#!/bin/bash trap 'Clean; exit' INT TERM EXIT if [[ $1 != 'NoColor' ]]; then Color_R=$(tput setaf 9) Color_G=$(tput setaf 10) Color_B=$(tput setaf 12) Color_Y=$(tput setaf 11) Color_N=$(tput sgr0) fi function Clean { rm -rf iP*/ shsh/ tmp/ ${UniqueChipID}_${ProductType}_*.shsh2 ${UniqueChipID}_${ProductType}_${HWModel}ap_*.shsh *.im4p *.bbfw BuildManifest.plist } function Echo { echo "${Color_B}$1 ${Color_N}" } function Error { echo -e "\n${Color_R}[Error] $1 ${Color_N}" [[ ! -z $2 ]] && echo "${Color_R}* $2 ${Color_N}" echo exit } function Input { echo "${Color_Y}[Input] $1 ${Color_N}" } function Log { echo "${Color_G}[Log] $1 ${Color_N}" } function Main { clear Echo "******* iOS-OTA-Downgrader *******" Echo " Downgrader script by LukeZGD " echo if [[ $OSTYPE == "linux-gnu" ]]; then platform="linux" bspatch="bspatch" ideviceenterrecovery="ideviceenterrecovery" ideviceinfo="ideviceinfo" idevicerestore="sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=resources/lib resources/tools/idevicerestore_linux" iproxy="iproxy" ipsw="env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib tools/ipsw_linux" irecoverychk="resources/libirecovery/bin/irecovery" irecovery="sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=resources/lib $irecoverychk" pwnedDFU="sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=resources/lib resources/tools/pwnedDFU_linux" python="python2" futurerestore1="sudo LD_PRELOAD=resources/lib/libcurl.so.3 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=resources/lib resources/tools/futurerestore1_linux" futurerestore2="sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=resources/lib resources/tools/futurerestore2_linux" tsschecker="env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=resources/lib resources/tools/tsschecker_linux" [[ $UBUNTU_CODENAME == "bionic" ]] && futurerestore2="${futurerestore2}_bionic" elif [[ $OSTYPE == "darwin"* ]]; then platform="macos" bspatch="resources/tools/bspatch_$platform" ideviceenterrecovery="resources/libimobiledevice_$platform/ideviceenterrecovery" ideviceinfo="resources/libimobiledevice_$platform/ideviceinfo" idevicerestore="resources/tools/idevicerestore_$platform" iproxy="resources/libimobiledevice_$platform/iproxy" ipsw="tools/ipsw_$platform" irecovery="resources/libimobiledevice_$platform/irecovery" irecoverychk=$irecovery pwnedDFU="resources/tools/pwnedDFU_$platform" python="python" futurerestore1="resources/tools/futurerestore1_$platform" futurerestore2="resources/tools/futurerestore2_$platform" tsschecker="resources/tools/tsschecker_$platform" fi partialzip="resources/tools/partialzip_$platform" [[ ! -d resources ]] && Error "resources folder cannot be found. Replace resources folder and try again" "If resources folder is present try removing spaces from path/folder name" [[ ! $platform ]] && Error "Platform unknown/not supported." chmod +x resources/tools/* [ $? == 1 ] && Log "An error occurred in chmod. This might cause problems..." [[ ! $(ping -c1 google.com 2>/dev/null) ]] && Error "Please check your Internet connection before proceeding." [[ $(uname -m) != 'x86_64' ]] && Error "Only x86_64 distributions are supported. Use a 64-bit distro and try again" if [[ $1 == Install ]] || [ ! $(which $irecoverychk) ] || [ ! $(which $ideviceinfo) ] || [ ! $(which git) ] || [ ! $(which $bspatch) ] || [ ! $(which $python) ]; then cd resources rm -rf firmware ipwndfu libimobiledevice_$platform libirecovery cd .. InstallDependencies fi SaveExternal iOS-OTA-Downgrader-Keys SaveExternal ipwndfu Log "Finding device in normal mode..." ideviceinfo2=$($ideviceinfo -s) if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then Log "Finding device in DFU/recovery mode..." irecovery2=$($irecovery -q 2>/dev/null | grep 'MODE' | cut -c 7-) fi [[ $irecovery2 == "DFU" ]] && DFUDevice=1 [[ $irecovery2 == "Recovery" ]] && RecoveryDevice=1 if [[ $DFUDevice == 1 ]] || [[ $RecoveryDevice == 1 ]]; then ProductType=$($irecovery -q | grep 'PTYP' | cut -c 7-) [ ! $ProductType ] && read -p "[Input] Enter ProductType (eg. iPad2,1): " ProductType UniqueChipID=$((16#$(echo $($irecovery -q | grep 'ECID' | cut -c 7-) | cut -c 3-))) ProductVer='Unknown' else ProductType=$(echo "$ideviceinfo2" | grep 'ProductType' | cut -c 14-) [ ! $ProductType ] && ProductType=$($ideviceinfo | grep 'ProductType' | cut -c 14-) ProductVer=$(echo "$ideviceinfo2" | grep 'ProductVer' | cut -c 17-) VersionDetect=$(echo $ProductVer | cut -c 1) UniqueChipID=$(echo "$ideviceinfo2" | grep 'UniqueChipID' | cut -c 15-) UniqueDeviceID=$(echo "$ideviceinfo2" | grep 'UniqueDeviceID' | cut -c 17-) fi [ ! $ProductType ] && ProductType=0 BasebandDetect Clean mkdir tmp Echo "* Platform: $platform" Echo "* HardwareModel: ${HWModel}ap" Echo "* ProductType: $ProductType" Echo "* ProductVersion: $ProductVer" Echo "* UniqueChipID (ECID): $UniqueChipID" echo if [[ $DFUDevice == 1 ]] && [[ $A7Device != 1 ]]; then DFUManual=1 Mode='Downgrade' Log "32-bit device in DFU mode detected." Echo "* Advanced options menu - use at your own risk" Echo "* Warning: A6 devices won't have activation error workaround yet when using this method" Input "This device is in:" select opt in "kDFU mode" "DFU mode (ipwndfu A6)" "pwnDFU mode (checkm8 A5)" "(Any other key to exit)"; do case $opt in "kDFU mode" ) break;; "DFU mode (ipwndfu A6)" ) CheckM8; break;; "pwnDFU mode (checkm8 A5)" ) kDFU iBSS; break;; * ) exit;; esac done Log "Downgrading $ProductType in kDFU/pwnDFU mode..." SelectVersion elif [[ $RecoveryDevice == 1 ]] && [[ $A7Device != 1 ]]; then read -p "$(Input 'Is this an A6 device in recovery mode? (y/N) ')" DFUManual if [[ $DFUManual == y ]] || [[ $DFUManual == Y ]]; then Recovery else Error "32-bit device detected in recovery mode. Please put the device in normal mode and jailbroken before proceeding" "For usage of 32-bit ipwndfu, put the device in Recovery/DFU mode (A6) or pwnDFU mode (A5 using Arduino)" fi fi if [[ $1 ]] && [[ $1 != 'NoColor' ]]; then Mode="$1" else Selection=("Downgrade device") [[ $A7Device != 1 ]] && Selection+=("Save OTA blobs" "Just put device in kDFU mode") Selection+=("(Re-)Install Dependencies" "(Any other key to exit)") Echo "*** Main Menu ***" Input "Select an option:" select opt in "${Selection[@]}"; do case $opt in "Downgrade device" ) Mode='Downgrade'; break;; "Save OTA blobs" ) Mode='SaveOTABlobs'; break;; "Just put device in kDFU mode" ) Mode='kDFU'; break;; "(Re-)Install Dependencies" ) InstallDependencies;; * ) exit;; esac done fi SelectVersion } function SelectVersion { if [[ $ProductType == iPad4* ]] || [[ $ProductType == iPhone6* ]]; then OSVer='10.3.3' BuildVer='14G60' Action elif [[ $Mode == 'kDFU' ]]; then Action fi Selection=("iOS 8.4.1") if [ $ProductType == iPad2,1 ] || [ $ProductType == iPad2,2 ] || [ $ProductType == iPad2,3 ] || [ $ProductType == iPhone4,1 ]; then Selection+=("iOS 6.1.3") fi [[ $Mode == 'Downgrade' ]] && Selection+=("Other") Selection+=("(Any other key to exit)") Input "Select iOS version:" select opt in "${Selection[@]}"; do case $opt in "iOS 8.4.1" ) OSVer='8.4.1'; BuildVer='12H321'; break;; "iOS 6.1.3" ) OSVer='6.1.3'; BuildVer='10B329'; break;; "Other" ) OSVer='Other'; break;; *) exit;; esac done Action } function Action { Log "Option: $Mode" if [[ $OSVer == 'Other' ]]; then Echo "* Move/copy the IPSW and SHSH to the directory where the script is located" Echo "* Reminder to create a backup of the SHSH" read -p "$(Input 'Path to IPSW (drag IPSW to terminal window): ')" IPSW IPSW="$(basename $IPSW .ipsw)" read -p "$(Input 'Path to SHSH (drag SHSH to terminal window): ')" SHSH elif [[ $Mode == 'Downgrade' ]] && [[ $A7Device != 1 ]]; then read -p "$(Input 'Jailbreak the selected iOS version? (y/N): ')" Jailbreak [[ $Jailbreak == y ]] || [[ $Jailbreak == Y ]] && Jailbreak=1 elif [[ $A7Device == 1 ]] && [[ $pwnDFUDevice != 0 ]]; then [[ $DFUDevice == 1 ]] && CheckM8 || Recovery fi [[ $Mode == 'Downgrade' ]] && Downgrade [[ $Mode == 'SaveOTABlobs' ]] && SaveOTABlobs [[ $Mode == 'kDFU' ]] && kDFU exit } function SaveOTABlobs { Log "Saving $OSVer blobs with tsschecker..." BuildManifest="resources/manifests/BuildManifest_${ProductType}_${OSVer}.plist" if [[ $A7Device == 1 ]]; then APNonce=$($irecovery -q | grep 'NONC' | cut -c 7-) Echo "* APNonce: $APNonce" $tsschecker -d $ProductType -B ${HWModel}ap -i $OSVer -e $UniqueChipID -m $BuildManifest --apnonce $APNonce -o -s SHSHChk=${UniqueChipID}_${ProductType}_${HWModel}ap_${OSVer}-${BuildVer}_${APNonce}.shsh else $tsschecker -d $ProductType -i $OSVer -e $UniqueChipID -m $BuildManifest -o -s SHSHChk=${UniqueChipID}_${ProductType}_${OSVer}-${BuildVer}_*.shsh2 fi SHSH=$(ls $SHSHChk) [ ! $SHSH ] && Error "Saving $OSVer blobs failed. Please run the script again" "It is also possible that $OSVer for $ProductType is no longer signed" mkdir -p saved/shsh 2>/dev/null [[ ! $(ls saved/shsh/$SHSHChk 2>/dev/null) ]] && cp "$SHSH" saved/shsh Log "Successfully saved $OSVer blobs." } function kDFU { if [ ! -e saved/$ProductType/$iBSS.dfu ]; then Log "Downloading iBSS..." $partialzip $(cat $Firmware/$iBSSBuildVer/url) Firmware/dfu/$iBSS.dfu $iBSS.dfu mkdir -p saved/$ProductType 2>/dev/null mv $iBSS.dfu saved/$ProductType fi [[ ! -e saved/$ProductType/$iBSS.dfu ]] && Error "Failed to save iBSS. Please run the script again" Log "Patching iBSS..." $bspatch saved/$ProductType/$iBSS.dfu tmp/pwnediBSS resources/patches/$iBSS.patch if [[ $1 == iBSS ]]; then cd resources/ipwndfu 2>/dev/null Log "Booting iBSS..." sudo $python ipwndfu -l ../../tmp/pwnediBSS cd ../.. return $? fi [[ $VersionDetect == 1 ]] && kloader='kloader_hgsp' [[ $VersionDetect == 5 ]] && kloader='kloader5' [[ ! $kloader ]] && kloader='kloader' [ ! $(which $iproxy) ] && Error "iproxy cannot be found. Please re-install dependencies and try again" "./restore.sh Install" $iproxy 2222 22 & iproxyPID=$! WifiAddr=$(echo "$ideviceinfo2" | grep 'WiFiAddress' | cut -c 14-) WifiAddrDecr=$(echo $(printf "%x\n" $(expr $(printf "%d\n" 0x$(echo "${WifiAddr}" | tr -d ':')) - 1)) | sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g;s/:$//') echo '#!/bin/bash' > tmp/pwn.sh echo "nvram wifiaddr=$WifiAddrDecr" >> tmp/pwn.sh chmod +x tmp/pwn.sh Log "Copying stuff to device via SSH..." Echo "* Make sure OpenSSH/Dropbear is installed on the device!" Echo "* Enter root password of your iOS device when prompted, default is 'alpine'" scp -P 2222 resources/tools/$kloader tmp/pwnediBSS tmp/pwn.sh root@ [ $? == 1 ] && Error "Cannot connect to device via SSH. Please check your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file and try again" "You may also run: rm ~/.ssh/known_hosts" Log "Entering kDFU mode..." if [[ $VersionDetect == 1 ]]; then ssh -p 2222 root@ "/pwn.sh; /$kloader /pwnediBSS" & else ssh -p 2222 root@ "/$kloader /pwnediBSS" & fi echo Echo "* Press POWER or HOME button when screen goes black on the device" Log "Finding device in DFU mode..." while [[ $DFUDevice != 1 ]]; do [[ $platform == linux ]] && DFUDevice=$(lsusb | grep -c '1227') [[ $platform == macos ]] && [[ $($irecovery -q 2>/dev/null | grep 'MODE' | cut -c 7-) == "DFU" ]] && DFUDevice=1 sleep 1 done Log "Found device in DFU mode." kill $iproxyPID } function Recovery { [[ $($irecovery -q 2>/dev/null | grep 'MODE' | cut -c 7-) == "Recovery" ]] && RecoveryDevice=1 if [[ $RecoveryDevice != 1 ]]; then Log "Entering recovery mode..." $ideviceenterrecovery $UniqueDeviceID >/dev/null while [[ $RecoveryDevice != 1 ]]; do [[ $($irecovery -q 2>/dev/null | grep 'MODE' | cut -c 7-) == "Recovery" ]] && RecoveryDevice=1 done fi Log "Device in recovery mode detected. Get ready to enter DFU mode" read -p "$(Input 'Select Y to continue, N to exit recovery (Y/n) ')" RecoveryDFU if [[ $RecoveryDFU == n ]] || [[ $RecoveryDFU == N ]]; then Log "Exiting recovery mode." $irecovery -n exit fi Echo "* Hold POWER and HOME button for 8 seconds." for i in {08..01}; do echo -n "$i " sleep 1 done echo -e "\n$(Echo '* Release POWER and hold HOME button for 8 seconds.')" for i in {08..01}; do echo -n "$i " sleep 1 done sleep 2 [[ $($irecovery -q 2>/dev/null | grep 'MODE' | cut -c 7-) == "DFU" ]] && DFUDevice=1 [[ $DFUDevice == 1 ]] && CheckM8 Error "Failed to detect device in DFU mode. Please run the script again" } function CheckM8 { DFUManual=1 [[ $A7Device == 1 ]] && echo -e "\n$(Log 'Device in DFU mode detected.')" if [[ $platform == macos ]]; then Selection=("iPwnder32" "ipwndfu") Input "Select pwnDFU tool to use (press ENTER when unsure):" select opt in "${Selection[@]}"; do case $opt in "ipwndfu" ) pwnDFUTool="ipwndfu"; break;; "iPwnder32" ) pwnDFUTool="iPwnder32"; break;; *) pwnDFUTool="${Selection[0]}"; break;; esac done else pwnDFUTool="ipwndfu" fi Log "Entering pwnDFU mode with $pwnDFUTool..." if [[ $pwnDFUTool == "ipwndfu" ]]; then cd resources/ipwndfu sudo $python ipwndfu -p pwnDFUDevice=$? elif [[ $pwnDFUTool == "iPwnder32" ]]; then $pwnedDFU -p -f pwnDFUDevice=$? cd resources/ipwndfu fi if [[ $pwnDFUDevice == 0 ]]; then Log "Device in pwnDFU mode detected." if [[ $A7Device == 1 ]]; then Log "Running rmsigchks.py..." sudo $python rmsigchks.py cd ../.. else kDFU iBSS fi Log "Downgrading device $ProductType in pwnDFU mode..." Mode='Downgrade' SelectVersion else Error "Failed to enter pwnDFU mode. Please run the script again" "./restore.sh Downgrade" fi } function Downgrade { if [[ $OSVer != 'Other' ]]; then [[ $ProductType == iPad4* ]] && IPSWType="iPad_64bit" [[ $ProductType == iPhone6* ]] && IPSWType="iPhone_4.0_64bit" [[ ! $IPSWType ]] && IPSWType="$ProductType" && SaveOTABlobs IPSW="${IPSWType}_${OSVer}_${BuildVer}_Restore" IPSWCustom="${IPSWType}_${OSVer}_${BuildVer}_Custom" if [ ! -e $IPSW.ipsw ] && [ ! -e $IPSWCustom.ipsw ]; then Log "iOS $OSVer IPSW cannot be found." Echo "* If you already downloaded the IPSW, did you put it in the same directory as the script?" Echo "* Do NOT rename the IPSW as the script will fail to detect it" Log "Downloading IPSW... (Press Ctrl+C to cancel)" curl -L $(cat $Firmware/$BuildVer/url) -o tmp/$IPSW.ipsw mv tmp/$IPSW.ipsw . fi if [ ! -e $IPSWCustom.ipsw ]; then Log "Verifying IPSW..." IPSWSHA1=$(cat $Firmware/$BuildVer/sha1sum) IPSWSHA1L=$(shasum $IPSW.ipsw | awk '{print $1}') [[ $IPSWSHA1L != $IPSWSHA1 ]] && Error "Verifying IPSW failed. Delete/replace the IPSW and run the script again" else IPSW=$IPSWCustom fi if [ ! $DFUManual ] && [[ $iBSSBuildVer == $BuildVer ]]; then Log "Extracting iBSS from IPSW..." mkdir -p saved/$ProductType 2>/dev/null unzip -o -j $IPSW.ipsw Firmware/dfu/$iBSS.dfu -d saved/$ProductType fi fi [ ! $DFUManual ] && kDFU # uses ipsw tool from OdysseusOTA/2 to create custom IPSW with jailbreak if [[ $Jailbreak == 1 ]]; then if [[ $OSVer == 8.4.1 ]]; then JBFiles=(fstab.tar etasonJB-untether.tar Cydia8.tar) JBSHA1=(5e5871aadeb0b958d577f43f6a04e1a2d04bf530 b1cb2cb3c40fabeeee3a293d8f0e4e1f8f5de79a 6459dbcbfe871056e6244d23b33c9b99aaeca970) JBS=2305 else JBFiles=(fstab_rw.tar p0sixspwn.tar Cydia6.tar) JBSHA1=(887f82cb601116ee78ad752eca7007128b6b38d3 6b003d3baddbafed2b468ba11328374d2dab276b 1d5a351016d2546aa9558bc86ce39186054dc281) JBS=1260 fi if [[ ! -e resources/jailbreak/${JBFiles[2]} ]]; then cd tmp Log "Downloading jailbreak files..." SaveFile https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader-Keys/releases/download/jailbreak/${JBFiles[2]} ${JBFiles[2]} ${JBSHA1[2]} cp ${JBFiles[2]} ../resources/jailbreak cd .. fi for i in {0..2}; do JBFiles[$i]=jailbreak/${JBFiles[$i]} done if [ ! -e $IPSWCustom.ipsw ]; then Echo "* By default, memory option is set to Y, you may select N later if you encounter problems" Echo "* If it doesn't work with both, you might not have enough RAM or tmp storage" read -p "$(Input 'Memory option? (press ENTER if unsure) (Y/n): ')" JBMemory [[ $JBMemory != n ]] && [[ $JBMemory != N ]] && JBMemory="-memory" || JBMemory= Log "Preparing custom IPSW..." cd resources ln -sf firmware/FirmwareBundles FirmwareBundles $ipsw ../$IPSW.ipsw ../$IPSWCustom.ipsw $JBMemory -bbupdate -s $JBS ${JBFiles[@]} cd .. fi [ ! -e $IPSWCustom.ipsw ] && Error "Failed to find custom IPSW. Please run the script again" "You may try selecting N for memory option" IPSW=$IPSWCustom fi Log "Extracting IPSW..." unzip -q $IPSW.ipsw -d $IPSW/ # create custom IPSW for 10.3.3 if [[ $A7Device == 1 ]]; then if [ ! -e $IPSWCustom.ipsw ]; then Log "Preparing custom IPSW..." cp $IPSW/Firmware/all_flash/$SEP . $bspatch $IPSW/Firmware/dfu/$iBSS.im4p $iBSS.im4p resources/patches/$iBSS.patch $bspatch $IPSW/Firmware/dfu/$iBEC.im4p $iBEC.im4p resources/patches/$iBEC.patch if [[ $ProductType == iPad4* ]]; then $bspatch $IPSW/Firmware/dfu/$iBSSb.im4p $iBSSb.im4p resources/patches/$iBSSb.patch $bspatch $IPSW/Firmware/dfu/$iBECb.im4p $iBECb.im4p resources/patches/$iBECb.patch cp -f $iBSSb.im4p $iBECb.im4p $IPSW/Firmware/dfu fi cp -f $iBSS.im4p $iBEC.im4p $IPSW/Firmware/dfu cd $IPSW zip ../$IPSWCustom.ipsw -rq0 * cd .. mv $IPSW $IPSWCustom IPSW=$IPSWCustom else cp $IPSW/Firmware/dfu/$iBSS.im4p $IPSW/Firmware/dfu/$iBEC.im4p . [[ $ProductType == iPad4* ]] && cp $IPSW/Firmware/dfu/$iBSSb.im4p $IPSW/Firmware/dfu/$iBECb.im4p . cp $IPSW/Firmware/all_flash/$SEP . fi [ ! -e $IPSW.ipsw ] && Error "Failed to create custom IPSW. Please run the script again" if [[ $ProductType == iPad4,4 ]] || [[ $ProductType == iPad4,5 ]]; then iBEC=$iBECb iBSS=$iBSSb fi Log "Entering pwnREC mode..." $irecovery -f $iBSS.im4p $irecovery -f $iBEC.im4p sleep 5 [[ $($irecovery -q 2>/dev/null | grep 'MODE' | cut -c 7-) == "Recovery" ]] && RecoveryDevice=1 if [[ $RecoveryDevice != 1 ]]; then echo -e "\n$(Log 'Failed to detect device in pwnREC mode.')" Echo "* If you device has backlight turned on, you may try re-plugging in your device and attempt to continue" Input "Press ENTER to continue anyway (or press Ctrl+C to cancel)" read -s else Log "Found device in pwnREC mode." fi SaveOTABlobs fi if [[ $Jailbreak != 1 ]] && [[ $A7Device != 1 ]] && [[ $OSVer != 'Other' ]]; then Log "Preparing for futurerestore... (Enter root password of your PC/Mac when prompted)" cd resources sudo bash -c "$python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 &" cd .. fi if [[ $Jailbreak == 1 ]]; then Log "Proceeding to idevicerestore..." mkdir shsh mv $SHSH shsh/${UniqueChipID}-${ProductType}-${OSVer}.shsh $idevicerestore -e -w $IPSW.ipsw elif [ $Baseband == 0 ]; then Log "Device $ProductType has no baseband" Log "Proceeding to futurerestore..." if [[ $A7Device == 1 ]]; then $futurerestore2 -t $SHSH -s $SEP -m $BuildManifest --no-baseband $IPSW.ipsw else $futurerestore1 -t $SHSH --no-baseband --use-pwndfu $IPSW.ipsw fi else if [[ $A7Device == 1 ]]; then cp $IPSW/Firmware/$Baseband . elif [ ! -e saved/$ProductType/*.bbfw ]; then Log "Downloading baseband..." $partialzip $BasebandURL Firmware/$Baseband $Baseband $partialzip $BasebandURL BuildManifest.plist BuildManifest.plist mkdir -p saved/$ProductType 2>/dev/null cp $Baseband BuildManifest.plist saved/$ProductType else cp saved/$ProductType/*.bbfw saved/$ProductType/BuildManifest.plist . fi BasebandSHA1L=$(shasum $Baseband | awk '{print $1}') Log "Proceeding to futurerestore..." if [ ! -e *.bbfw ] || [[ $BasebandSHA1L != $BasebandSHA1 ]]; then rm -f saved/$ProductType/*.bbfw saved/$ProductType/BuildManifest.plist Log "Downloading/verifying baseband failed." Echo "* Your device is still in kDFU mode and you may run the script again" Echo "* You can also continue and futurerestore can attempt to download the baseband again" Input "Press ENTER to continue (or press Ctrl+C to cancel)" read -s if [[ $A7Device == 1 ]]; then $futurerestore2 -t $SHSH -s $SEP -m $BuildManifest --latest-baseband $IPSW.ipsw else $futurerestore1 -t $SHSH --latest-baseband --use-pwndfu $IPSW.ipsw fi elif [[ $A7Device == 1 ]]; then $futurerestore2 -t $SHSH -s $SEP -m $BuildManifest -b $Baseband -p $BuildManifest $IPSW.ipsw else $futurerestore1 -t $SHSH -b $Baseband -p BuildManifest.plist --use-pwndfu $IPSW.ipsw fi fi echo Log "Restoring done!" if [[ $Jailbreak != 1 ]] && [[ $A7Device != 1 ]] && [[ $OSVer != 'Other' ]]; then Log "Stopping local server... (Enter root password of your PC/Mac when prompted)" ps aux | awk '/python/ {print "sudo kill -9 "$2" 2>/dev/null"}' | bash fi Log "Downgrade script done!" } function InstallDependencies { . /etc/os-release 2>/dev/null mkdir tmp 2>/dev/null cd tmp Log "Installing dependencies..." if [[ $ID == "arch" ]] || [[ $ID_LIKE == "arch" ]]; then # Arch sudo pacman -Sy --noconfirm --needed bsdiff curl libcurl-compat libpng12 libimobiledevice libusbmuxd libzip openssh openssl-1.0 python2 unzip usbmuxd usbutils ln -sf /usr/lib/libcurl.so.3 ../resources/lib/libcurl.so.3 ln -sf /usr/lib/libzip.so.5 ../resources/lib/libzip.so.4 elif [[ $UBUNTU_CODENAME == "bionic" ]] || [[ $UBUNTU_CODENAME == "focal" ]] || [[ $UBUNTU_CODENAME == "groovy" ]]; then # Ubuntu sudo add-apt-repository universe sudo apt update sudo apt install -y autoconf automake bsdiff build-essential checkinstall curl git libglib2.0-dev libimobiledevice-utils libreadline-dev libtool-bin libusb-1.0-0-dev libusbmuxd-tools openssh-client usbmuxd usbutils SavePkg cp libcurl.so.4.5.0 ../resources/lib/libcurl.so.3 if [[ $UBUNTU_CODENAME == "bionic" ]]; then sudo apt install -y libzip4 python sudo dpkg -i libpng12_bionic.deb libzip5.deb SaveFile https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader-Keys/releases/download/tools/tools_linux_bionic.zip tools_linux_bionic.zip 2fb44dbb6c167ba6f7782521454503998a285751 unzip tools_linux_bionic.zip -d ../resources/tools else sudo apt install -y libzip5 python2 sudo dpkg -i libpng12.deb libssl1.0.0.deb libzip4.deb fi if [[ $UBUNTU_CODENAME == "focal" ]]; then ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libimobiledevice.so.6 ../resources/lib/libimobiledevice-1.0.so.6 ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libplist.so.3 ../resources/lib/libplist-2.0.so.3 ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libusbmuxd.so.6 ../resources/lib/libusbmuxd-2.0.so.6 fi elif [[ $ID == "fedora" ]]; then # Fedora sudo dnf install -y automake binutils bsdiff git libimobiledevice-utils libpng12 libtool libusb-devel libusbmuxd-utils make libzip perl-Digest-SHA python2 readline-devel SavePkg ar x libssl1.0.0.deb data.tar.xz tar xf data.tar.xz cp usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.0.0 usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.0 ../resources/lib if (( $VERSION_ID <= 32 )); then ln -sf /usr/lib64/libimobiledevice.so.6 ../resources/lib/libimobiledevice-1.0.so.6 ln -sf /usr/lib64/libplist.so.3 ../resources/lib/libplist-2.0.so.3 ln -sf /usr/lib64/libusbmuxd.so.6 ../resources/lib/libusbmuxd-2.0.so.6 fi ln -sf /usr/lib64/libzip.so.5 ../resources/lib/libzip.so.4 elif [[ $OSTYPE == "darwin"* ]]; then # macOS xcode-select --install SaveFile https://github.com/libimobiledevice-win32/imobiledevice-net/releases/download/v1.3.6/libimobiledevice.1.2.1-r1091-osx-x64.zip libimobiledevice.zip dba9ca5399e9ff7e39f0062d63753d1a0c749224 else Error "Distro not detected/supported by the install script." "See the repo README for supported OS versions/distros" fi if [[ $platform == linux ]]; then Compile LukeZGD libirecovery ln -sf ../libirecovery/lib/libirecovery.so.3 ../resources/lib/libirecovery-1.0.so.3 ln -sf ../libirecovery/lib/libirecovery.so.3 ../resources/lib/libirecovery.so.3 else mkdir ../resources/libimobiledevice_$platform unzip libimobiledevice.zip -d ../resources/libimobiledevice_$platform chmod +x ../resources/libimobiledevice_$platform/* fi Log "Install script done! Please run the script again to proceed" exit } function Compile { git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/$1/$2.git cd $2 ./autogen.sh --prefix="$(cd ../.. && pwd)/resources/$2" make install cd .. sudo rm -rf $2 } function SaveExternal { ExternalURL="https://github.com/LukeZGD/$1.git" External=$1 [[ $1 == "iOS-OTA-Downgrader-Keys" ]] && External="firmware" if [[ ! -d resources/$External ]] || [[ ! -d resources/$External/.git ]]; then Log "Downloading $External..." cd resources rm -rf $External git clone $ExternalURL $External else Log "Updating $External..." cd resources/$External git pull 2>/dev/null cd .. fi if [[ ! -e $External/README.md ]] || [[ ! -d $External/.git ]]; then Error "Downloading/updating $1 failed. Please run the script again" fi cd .. } function SaveFile { curl -L $1 -o $2 if [[ $(shasum $2 | awk '{print $1}') != $3 ]]; then Error "Verifying failed. Please run the script again" "./restore.sh Install" fi } function SavePkg { if [[ ! -d ../saved/pkg ]]; then Log "Downloading packages..." SaveFile https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader-Keys/releases/download/tools/depends_linux.zip depends_linux.zip 7daf991e0e80647547f5ceb33007eae6c99707d2 mkdir -p ../saved/pkg unzip depends_linux.zip -d ../saved/pkg fi cp ../saved/pkg/* . } function BasebandDetect { Firmware=resources/firmware/$ProductType BasebandURL=$(cat $Firmware/13G37/url 2>/dev/null) # iOS 9.3.6 Baseband=0 if [ $ProductType == iPad2,2 ]; then BasebandURL=$(cat $Firmware/13G36/url) # iOS 9.3.5 Baseband=ICE3_04.12.09_BOOT_02.13.Release.bbfw BasebandSHA1=e6f54acc5d5652d39a0ef9af5589681df39e0aca elif [ $ProductType == iPad2,3 ]; then Baseband=Phoenix-3.6.03.Release.bbfw BasebandSHA1=8d4efb2214344ea8e7c9305392068ab0a7168ba4 elif [ $ProductType == iPad2,6 ] || [ $ProductType == iPad2,7 ]; then Baseband=Mav5-11.80.00.Release.bbfw BasebandSHA1=aa52cf75b82fc686f94772e216008345b6a2a750 elif [ $ProductType == iPad3,2 ] || [ $ProductType == iPad3,3 ]; then Baseband=Mav4-6.7.00.Release.bbfw BasebandSHA1=a5d6978ecead8d9c056250ad4622db4d6c71d15e elif [ $ProductType == iPhone4,1 ]; then Baseband=Trek-6.7.00.Release.bbfw BasebandSHA1=22a35425a3cdf8fa1458b5116cfb199448eecf49 elif [ $ProductType == iPad3,5 ] || [ $ProductType == iPad3,6 ] || [ $ProductType == iPhone5,1 ] || [ $ProductType == iPhone5,2 ]; then BasebandURL=$(cat $Firmware/14G61/url) # iOS 10.3.4 Baseband=Mav5-11.80.00.Release.bbfw BasebandSHA1=8951cf09f16029c5c0533e951eb4c06609d0ba7f elif [ $ProductType == iPad4,2 ] || [ $ProductType == iPad4,3 ] || [ $ProductType == iPad4,5 ] || [ $ProductType == iPhone6,1 ] || [ $ProductType == iPhone6,2 ]; then BasebandURL=$(cat $Firmware/14G60/url) Baseband=Mav7Mav8-7.60.00.Release.bbfw BasebandSHA1=f397724367f6bed459cf8f3d523553c13e8ae12c A7Device=1 elif [ $ProductType == iPad4,1 ] || [ $ProductType == iPad4,4 ]; then A7Device=1 elif [ $ProductType == 0 ]; then Error "No device detected. Please put the device in normal mode (and jailbroken for 32-bit) before proceeding" "Recovery or DFU mode is also applicable for A7 devices" elif [ $ProductType != iPad2,1 ] && [ $ProductType != iPad2,4 ] && [ $ProductType != iPad2,5 ] && [ $ProductType != iPad3,1 ] && [ $ProductType != iPad3,4 ] && [ $ProductType != iPod5,1 ] && [ $ProductType != iPhone5,3 ] && [ $ProductType != iPhone5,4 ]; then Error "Your device $ProductType is not supported." fi [ $ProductType == iPad2,1 ] && HWModel=k93 [ $ProductType == iPad2,2 ] && HWModel=k94 [ $ProductType == iPad2,3 ] && HWModel=k95 [ $ProductType == iPad2,4 ] && HWModel=k93a [ $ProductType == iPad2,5 ] && HWModel=p105 [ $ProductType == iPad2,6 ] && HWModel=p106 [ $ProductType == iPad2,7 ] && HWModel=p107 [ $ProductType == iPad3,1 ] && HWModel=j1 [ $ProductType == iPad3,2 ] && HWModel=j2 [ $ProductType == iPad3,3 ] && HWModel=j2a [ $ProductType == iPad3,4 ] && HWModel=p101 [ $ProductType == iPad3,5 ] && HWModel=p102 [ $ProductType == iPad3,6 ] && HWModel=p103 [ $ProductType == iPad4,1 ] && HWModel=j71 [ $ProductType == iPad4,2 ] && HWModel=j72 [ $ProductType == iPad4,3 ] && HWModel=j73 [ $ProductType == iPad4,4 ] && HWModel=j85 [ $ProductType == iPad4,5 ] && HWModel=j86 [ $ProductType == iPhone4,1 ] && HWModel=n94 [ $ProductType == iPhone5,1 ] && HWModel=n41 [ $ProductType == iPhone5,2 ] && HWModel=n42 [ $ProductType == iPhone5,3 ] && HWModel=n48 [ $ProductType == iPhone5,4 ] && HWModel=n49 [ $ProductType == iPhone6,1 ] && HWModel=n51 [ $ProductType == iPhone6,2 ] && HWModel=n53 [ $ProductType == iPod5,1 ] && HWModel=n78 if [ $ProductType == iPod5,1 ]; then iBSS="${HWModel}ap" iBSSBuildVer='10B329' elif [ $ProductType == iPad3,1 ]; then iBSS="${HWModel}ap" iBSSBuildVer='11D257' elif [ $ProductType == iPhone6,1 ] || [ $ProductType == iPhone6,2 ]; then iBSS="iphone6" elif [ $ProductType == iPad4,1 ] || [ $ProductType == iPad4,2 ] || [ $ProductType == iPad4,3 ] || [ $ProductType == iPad4,4 ] || [ $ProductType == iPad4,5 ]; then iBSS="ipad4" else iBSS="$HWModel" iBSSBuildVer='12H321' fi iBEC="iBEC.$iBSS.RELEASE" iBECb="iBEC.${iBSS}b.RELEASE" iBSSb="iBSS.${iBSS}b.RELEASE" iBSS="iBSS.$iBSS.RELEASE" SEP="sep-firmware.$HWModel.RELEASE.im4p" } cd "$(dirname $0)" Main $1