#!/bin/bash trap "Clean" EXIT trap "Clean; exit 1" INT TERM cd "$(dirname $0)" . ./resources/blobs.sh . ./resources/depends.sh . ./resources/device.sh . ./resources/downgrade.sh . ./resources/ipsw.sh for i in "$@"; do if [[ $i == "EntryDevice" ]]; then EntryDevice=1 elif [[ $i == "NoColor" ]]; then NoColor=1 elif [[ $i == "NoDevice" ]]; then NoDevice=1 elif [[ $i == "NoVersionCheck" ]]; then NoVersionCheck=1 elif [[ $i == "PwnedDevice" ]]; then PwnedDevice=1 fi done if [[ $NoColor != 1 ]]; then TERM=xterm-256color Color_R=$(tput setaf 9) Color_G=$(tput setaf 10) Color_B=$(tput setaf 12) Color_Y=$(tput setaf 11) Color_N=$(tput sgr0) fi Clean() { rm -rf iP*/ shsh/ tmp/ *.im4p *.bbfw *.plist *.tmp version.xml kill $iproxyPID $ServerPID 2>/dev/null } Echo() { echo "${Color_B}$1 ${Color_N}" } Error() { echo -e "\n${Color_R}[Error] $1 ${Color_N}" [[ -n $2 ]] && echo "${Color_R}* $2 ${Color_N}" echo ExitWin 1 } Input() { echo "${Color_Y}[Input] $1 ${Color_N}" } Log() { echo "${Color_G}[Log] $1 ${Color_N}" } ExitWin() { if [[ $platform == "win" ]]; then echo Input "Press Enter/Return to exit." read -s fi exit $1 } Main() { local Selection=() clear Echo "******* iOS-OTA-Downgrader *******" Echo " - Downgrader script by LukeZGD - " echo if [[ $EUID == 0 ]]; then Error "Running the script as root is not allowed." fi if [[ ! -d ./resources ]]; then Error "resources folder cannot be found. Replace resources folder and try again." \ "If resources folder is present try removing spaces from path/folder name" fi SetToolPaths if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then Error "Setting tool paths failed. Your copy of iOS-OTA-Downgrader seems to be incomplete." fi if [[ ! $platform ]]; then Error "Platform unknown/not supported." fi if [[ -d .git ]]; then if [[ $platform == "macos" ]]; then CurrentVersion="$(date -r $(git log -1 --format="%at") +%Y-%m-%d)-$(git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c -7)" else CurrentVersion="$(date -d @$(git log -1 --format="%at") --rfc-3339=date)-$(git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c -7)" fi elif [[ -e resources/git_hash ]]; then CurrentVersion="$(cat resources/git_hash)" else Echo "* Version: Unknown" if [[ $NoVersionCheck != 1 ]]; then Error "git_hash or .git not found. Your copy of iOS-OTA-Downgrader is downloaded incorrectly." \ "Please download iOS-OTA-Downgrader from the GitHub releases page or using git clone." fi fi [[ -n $CurrentVersion ]] && Echo "* Version: $CurrentVersion" chmod +x ./resources/*.sh ./resources/tools/* if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then Error "A problem with file permissions has been detected, cannot proceed." fi Log "Checking Internet connection..." $ping >/dev/null if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then Error "Please check your Internet connection before proceeding." fi if [[ $NoVersionCheck == 1 ]]; then Log "WARNING - NoVersionCheck detected, update check will be disabled and no support may be provided." else Log "Checking for updates..." LatestVersion=$(curl https://api.github.com/repos/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/releases/latest 2>/dev/null | grep "latest/iOS-OTA-Downgrader_complete" | cut -c 131- | cut -c -18) if [[ -z $LatestVersion ]]; then Log "WARNING - Failed to check for updates. GitHub may be down or blocked by your network." elif [[ $LatestVersion != $CurrentVersion ]]; then if (( $(echo $CurrentVersion | cut -c -10 | sed -e 's/-//g') > $(echo $LatestVersion | cut -c -10 | sed -e 's/-//g') )); then Log "WARNING - Current version is newer than remote ($LatestVersion)" else Echo "* A newer version of iOS-OTA-Downgrader is available." Echo "* Current version: $CurrentVersion" Echo "* Latest version: $LatestVersion" Echo "* Please download/pull the latest version before continuing." ExitWin 0 fi fi fi if [[ $platform == "macos" && $(uname -m) != "x86_64" ]]; then Log "Apple Silicon Mac detected. Support may be limited, proceed at your own risk." elif [[ $(uname -m) != "x86_64" ]]; then Error "Only 64-bit (x86_64) distributions are supported." fi if [[ $1 == "Install" || -z $bspatch || ! -e $ideviceinfo || ! -e $irecoverychk || ! -e $ideviceenterrecovery || ! -e $iproxy || -z $python || ! -e ./resources/first_run ]]; then if [[ ! -e $ideviceinfo || ! -e $irecoverychk || ! -e $ideviceenterrecovery || ! -e $iproxy ]]; then rm -rf ./resources/libimobiledevice_$platform fi Clean InstallDepends fi GetDeviceValues Clean mkdir tmp if [[ -n $1 && $1 != "No"* && $1 != *"Device" ]]; then Mode="$1" else [[ $NoDevice != 1 ]] && Selection+=("Downgrade Device") [[ $DeviceProc != 4 ]] && Selection+=("Save OTA Blobs") if [[ $ProductType == "iPhone3"* && $NoDevice != 1 ]]; then Selection+=("Restore to 7.1.2") [[ $ProductType != "iPhone3,2" ]] && Selection+=("Disable/Enable Exploit") [[ $ProductType == "iPhone3,1" ]] && Selection+=("SSH Ramdisk") fi if [[ $DeviceProc != 7 ]]; then Selection+=("Create Custom IPSW") [[ $DeviceState == "Normal" ]] && Selection+=("Put Device in kDFU Mode") fi Selection+=("(Re-)Install Dependencies" "(Any other key to exit)") Echo "*** Main Menu ***" Input "Select an option:" select opt in "${Selection[@]}"; do case $opt in "Downgrade Device" ) Mode="Downgrade"; break;; "Save OTA Blobs" ) Mode="SaveOTABlobs"; break;; "Create Custom IPSW" ) Mode="IPSW32"; break;; "Put Device in kDFU Mode" ) Mode="kDFU"; break;; "Disable/Enable Exploit" ) Mode="Remove4"; break;; "Restore to 7.1.2" ) Mode="Restore712"; break;; "SSH Ramdisk" ) Mode="Ramdisk4"; break;; "(Re-)Install Dependencies" ) InstallDepends;; * ) exit 0;; esac done fi SelectVersion if [[ $Mode == "IPSW32" ]]; then echo [[ $platform == "win" ]] && IPSWCustom="${IPSWType}_${OSVer}_${BuildVer}_CustomW" JailbreakOption if [[ -e "$IPSWCustom.ipsw" ]]; then Log "Found existing Custom IPSW, stopping here." Echo "* If you want to re-create the custom IPSW, move/delete the existing one first." ExitWin 0 elif [[ $Jailbreak != 1 && $platform != "win" ]]; then if [[ $DeviceProc == 4 && $OSVer == "7.1.2" ]]; then Log "Creating custom IPSW is not needed for non-jailbroken 7.1.2 restores." ExitWin 0 elif [[ $ProductType != "iPhone3"* && $ProductType != "$DisableBBUpdate" ]]; then Log "Creating custom IPSW is not needed for non-jailbroken restores on your device." ExitWin 0 fi fi IPSWFindVerify if [[ $DeviceProc == 4 ]]; then [[ $OSVer != "7.1.2" ]] && IPSWFindVerify 712 IPSW4 else IPSW32 fi Log "Custom IPSW has been created: $IPSWCustom.ipsw" [[ $Jailbreak == 1 ]] && Echo "* This custom IPSW has a jailbreak built in ($JBName)" Echo "* Run the script again and select Downgrade Device to use the custom IPSW." if [[ $DeviceProc != 4 && $platform != "win" ]]; then Echo "* You may also use futurerestore manually (make sure to use the latest beta)" fi ExitWin 0 elif [[ $Mode != "Downgrade"* && $Mode != *"4" ]]; then $Mode ExitWin 0 fi if [[ $DeviceProc == 7 && $platform == "win" ]]; then local Message="If you want to restore your A7 device on Windows, put the device in pwnDFU mode." if [[ $DeviceState == "Normal" ]]; then Error "$Message" elif [[ $DeviceState == "Recovery" ]]; then Log "A7 device detected in recovery mode." Log "$Message" RecoveryExit elif [[ $DeviceState == "DFU" ]]; then Log "A7 device detected in DFU mode." Echo "* Make sure that your device is already in pwnDFU mode with signature checks disabled." Echo "* If your device is not in pwnDFU mode, the restore will not proceed!" Echo "* Entering pwnDFU mode is not supported on Windows. You need to use a Mac/Linux machine or another iOS device to do so." Input "Press Enter/Return to continue (or press Ctrl+C to cancel)" read -s fi elif [[ $Mode == *"4" || $DeviceProc == 7 ]]; then if [[ $DeviceState == "Normal" && $OSVer == "7.1.2" ]]; then kDFU elif [[ $DeviceState == "DFU" && $OSVer == "7.1.2" ]]; then Input "Select the mode that your device is currently in:" Selection=("kDFU mode" "DFU/pwnDFU mode") select opt in "${Selection[@]}"; do case $opt in "kDFU mode" ) break;; "DFU/pwnDFU mode" ) EnterPwnDFU; break;; * ) exit 0;; esac done elif [[ $DeviceState == "Normal" ]]; then Echo "* The device needs to be in recovery/DFU mode before proceeding." read -p "$(Input 'Send device to recovery mode? (y/N):')" Selection [[ $Selection == 'Y' || $Selection == 'y' ]] && Recovery || exit elif [[ $DeviceState == "Recovery" ]]; then Recovery elif [[ $DeviceState == "DFU" ]]; then EnterPwnDFU fi if [[ $Mode == *"4" ]]; then $Mode ExitWin 0 fi elif [[ $DeviceState == "DFU" ]]; then if [[ $PwnedDevice != 1 ]]; then echo -e "\n${Color_R}[Error] 32-bit A${DeviceProc} device detected in DFU mode. ${Color_N}" echo "${Color_Y}* Please put the device in normal mode and jailbroken before proceeding. ${Color_N}" echo "${Color_Y}* Exit DFU mode by holding the TOP and HOME buttons for 15 seconds. ${Color_N}" echo "${Color_Y}* For usage of the DFU Advanced Menu, add PwnedDevice as an argument. ${Color_N}" echo "${Color_Y}* For more details, read the \"Troubleshooting\" wiki page in GitHub ${Color_N}" ExitWin 1 fi echo Echo "* DFU Advanced Menu" Echo "* This menu is for ADVANCED USERS ONLY." Echo "* If you do not know what you are doing, EXIT NOW by pressing Ctrl+C and restart your device in normal mode." Input "Select the mode that your device is currently in:" Selection=("kDFU mode") if [[ $platform != "win" ]]; then [[ $DeviceProc == 5 ]] && Selection+=("pwnDFU mode (A5)") || Selection+=("DFU mode (A4/A6)") fi Selection+=("Any other key to exit") select opt in "${Selection[@]}"; do case $opt in "kDFU mode" ) break;; "DFU mode (A4/A6)" ) EnterPwnDFU; break;; "pwnDFU mode (A5)" ) SendPwnediBSSA5; break;; * ) exit 0;; esac done Log "Downgrading $ProductType in kDFU/pwnDFU mode..." elif [[ $DeviceState == "Recovery" ]]; then if [[ $DeviceProc == 4 || $DeviceProc == 6 ]] && [[ $platform != "win" ]]; then Recovery else Log "32-bit A${DeviceProc} device detected in recovery mode." Echo "* Please put the device in normal mode and jailbroken before proceeding." Echo "* For usage of the DFU Advanced Menu, put the device in kDFU or pwnDFU mode" RecoveryExit fi Log "Downgrading $ProductType in pwnDFU mode..." fi Downgrade Log "Downgrade script done!" ExitWin 0 } SelectVersion() { if [[ $DeviceProc == 7 ]]; then OSVer="10.3.3" BuildVer="14G60" return elif [[ $Mode == "kDFU" || $Mode == *"4" ]]; then return fi if [[ $ProductType == "iPhone5,3" || $ProductType == "iPhone5,4" || $ProductType == "iPhone3"* ]]; then Selection=() else Selection=("iOS 8.4.1") fi if [[ $ProductType == "iPad2,1" || $ProductType == "iPad2,2" || $ProductType == "iPad2,3" || $ProductType == "iPhone4,1" ]]; then Selection+=("iOS 6.1.3") fi if [[ $ProductType == "iPhone3"* ]]; then [[ $Mode == "IPSW32" ]] && Selection+=("7.1.2") [[ $ProductType != "iPhone3,2" ]] && Selection+=("6.1.3") if [[ $platform == "macos" ]]; then Echo "* Using iPhone4Down on macOS is not recommended for downgrading." Echo "* Please use powdersn0w or cherryflowerJB from dora2ios instead." fi if [[ $ProductType == "iPhone3,1" ]]; then Selection+=("5.1.1 (9B208)" "5.1.1 (9B206)") Selection2=("6.1.2" "6.1" "6.0.1" "6.0" "5.1" "5.0.1" "5.0") if [[ $platform != "linux" ]]; then Echo "* iOS 4.3.x downgrades are supported on Linux only" Echo "* For macOS users, use cherryflowerJB instead" fi if [[ $platform != "win" ]]; then Selection+=("4.3.5") Selection2+=("4.3.3" "4.3") fi Selection+=("More versions") elif [[ $ProductType == "iPhone3,3" && $platform != "macos" && $Mode != "Restore712" ]]; then Echo "* For creating 6.1.3 custom IPSW, make sure to have darling installed: https://github.com/darlinghq/darling" Echo "* For Ubuntu/Debian, you may install the .deb from releases." Echo "* For Arch, you may install darling-bin from AUR." Echo "* For other distros, you might need to build darling yourself." fi if [[ $Mode == "Restore712" ]]; then Echo "* Make sure to disable the exploit first! See the README for more details." Input "Press Enter/Return to continue (or press Ctrl+C to cancel)" read -s OSVer="7.1.2" BuildVer="11D257" Mode="Downgrade4" return fi if [[ $Mode == "Downgrade" ]]; then Mode="Downgrade4" fi fi if [[ $platform != "win" && $Mode == "Downgrade"* ]]; then Selection+=("Other (use SHSH blobs)") fi Selection+=("(Any other key to exit)") echo Input "Select iOS version:" select opt in "${Selection[@]}"; do case $opt in "iOS 8.4.1" ) OSVer="8.4.1"; BuildVer="12H321"; break;; "iOS 6.1.3" ) OSVer="6.1.3"; BuildVer="10B329"; break;; "Other (use SHSH blobs)" ) OSVer="Other"; break;; "7.1.2" ) OSVer="7.1.2"; BuildVer="11D257"; break;; "6.1.3" ) OSVer="6.1.3"; BuildVer="10B329"; break;; "5.1.1 (9B208)" ) OSVer="5.1.1"; BuildVer="9B208"; break;; "5.1.1 (9B206)" ) OSVer="5.1.1"; BuildVer="9B206"; break;; "4.3.5" ) OSVer="4.3.5"; BuildVer="8L1"; break;; "More versions" ) OSVer="More"; break;; * ) exit 0;; esac done if [[ $OSVer == "Other" ]]; then Mode="Downgrade" elif [[ $OSVer == "More" ]]; then select opt in "${Selection2[@]}"; do case $opt in "6.1.2" ) OSVer="6.1.2"; BuildVer="10B146"; break;; "6.1" ) OSVer="6.1"; BuildVer="10B144"; break;; "6.0.1" ) OSVer="6.0.1"; BuildVer="10A523"; break;; "6.0" ) OSVer="6.0"; BuildVer="10A403"; break;; "5.1" ) OSVer="5.1"; BuildVer="9B176"; break;; "5.0.1" ) OSVer="5.0.1"; BuildVer="9A405"; break;; "5.0" ) OSVer="5.0"; BuildVer="9A334"; break;; "4.3.3" ) OSVer="4.3.3"; BuildVer="8J2"; break;; "4.3" ) OSVer="4.3"; BuildVer="8F190"; break;; * ) exit 0;; esac done fi } Main $1