/Restore.plist | grep -i ProductBuildVersion -A 1 | grep -oPm1 "(?<=)[^<]+") fi FWKeys="./resources/firmware/$ProductType/$BuildVer" Log "Checking firmware keys in $FWKeys" if [[ -e $FWKeys/index.html ]]; then if [[ $(cat $FWKeys/index.html | grep -c "$BuildVer") != 1 ]]; then Log "Existing firmware keys are not valid. Deleting" rm $FWKeys/index.html fi fi if [[ ! -e $FWKeys/index.html ]]; then Log "Getting firmware keys for $ProductType-$BuildVer" mkdir -p $FWKeys 2>/dev/null curl -L https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader-Keys/raw/master/$ProductType/$BuildVer/index.html -o tmp/index.html if [[ $(cat tmp/index.html | grep -c "$BuildVer") != 1 ]]; then curl -L https://api.m1sta.xyz/wikiproxy/$ProductType/$BuildVer -o tmp/index.html if [[ $(cat tmp/index.html | grep -c "$BuildVer") != 1 ]]; then Log "WARNING - Failed to download firmware keys." NoMove=1 fi fi if [[ $NoMove == 1 ]]; then rm $FWKeys/index.html elif [[ -s tmp/index.html ]]; then mv tmp/index.html $FWKeys/ fi fi kDFU IPSWSetExtract FutureRestore } iDeviceRestore() { mkdir shsh cp $SHSH shsh/${UniqueChipID}-${ProductType}-${OSVer}.shsh Log "Proceeding to idevicerestore..." ExtraArgs="-e -w" if [[ $1 == "latest" ]]; then ExtraArgs="-e" elif [[ $Baseband == 0 ]]; then Log "Device $ProductType has no baseband/disabled baseband update" elif [[ $platform == "win" && $ProductType != "iPhone3"* ]]; then ExtraArgs="-r" idevicerestore="$idevicererestore" re="re" FRBaseband cp saved/baseband/$Baseband tmp/bbfw.tmp cp $BuildManifest tmp/ BasebandSHA1L=$($sha1sum tmp/bbfw.tmp | awk '{print $1}') if [[ $BasebandSHA1L != $BasebandSHA1 ]]; then rm -f saved/baseband/$Baseband saved/$ProductType/BuildManifest.plist Error "Downloading/verifying baseband failed. Please run the script again" fi if [[ ! -e tmp/bbfw.tmp || ! -e tmp/BuildManifest.plist ]]; then Log "Downloading/verifying baseband failed." Echo "* You may still attempt to continue, but $OSVer baseband will be flashed instead of latest." Echo "* This may cause ACTIVATION ERRORS after the restore, it is recommended to not continue." Echo "* I highly suggest to do the restore in Linux/macOS instead to avoid issues." Input "Press Enter/Return to continue (or press Ctrl+C to cancel)" read -s ExtraArgs="-e -w" idevicerestore="./resources/tools/idevicerestore_$platform" re= fi fi Log "Running idevicere${re}store with command: $idevicerestore $ExtraArgs \"$IPSWRestore.ipsw\"" $idevicerestore $ExtraArgs "$IPSWRestore.ipsw" echo Log "Restoring done! Read the message below if any error has occurred:" if [[ $platform == "win" ]]; then Echo "* Windows users may encounter errors like \"Unable to send APTicket\" or \"Unable to send iBEC\" in the restore process." Echo "* Follow the troubleshoting link for steps to attempt fixing this issue." Echo "* Troubleshooting link: https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/wiki/Troubleshooting#windows" fi Echo "* Please read the \"Troubleshooting\" wiki page in GitHub before opening any issue!" Echo "* Your problem may have already been addressed within the wiki page." Echo "* If opening an issue in GitHub, please provide a FULL log/output. Otherwise, your issue may be dismissed." echo } IPSWCustomA7() { local fr194=() if [[ $platform == "macos" ]]; then fr194=("https://github.com/futurerestore/futurerestore/releases/download/194/futurerestore-v194-macOS.tar.xz" "d279423dd9a12d3a7eceaeb7e01beb332c306aaa") elif [[ $platform == "linux" ]]; then fr194=("https://github.com/futurerestore/futurerestore/releases/download/194/futurerestore-v194-ubuntu_20.04.2.tar.xz" "9f2b4b6cc6710d1d68880711001d2dc5b4cb9407") fi Input "Custom IPSW Option" Echo "* When this option is enabled, a custom IPSW will be created/used for restoring." Echo "* Only enable this when you encounter problems with futurerestore." Echo "* This option is disabled by default (N)." read -p "$(Input 'Enable this option? (y/N):')" IPSWA7 if [[ $IPSWA7 != 'Y' && $IPSWA7 != 'y' ]]; then return fi IPSWA7=1 Log "Custom IPSW option enabled by user." futurerestore="./resources/tools/futurerestore194_$platform" if [[ ! -e $futurerestore ]]; then cd tmp SaveFile ${fr194[0]} futurerestore.tar.xz ${fr194[1]} 7z x futurerestore.tar.xz tar -xf futurerestore*.tar chmod +x futurerestore-v194 mv futurerestore-v194 ../$futurerestore cd .. fi } RetryOption() { Input "Retry Command Option" Echo "* This gives users the option to retry the restore command." Echo "* It can be useful in case that the restore failed early." Echo "* If the restore failed with the device no longer in DFU, this will not work." Echo "* This option is disabled by default (N)." read -p "$(Input 'Enable this option? (y/N):')" Retry if [[ $Retry != 'Y' && $Retry != 'y' ]]; then return fi $1 } DowngradeOTA() { if [[ $DeviceProc != 7 ]]; then JailbreakOption fi SaveOTABlobs IPSWFindVerify kDFU if [[ $Jailbreak == 1 || $ProductType == "$DisableBBUpdate" ]]; then IPSW32 else IPSWCustom=0 fi IPSWSetExtract FutureRestore RetryOption FutureRestore } DowngradeOTAWin() { IPSWCustom="${IPSWType}_${OSVer}_${BuildVer}_CustomW" if [[ $DeviceProc != 7 ]]; then JailbreakOption SaveOTABlobs fi IPSWFindVerify if [[ $DeviceProc == 7 ]]; then IPSWA7=1 IPSWSetExtract IPSW64 EnterPwnREC local APNonce=$($irecovery -q | grep "NONC" | cut -c 7-) Log "APNONCE: $APNonce" SaveOTABlobs $APNonce IPSWSetExtract set FutureRestore return fi kDFU IPSW32 IPSWSetExtract iDeviceRestore RetryOption iDeviceRestore } Downgrade() { Log "Select your options when asked. If unsure, go for the defaults (press Enter/Return)." echo if [[ $DeviceProc == 7 && $platform != "win" ]]; then IPSWCustomA7 fi if [[ $platform == "win" || $IPSWA7 == 1 ]]; then DowngradeOTAWin return elif [[ $OSVer == "Other" ]]; then DowngradeOther return fi DowngradeOTA } Downgrade4() { JailbreakOption IPSWFindVerify Save712Blobs if [[ $OSVer == "7.1.2" && $Jailbreak != 1 ]]; then IPSWSetExtract iDeviceRestore latest return elif [[ $OSVer != "7.1.2" ]]; then IPSWFindVerify 712 fi IPSW4 IPSWSetExtract iDeviceRestore RetryOption iDeviceRestore Log "Downgrade script done!" }