#!/bin/bash FindDevice() { local DeviceIn local i=0 local Timeout=999 local USB [[ $1 == "DFU" ]] && USB=1227 || USB=1281 [[ ! -z $2 ]] && Timeout=3 Log "Finding device in $1 mode..." while (( $i < $Timeout )); do if [[ $platform == "linux" ]]; then DeviceIn=$(lsusb | grep -c "05ac:$USB") else [[ $($irecovery -q 2>/dev/null | grep -w "MODE" | cut -c 7-) == "$1" ]] && DeviceIn=1 fi if [[ $DeviceIn == 1 ]]; then Log "Found device in $1 mode." DeviceState="$1" break fi sleep 1 ((i++)) done if [[ $DeviceIn != 1 ]]; then [[ $2 == "error" ]] && Error "Failed to find device in $1 mode. (Timed out)" return 1 fi } GetDeviceValues() { local ideviceinfo2 Log "Finding device in Normal mode..." DeviceState= ideviceinfo2=$($ideviceinfo -s) if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then Log "Finding device in DFU/recovery mode..." DeviceState="$($irecovery -q 2>/dev/null | grep -w "MODE" | cut -c 7-)" elif [[ ! -z $ideviceinfo2 ]]; then DeviceState="Normal" fi if [[ $DeviceState == "DFU" || $DeviceState == "Recovery" ]]; then local ProdCut=7 ProductType=$($irecovery -qv 2>&1 | grep "Connected to iP" | cut -c 14-) [[ $(echo $ProductType | cut -c 3) == 'h' ]] && ProdCut=9 ProductType=$(echo $ProductType | cut -c -$ProdCut) if [[ ! $ProductType ]]; then read -p "$(Input 'Enter ProductType (eg. iPad2,1):')" ProductType fi UniqueChipID=$((16#$(echo $($irecovery -q | grep "ECID" | cut -c 7-) | cut -c 3-))) if [[ ! $UniqueChipID || $UniqueChipID == 0 ]]; then read -p "$(Input 'Enter UniqueChipID (ECID, must be decimal):')" UniqueChipID fi ProductVer="Unknown" else ProductType=$(echo "$ideviceinfo2" | grep "ProductType" | cut -c 14-) [[ ! $ProductType ]] && ProductType=$($ideviceinfo | grep "ProductType" | cut -c 14-) ProductVer=$(echo "$ideviceinfo2" | grep "ProductVer" | cut -c 17-) UniqueChipID=$(echo "$ideviceinfo2" | grep "UniqueChipID" | cut -c 15-) UniqueDeviceID=$(echo "$ideviceinfo2" | grep "UniqueDeviceID" | cut -c 17-) fi if [[ ! $DeviceState ]]; then echo -e "\n${Color_R}[Error] No device detected. Please put the device in normal mode before proceeding. ${Color_N}" echo "${Color_Y}* Make sure to also trust this computer by selecting \"Trust\" at the pop-up. For Windows/macOS users, double-check if the device is being detected by iTunes/Finder. ${Color_N}" echo "${Color_Y}* Recovery or DFU mode is also applicable. For more details regarding alternative methods, read the \"Other Notes\" section of the README ${Color_N}" exit 1 fi Firmware=resources/firmware/$ProductType Baseband=0 BasebandURL=$(cat $Firmware/13G37/url 2>/dev/null) if [[ $ProductType == "iPad2,2" ]]; then BasebandURL=$(cat $Firmware/13G36/url) Baseband="ICE3_04.12.09_BOOT_02.13.Release.bbfw" BasebandSHA1="e6f54acc5d5652d39a0ef9af5589681df39e0aca" elif [[ $ProductType == "iPad2,3" ]]; then Baseband="Phoenix-3.6.03.Release.bbfw" BasebandSHA1="8d4efb2214344ea8e7c9305392068ab0a7168ba4" elif [[ $ProductType == "iPad2,6" || $ProductType == "iPad2,7" ]]; then Baseband="Mav5-11.80.00.Release.bbfw" BasebandSHA1="aa52cf75b82fc686f94772e216008345b6a2a750" elif [[ $ProductType == "iPad3,2" || $ProductType == "iPad3,3" ]]; then Baseband="Mav4-6.7.00.Release.bbfw" BasebandSHA1="a5d6978ecead8d9c056250ad4622db4d6c71d15e" elif [[ $ProductType == "iPhone4,1" ]]; then Baseband="Trek-6.7.00.Release.bbfw" BasebandSHA1="22a35425a3cdf8fa1458b5116cfb199448eecf49" elif [[ $ProductType == "iPad3,5" || $ProductType == "iPad3,6" || $ProductType == "iPhone5,1" || $ProductType == "iPhone5,2" ]]; then BasebandURL=$(cat $Firmware/14G61/url) Baseband="Mav5-11.80.00.Release.bbfw" BasebandSHA1="8951cf09f16029c5c0533e951eb4c06609d0ba7f" elif [[ $ProductType == "iPad4,2" || $ProductType == "iPad4,3" || $ProductType == "iPad4,5" || $ProductType == "iPhone6,1" || $ProductType == "iPhone6,2" ]]; then BasebandURL=$(cat $Firmware/14G60/url) Baseband="Mav7Mav8-7.60.00.Release.bbfw" BasebandSHA1="f397724367f6bed459cf8f3d523553c13e8ae12c" elif [[ $ProductType != "iPad2"* && $ProductType != "iPad3"* && $ProductType != "iPad4,1" && $ProductType != "iPad4,4" && $ProductType != "iPod5,1" && $ProductType != "iPhone5"* ]]; then Error "Your device $ProductType is not supported." else BasebandURL=0 fi if [[ $ProductType == "iPad2"* || $ProductType == "iPad3,1" || $ProductType == "iPad3,2" || $ProductType == "iPad3,3" || $ProductType == "iPhone4,1" || $ProductType == "iPod5,1" ]]; then DeviceProc=5 elif [[ $ProductType == "iPhone5"* || $ProductType == "iPad3"* ]]; then DeviceProc=6 elif [[ $ProductType == "iPhone6"* || $ProductType == "iPad4"* ]]; then DeviceProc=7 fi HWModel=$(cat $Firmware/hwmodel) if [[ ! $BasebandURL || ! $HWModel ]]; then Error "Missing BasebandURL and/or HWModel values. Is the firmware folder missing?" \ "Reinstall dependencies and try again. For more details, read the \"Other Notes\" section of the README" fi if [[ $ProductType == "iPod5,1" ]]; then iBSS="${HWModel}ap" iBSSBuildVer="10B329" elif [[ $ProductType == "iPad3,1" ]]; then iBSS="${HWModel}ap" iBSSBuildVer="11D257" elif [[ $ProductType == "iPhone6"* ]]; then iBSS="iphone6" IPSWType="iPhone_4.0_64bit" elif [[ $ProductType == "iPad4"* ]]; then iBSS="ipad4" IPSWType="iPad_64bit" else iBSS="$HWModel" iBSSBuildVer="12H321" fi [[ ! $IPSWType ]] && IPSWType="$ProductType" iBEC="iBEC.$iBSS.RELEASE" iBECb="iBEC.${iBSS}b.RELEASE" iBSSb="iBSS.${iBSS}b.RELEASE" iBSS="iBSS.$iBSS.RELEASE" SEP="sep-firmware.$HWModel.RELEASE.im4p" Log "Found $ProductType in $DeviceState mode." } CheckM8() { local pwnDFUTool local pwnDFUDevice local pwnD=1 if [[ $platform == "macos" && $(uname -m) != "x86_64" ]]; then pwnDFUTool="iPwnder32" elif [[ $platform == "macos" ]]; then Selection=("iPwnder32" "ipwndfu") Input "Select pwnDFU tool to use (Select 1 if unsure):" select opt in "${Selection[@]}"; do case $opt in "ipwndfu" ) pwnDFUTool="ipwndfu"; break;; *) pwnDFUTool="iPwnder32"; break;; esac done else pwnDFUTool="ipwndfu" fi Log "Entering pwnDFU mode with $pwnDFUTool..." if [[ $pwnDFUTool == "ipwndfu" ]]; then cd resources/ipwndfu $ipwndfu -p if [[ $DeviceProc == 7 ]]; then Log "Running rmsigchks.py..." $rmsigchks pwnDFUDevice=$? cd ../.. else cd ../.. Log "Sending iBSS..." kDFU iBSS || echo pwnDFUDevice=$? fi elif [[ $pwnDFUTool == "iPwnder32" ]]; then $ipwnder32 -p pwnDFUDevice=$? fi [[ $DeviceProc == 7 ]] && pwnD=$($irecovery -q | grep -c "PWND") if [[ $pwnDFUDevice != 0 && $pwnD != 1 ]]; then echo -e "\n${Color_R}[Error] Failed to enter pwnDFU mode. Please run the script again: ./restore.sh Downgrade ${Color_N}" echo "${Color_Y}* This step may fail a lot, especially on Linux, and unfortunately there is nothing I can do about the low success rates. ${Color_N}" echo "${Color_Y}* The only option is to make sure you are using an Intel or Apple Silicon device, and to try multiple times ${Color_N}" Echo "* For more details, read the \"Other Notes\" section of the README" exit 1 elif [[ $pwnDFUDevice == 0 ]]; then Log "Device in pwnDFU mode detected." else Log "Warning - Failed to detect device in pwnDFU mode." Echo "* If the device entered pwnDFU mode successfully, you may continue" Echo "* If entering pwnDFU failed, you may have to force restart your device and start over" fi } Recovery() { local RecoveryDFU if [[ $DeviceState != "Recovery" ]]; then Log "Entering recovery mode..." $ideviceenterrecovery $UniqueDeviceID >/dev/null FindDevice "Recovery" fi Echo "* Get ready to enter DFU mode." read -p "$(Input 'Select Y to continue, N to exit recovery (Y/n)')" RecoveryDFU if [[ $RecoveryDFU == 'N' || $RecoveryDFU == 'n' ]]; then Log "Exiting recovery mode." $irecovery -n exit 0 fi Echo "* Hold POWER and HOME button for 8 seconds." for i in {08..01}; do echo -n "$i " sleep 1 done echo -e "\n$(Echo '* Release POWER and hold HOME button for 8 seconds.')" for i in {08..01}; do echo -n "$i " sleep 1 done echo FindDevice "DFU" error CheckM8 } RecoveryExit() { read -p "$(Input 'Attempt to exit recovery mode? (Y/n)')" Selection if [[ $Selection != 'N' && $Selection != 'n' ]]; then Log "Exiting recovery mode." $irecovery -n fi exit 0 } kDFU() { local kloader local VerDetect=$(echo $ProductVer | cut -c 1) if [[ ! -e saved/$ProductType/$iBSS.dfu ]]; then Log "Downloading iBSS..." $partialzip $(cat $Firmware/$iBSSBuildVer/url) Firmware/dfu/$iBSS.dfu $iBSS.dfu mkdir -p saved/$ProductType 2>/dev/null mv $iBSS.dfu saved/$ProductType fi if [[ ! -e saved/$ProductType/$iBSS.dfu ]]; then Error "Failed to save iBSS. Please run the script again" fi Log "Patching iBSS..." $bspatch saved/$ProductType/$iBSS.dfu tmp/pwnediBSS resources/patches/$iBSS.patch if [[ $1 == iBSS ]]; then cd resources/ipwndfu Log "Sending iBSS..." $ipwndfu -l ../../tmp/pwnediBSS local ret=$? cd ../.. return $ret fi [[ $VerDetect == 1 ]] && kloader="kloader_hgsp" [[ $VerDetect == 5 ]] && kloader="kloader5" [[ ! $kloader ]] && kloader="kloader" $iproxy 2222 22 & iproxyPID=$! Log "Copying stuff to device via SSH..." Echo "* Make sure OpenSSH/Dropbear is installed on the device and running!" Echo "* Dropbear is only needed for devices on iOS 10" Echo "* To make sure that SSH is successful, try these steps:" Echo "* Reinstall OpenSSH/Dropbear, reboot and rejailbreak, then reinstall them again" echo Input "Enter the root password of your iOS device when prompted" Echo "* The default password is \"alpine\"" $SCP -P 2222 resources/tools/$kloader tmp/pwnediBSS root@ if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then $SSH -p 2222 root@ "chmod +x /tmp/$kloader; /tmp/$kloader /tmp/pwnediBSS" & else Log "Cannot connect to device via USB SSH." Echo "* Please try the steps above to make sure that SSH is successful" Echo "* Alternatively, you may use kDFUApp by tihmstar (from my repo, see README)" Input "Press Enter/Return to continue anyway (or press Ctrl+C to cancel and try again)" read -s Log "Will try again with Wi-Fi SSH..." Echo "* Make sure that the device and your PC/Mac are on the same network!" Echo "* You can check for your device's IP Address in: Settings > WiFi/WLAN > tap the 'i' next to your network name" read -p "$(Input 'Enter the IP Address of your device:')" IPAddress Log "Copying stuff to device via SSH..." $SCP resources/tools/$kloader tmp/pwnediBSS root@$IPAddress:/tmp if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then Error "Cannot connect to device via SSH." \ "Please try the steps above to make sure that SSH is successful" fi $SSH root@$IPAddress "/tmp/$kloader /tmp/pwnediBSS" & fi Log "Entering kDFU mode..." Echo "* Press POWER or HOME button when screen goes black on the device" FindDevice "DFU" } pwnREC() { local Attempt=1 if [[ $ProductType == "iPad4,4" || $ProductType == "iPad4,5" ]]; then Log "iPad mini 2 device detected. Setting iBSS and iBEC to \"ipad4b\"" iBEC=$iBECb iBSS=$iBSSb fi while (( $Attempt < 4 )); do Log "Entering pwnREC mode... (Attempt $Attempt)" Log "Sending iBSS..." $irecovery -f $IPSWCustom/Firmware/dfu/$iBSS.im4p $irecovery -f $IPSWCustom/Firmware/dfu/$iBSS.im4p Log "Sending iBEC..." $irecovery -f $IPSWCustom/Firmware/dfu/$iBEC.im4p sleep 3 FindDevice "Recovery" timeout [[ $? == 0 ]] && break ((Attempt++)) done if (( $Attempt == 4 )); then Error "Failed to enter pwnREC mode. You may have to force restart your device and start over entering pwnDFU mode again" \ "macOS users may have to install libimobiledevice and libirecovery from Homebrew. For more details, read the \"Other Notes\" section of the README" fi }