#!/bin/bash JailbreakSet() { Jailbreak=1 if [[ $ProductType == "iPhone4,1" || $ProductType == "iPhone5,2" ]] && [[ $OSVer == "8.4.1" ]]; then Input "Jailbreak Tool Option" Echo "* This option is set to daibutsu by default (1)." Selection=("daibutsu" "EtasonJB") Input "Select your option:" select opt in "${Selection[@]}"; do case $opt in "EtasonJB" ) break;; * ) JBDaibutsu=1; break;; esac done elif [[ $ProductType == "iPad2,4" || $ProductType == "iPad2,5" || $ProductType == "iPad2,6" || $ProductType == "iPad2,7" || $ProductType == "iPod5,1" ]] || [[ $ProductType == "iPad3"* && $DeviceProc == 5 ]]; then [[ $OSVer == "8.4.1" ]] && JBDaibutsu=1 fi if [[ $JBDaibutsu == 1 ]]; then JBName="daibutsu" elif [[ $OSVer == "8.4.1" ]]; then JBName="EtasonJB" elif [[ $OSVer == "6.1.3" ]]; then JBName="p0sixspwn" fi } MemoryOption() { if [[ $Jailbreak == 1 && $Verify == 1 ]]; then Input "Memory Option for creating custom IPSW" Echo "* This option makes creating the custom IPSW faster, but it requires at least 8GB of RAM." Echo "* If you do not have enough RAM, disable this option and make sure that you have enough storage space." Echo "* This option is enabled by default (Y)." read -p "$(Input 'Enable this option? (Y/n):')" JBMemory if [[ $JBMemory == 'N' || $JBMemory == 'n' ]]; then Log "Memory option disabled by user." else Log "Memory option enabled." fi echo fi } IPSW32() { local Bundle="Down_${ProductType}_${OSVer}_${BuildVer}.bundle" local ExtraArgs local JBFiles local JBSHA1 if [[ $IPSWRestore == $IPSWCustom ]]; then Log "Found existing Custom IPSW. Skipping IPSW creation." return fi if [[ $JBDaibutsu == 1 ]]; then ExtraArgs+="-daibutsu " echo '#!/bin/bash' > tmp/reboot.sh echo "mount_hfs /dev/disk0s1s1 /mnt1; mount_hfs /dev/disk0s1s2 /mnt2" >> tmp/reboot.sh echo "nvram -d boot-partition; nvram -d boot-ramdisk" >> tmp/reboot.sh echo "/usr/bin/haxx_overwrite -$HWModel" >> tmp/reboot.sh JBFiles2=("bin.tar" "cydia.tar" "untether.tar") JBSHA1=("98034227c68610f4c7dd48ca9e622314a1e649e7" "2e9e662afe890e50ccf06d05429ca12ce2c0a3a3" "f88ec9a1b3011c4065733249363e9850af5f57c8") cd tmp for i in {0..2}; do local URL="https://github.com/dora2-iOS/daibutsuCFW/raw/main/build/src/" (( i > 0 )) && URL+="daibutsu/${JBFiles2[$i]}" || URL+="${JBFiles2[$i]}" if [[ ! -e ../resources/jailbreak/${JBFiles2[$i]} ]]; then Log "Downloading ${JBFiles2[$i]}..." SaveFile $URL ${JBFiles2[$i]} ${JBSHA1[$i]} mv ${JBFiles2[$i]} ../resources/jailbreak fi JBFiles2[$i]=jailbreak/${JBFiles2[$i]} done cd .. elif [[ $Jailbreak == 1 ]]; then if [[ $OSVer == "8.4.1" ]]; then JBFiles=("fstab.tar" "etasonJB-untether.tar" "Cydia8.tar") JBSHA1="6459dbcbfe871056e6244d23b33c9b99aaeca970" ExtraArgs+="-s 2305 " elif [[ $OSVer == "6.1.3" ]]; then JBFiles=("fstab_rw.tar" "p0sixspwn.tar" "Cydia6.tar") JBSHA1="1d5a351016d2546aa9558bc86ce39186054dc281" ExtraArgs+="-s 1260 " else Error "No OSVer selected?" fi if [[ ! -e resources/jailbreak/${JBFiles[2]} ]]; then cd tmp Log "Downloading ${JBFiles[2]}..." SaveFile https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader-Keys/releases/download/jailbreak/${JBFiles[2]} ${JBFiles[2]} $JBSHA1 mv ${JBFiles[2]} ../resources/jailbreak cd .. fi for i in {0..2}; do JBFiles[$i]=jailbreak/${JBFiles[$i]} done fi ExtraArgs+="-bbupdate" if [[ ! -e $IPSWCustom.ipsw ]]; then [[ $JBMemory != 'N' && $JBMemory != 'n' ]] && ExtraArgs+=" -memory" Log "Preparing custom IPSW..." cd resources rm -rf FirmwareBundles if [[ $JBDaibutsu == 1 && -d firmware/JailbreakBundles/$Bundle ]]; then cp -R firmware/JailbreakBundles FirmwareBundles else cp -R firmware/FirmwareBundles FirmwareBundles fi $ipsw ./../$IPSW.ipsw ./../$IPSWCustom.ipsw $ExtraArgs ${JBFiles[@]} cd .. fi if [[ ! -e $IPSWCustom.ipsw ]]; then Error "Failed to find custom IPSW. Please run the script again" \ "You may try selecting N for memory option" fi Log "Setting restore IPSW to: $IPSWCustom.ipsw" IPSWRestore=$IPSWCustom }