#!/bin/bash function BasebandDetect { Firmware=resources/firmware/$ProductType BasebandURL=$(cat $Firmware/13G37/url 2>/dev/null) if [ $ProductType == iPad2,2 ]; then BasebandURL=$(cat $Firmware/13G36/url) Baseband=ICE3_04.12.09_BOOT_02.13.Release.bbfw BasebandSHA1=e6f54acc5d5652d39a0ef9af5589681df39e0aca elif [ $ProductType == iPad2,3 ]; then Baseband=Phoenix-3.6.03.Release.bbfw BasebandSHA1=8d4efb2214344ea8e7c9305392068ab0a7168ba4 elif [ $ProductType == iPad2,6 ] || [ $ProductType == iPad2,7 ]; then Baseband=Mav5-11.80.00.Release.bbfw BasebandSHA1=aa52cf75b82fc686f94772e216008345b6a2a750 elif [ $ProductType == iPad3,2 ] || [ $ProductType == iPad3,3 ]; then Baseband=Mav4-6.7.00.Release.bbfw BasebandSHA1=a5d6978ecead8d9c056250ad4622db4d6c71d15e elif [ $ProductType == iPhone4,1 ]; then Baseband=Trek-6.7.00.Release.bbfw BasebandSHA1=22a35425a3cdf8fa1458b5116cfb199448eecf49 elif [ $ProductType == iPad3,5 ] || [ $ProductType == iPad3,6 ] || [ $ProductType == iPhone5,1 ] || [ $ProductType == iPhone5,2 ]; then BasebandURL=$(cat $Firmware/14G61/url) Baseband=Mav5-11.80.00.Release.bbfw BasebandSHA1=8951cf09f16029c5c0533e951eb4c06609d0ba7f else # For Wi-Fi only devices Baseband=0 fi } function Clean { rm -rf iP*/ tmp/ $(ls *_${ProductType}_${OSVer}-*.shsh2 2>/dev/null) $(ls *.bbfw 2>/dev/null) BuildManifest.plist } function Log { echo "[Log] $1" } function Error { echo "[Error] $1" [[ ! -z $2 ]] && echo $2 exit } function MainMenu { if [ $(lsusb | grep -c '1227') == 1 ]; then read -p "[Input] Device in DFU mode detected. Is the device in kDFU mode? (y/N) " kDFUManual if [[ $kDFUManual == y ]] || [[ $kDFUManual == Y ]]; then read -p "[Input] Enter ProductType (eg. iPad2,1): " ProductType read -p "[Input] Enter UniqueChipID (ECID): " UniqueChipID BasebandDetect Log "Downgrading device $ProductType in kDFU mode..." Mode='Downgrade' SelectVersion else Error "Please put the device in normal mode and jailbroken before proceeding" fi elif [ ! $ProductType ]; then Error "Please plug the device in and trust this computer before proceeding" fi BasebandDetect echo "Main Menu" echo echo "HardwareModel: ${HWModel}ap" echo "ProductType: $ProductType" echo "ProductVersion: $ProductVer" echo "UniqueChipID (ECID): $UniqueChipID" echo echo "[Input] Select an option:" select opt in "Downgrade device" "Save OTA blobs" "Just put device in kDFU mode" "(Re-)Install Dependencies" "Exit"; do case $opt in "Downgrade device" ) Mode='Downgrade'; break;; "Save OTA blobs" ) Mode='SaveOTABlobs'; break;; "Just put device in kDFU mode" ) Mode='kDFU'; break;; "(Re-)Install Dependencies" ) InstallDependencies;; "Exit" ) exit;; *) MainMenu;; esac done SelectVersion } function SelectVersion { Selection=("iOS 8.4.1") if [[ $Mode == 'kDFU' ]]; then Select841 elif [ $ProductType == iPad2,1 ] || [ $ProductType == iPad2,2 ] || [ $ProductType == iPad2,3 ] || [ $ProductType == iPhone4,1 ]; then Selection+=("iOS 6.1.3") fi [[ $Mode == 'Downgrade' ]] && Selection+=("Other") Selection+=("Back") echo "[Input] Select iOS version:" select opt in "${Selection[@]}"; do case $opt in "iOS 8.4.1" ) Select841; break;; "iOS 6.1.3" ) Select613; break;; "Other" ) SelectOther; break;; "Back" ) MainMenu; break;; *) SelectVersion;; esac done } function Select841 { echo "iOS 8.4.1 $Mode" OSVer="8.4.1" BuildVer="12H321" Action } function Select613 { echo "iOS 6.1.3 $Mode" OSVer="6.1.3" BuildVer="10B329" Action } function SelectOther { echo "Other $Mode" NotOTA=1 read -p "[Input] Path to IPSW (drag IPSW to terminal window): " IPSW IPSW="$(basename "$IPSW" .ipsw)" read -p "[Input] Path to SHSH (drag SHSH to terminal window): " SHSH Action } function Action { iBSS="iBSS.$HWModel.RELEASE" IV=$(cat $Firmware/12H321/iv) Key=$(cat $Firmware/12H321/key) if [[ $Mode == 'Downgrade' ]]; then Downgrade elif [[ $Mode == 'SaveOTABlobs' ]]; then SaveOTABlobs elif [[ $Mode == 'kDFU' ]]; then kDFU fi exit } function SaveOTABlobs { BuildManifest="resources/manifests/BuildManifest_${ProductType}_${OSVer}.plist" Log "Saving $OSVer blobs with tsschecker..." env "LD_PRELOAD=libcurl.so.3" resources/tools/tsschecker_$platform -d $ProductType -i $OSVer -o -s -e $UniqueChipID -m $BuildManifest SHSH=$(ls *_${ProductType}_${OSVer}-*.shsh2) [ ! -e "$SHSH" ] && Error "Saving $OSVer blobs failed. Please run the script again" "It is also possible that $OSVer for $ProductType is no longer signed" mkdir -p saved/shsh 2>/dev/null cp "$SHSH" saved/shsh Log "Successfully saved $OSVer blobs." } function kDFU { if [ ! -e saved/$ProductType/$iBSS.dfu ]; then Log "Downloading iBSS..." resources/tools/pzb_$platform -g Firmware/dfu/${iBSS}.dfu -o $iBSS.dfu $(cat $Firmware/12H321/url) mkdir -p saved/$ProductType 2>/dev/null mv $iBSS.dfu saved/$ProductType fi Log "Decrypting iBSS..." Log "IV = $IV" Log "Key = $Key" resources/tools/xpwntool_$platform saved/$ProductType/$iBSS.dfu tmp/iBSS.dec -k $Key -iv $IV -decrypt dd bs=64 skip=1 if=tmp/iBSS.dec of=tmp/iBSS.dec2 Log "Patching iBSS..." bspatch tmp/iBSS.dec2 tmp/pwnediBSS resources/patches/$iBSS.patch # Regular kloader only works on iOS 6 to 9, so other versions are provided for iOS 5 and 10 if [[ $VersionDetect == 1 ]]; then kloader='kloader_hgsp' elif [[ $VersionDetect == 5 ]]; then kloader='kloader5' else kloader='kloader' fi if [[ $VersionDetect == 1 ]]; then # ifuse+MTerminal is used instead of SSH for devices on iOS 10 [ ! $(which ifuse) ] && Error "ifuse not found. Please re-install dependencies and try again" "For macOS systems, install osxfuse and ifuse with brew" WifiAddr=$(ideviceinfo -s | grep 'WiFiAddress' | cut -c 14-) WifiAddrDecr=$(echo $(printf "%x\n" $(expr $(printf "%d\n" 0x$(echo "${WifiAddr}" | tr -d ':')) - 1)) | sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g;s/:$//') echo '#!/bin/bash' > tmp/pwn.sh echo "nvram wifiaddr=$WifiAddrDecr chmod 755 kloader_hgsp ./kloader_hgsp pwnediBSS" >> tmp/pwn.sh Log "Mounting device with ifuse..." mkdir mount ifuse mount Log "Copying stuff to device..." cp "tmp/pwn.sh" "resources/tools/$kloader" "tmp/pwnediBSS" "mount/" Log "Unmounting device..." sudo umount mount echo Log "Open MTerminal and run these commands:" echo echo '$ su' echo "(enter root password, default is 'alpine')" echo "# cd Media" echo "# chmod +x pwn.sh" echo "# ./pwn.sh" else # SSH kloader and pwnediBSS echo "Make sure SSH is installed and working on the device!" echo "Please enter Wi-Fi IP address of device for SSH connection" read -p "[Input] IP Address: " IPAddress Log "Coonecting to device via SSH... Please enter root password when prompted (default is 'alpine')" Log "Copying stuff to device..." scp resources/tools/$kloader tmp/pwnediBSS root@$IPAddress:/ [ $? == 1 ] && Error "Cannot connect to device via SSH." "Please check your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file and try again" Log "Entering kDFU mode..." ssh root@$IPAddress "chmod 755 /$kloader && /$kloader /pwnediBSS" & fi echo echo "Press home/power button once when screen goes black on the device" FindDFU } function FindDFU { Log "Finding device in DFU mode..." while [[ $DFUDevice != 1 ]]; do DFUDevice=$(lsusb | grep -c "1227") sleep 2 done Log "Found device in DFU mode." } function Downgrade { if [ ! $NotOTA ]; then SaveOTABlobs IPSW="${ProductType}_${OSVer}_${BuildVer}_Restore" if [ ! -e "$IPSW.ipsw" ]; then Log "iOS $OSVer IPSW is missing, downloading IPSW..." curl -L $(cat $Firmware/$BuildVer/url) -o tmp/$IPSW.ipsw mv tmp/$IPSW.ipsw . fi Log "Verifying IPSW..." SHA1IPSW=$(cat $Firmware/$BuildVer/sha1sum) SHA1IPSWL=$(sha1sum "$IPSW.ipsw" | awk '{print $1}') [ $SHA1IPSW != $SHA1IPSWL ] && Error "SHA1 of IPSW does not match. Please run the script again" if [ ! $kDFUManual ]; then Log "Extracting iBSS from IPSW..." mkdir -p saved/$ProductType 2>/dev/null unzip -o -j "$IPSW.ipsw" Firmware/dfu/$iBSS.dfu -d saved/$ProductType fi fi [ ! $kDFUManual ] && kDFU Log "Extracting IPSW..." unzip -q "$IPSW.ipsw" -d "$IPSW/" Log "Preparing for futurerestore (starting local server)..." cd resources sudo bash -c "python3 -m http.server 80 &" cd .. if [ $Baseband == 0 ]; then Log "Device $ProductType has no baseband" Log "Proceeding to futurerestore..." sudo env "LD_PRELOAD=libcurl.so.3" resources/tools/futurerestore_$platform -t "$SHSH" --no-baseband --use-pwndfu "$IPSW.ipsw" else if [ ! -e saved/$ProductType/*.bbfw ]; then Log "Downloading baseband..." resources/tools/pzb_$platform -g Firmware/$Baseband -o $Baseband $BasebandURL resources/tools/pzb_$platform -g BuildManifest.plist -o BuildManifest.plist $BasebandURL mkdir -p saved/$ProductType 2>/dev/null cp $(ls *.bbfw) BuildManifest.plist saved/$ProductType else cp saved/$ProductType/*.bbfw saved/$ProductType/BuildManifest.plist . fi if [ ! -e *.bbfw ] && [ $(sha1sum $Baseband | awk '{print $1}') != $BasebandSHA1 ]; then echo "[Error] Downloading/verifying baseband failed!" echo "Your device is still in kDFU mode, you may run the script again" echo "If you continue, futurerestore can attempt to download the baseband again" read -p "[Input] Continue anyway? (y/N)" Continue if [[ $Continue == y ]] || [[ $Continue == Y ]]; then Log "Proceeding to futurerestore..." sudo env "LD_PRELOAD=libcurl.so.3" resources/tools/futurerestore_$platform -t "$SHSH" --latest-baseband --use-pwndfu "$IPSW.ipsw" else exit fi fi if [[ $Continue != y ]] && [[ $Continue != Y ]]; then Log "Proceeding to futurerestore..." sudo env "LD_PRELOAD=libcurl.so.3" resources/tools/futurerestore_$platform -t "$SHSH" -b $(ls *.bbfw) -p BuildManifest.plist --use-pwndfu "$IPSW.ipsw" fi fi echo Log "futurerestore done!" Log "Stopping local server..." ps aux | awk '/python3/ {print "sudo kill -9 "$2" 2>/dev/null"}' | bash Log "Downgrade script done!" } function InstallDependencies { echo "Install Dependencies" . /etc/os-release 2>/dev/null if [[ $(which pacman) ]]; then Arch elif [[ $VERSION_ID == "16.04" ]] || [[ $VERSION_ID == "18.04" ]] || [[ $VERSION_ID == "20.04" ]]; then Ubuntu elif [[ $OSTYPE == "darwin"* ]]; then macOS else Error "Distro not detected/supported by install script." "See the repo README for OS versions/distros tested on" fi Log "Install script done! Please run the script again to proceed" } function Arch { Log "Installing dependencies for Arch with pacman..." sudo pacman -Sy --noconfirm bsdiff curl ifuse libcurl-compat libpng12 libzip openssh openssl-1.0 python unzip usbutils sudo pacman -S --noconfirm libimobiledevice usbmuxd sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/libzip.so.5 /usr/lib/libzip.so.4 } function macOS { if [[ ! $(which brew) ]]; then Log "Homebrew is not detected/installed, installing Homebrew..." /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)" fi Log "Installing dependencies for macOS with Homebrew..." brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies usbmuxd brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies libimobiledevice brew install --HEAD usbmuxd brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice brew install libzip lsusb python3 brew cask install osxfuse brew install ifuse } function Ubuntu { Log "Running APT update..." sudo apt update Log "Installing dependencies for Ubuntu $VERSION_ID with APT..." sudo apt -y install bsdiff curl ifuse libimobiledevice-utils python3 usbmuxd if [[ $VERSION_ID != "16.04" ]]; then sudo apt -y install binutils mkdir tmp cd tmp curl -L http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/c/curl3/libcurl3_7.58.0-2ubuntu2_amd64.deb -o libcurl3.deb ar x libcurl3.deb data.tar.xz tar xf data.tar.xz sudo cp usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl.so.4.* /usr/lib/libcurl.so.3 if [[ $VERSION_ID == "20.04" ]]; then URLlibpng12=http://ppa.launchpad.net/linuxuprising/libpng12/ubuntu/pool/main/libp/libpng/libpng12-0_1.2.54-1ubuntu1.1+1~ppa0~focal_amd64.deb curl -L http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/libz/libzip/libzip4_1.1.2-1.1_amd64.deb -o libzip4.deb sudo dpkg -i libzip4.deb curl -L http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openssl1.0/libssl1.0.0_1.0.2n-1ubuntu5.3_amd64.deb -o libssl1.0.0.deb sudo dpkg -i libssl1.0.0.deb else URLlibpng12=http://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/libp/libpng/libpng12-0_1.2.54-1ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb sudo apt -y install libzip4 fi curl -L $URLlibpng12 -o libpng12.deb sudo dpkg -i libpng12.deb else sudo apt -y install libzip4 fi } # --- MAIN SCRIPT STARTS HERE --- trap 'Clean; exit' INT TERM EXIT clear echo "******* 32bit-OTA-Downgrader *******" echo " Downgrade script by LukeZGD " echo if [[ $OSTYPE == "linux-gnu" ]]; then platform='linux' elif [[ $OSTYPE == "darwin"* ]]; then platform='macos' else Error "OSTYPE unknown/not supported" "Supports Linux and macOS only" fi [[ ! $(ping -c1 google.com 2>/dev/null) ]] && Error "Please check your Internet connection before proceeding" [[ $(uname -m) != 'x86_64' ]] && Error "Only x86_64 distributions are supported. Use a 64-bit distro and try again" HWModel=$(ideviceinfo -s | grep 'HardwareModel' | cut -c 16- | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's/.\{2\}$//') ProductType=$(ideviceinfo -s | grep 'ProductType' | cut -c 14-) [ ! $ProductType ] && ProductType=$(ideviceinfo | grep 'ProductType' | cut -c 14-) ProductVer=$(ideviceinfo -s | grep 'ProductVer' | cut -c 17-) VersionDetect=$(echo $ProductVer | cut -c 1) UniqueChipID=$(ideviceinfo -s | grep 'UniqueChipID' | cut -c 15-) if [ ! $(which bspatch) ] || [ ! $(which ideviceinfo) ] || [ ! $(which lsusb) ] || [ ! $(which ssh) ] || [ ! $(which python3) ]; then InstallDependencies else chmod +x resources/tools/* Clean mkdir tmp rm -rf resources/firmware curl -Ls https://github.com/LukeZGD/32bit-OTA-Downgrader/archive/firmware.zip -o tmp/firmware.zip unzip -q tmp/firmware.zip -d tmp mkdir resources/firmware mv tmp/32bit-OTA-Downgrader-firmware/* resources/firmware MainMenu fi