# iOS-OTA-Downgrader - **A multi-purpose script to downgrade/restore and jailbreak supported legacy iOS devices** - **iPhone4Down: Downgrade iPhone 4 GSM on Linux/Windows (using powdersn0w)** - **Linux, macOS, and Windows** are supported - Windows usage is not recommended - **Read the ["How to Use" wiki page](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/wiki/How-to-Use) for a step-by-step tutorial** - **Read the ["Troubleshooting" wiki page](https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/wiki/Troubleshooting) for tips, frequent questions, and troubleshooting** ## Other features - Option to **jailbreak** iOS 6.1.3 and 8.4.1 downgrades - For iOS 10.3.3 downgrades, use [TotallyNotSpyware](https://totally-not.spyware.lol) - Restore to other iOS versions with SHSH blobs (32-bit/A7/A8 devices, iOS 5 to 12) - The latest baseband will be used for 32-bit devices if applicable - Place device to pwned iBSS/kDFU mode for 32-bit devices - Clear NVRAM for iPhone 4 GSM (Disable/Enable Exploit) - Restore iPhone 4 to iOS 7.1.2 with the option to jailbreak - Restore supported devices to their latest iOS version - Save on-board SHSH blobs for 32-bit devices ## Supported devices - [Identify your device here](https://ipsw.me/device-finder) - **iPhone 5C and iPad mini 3 devices are NOT supported by OTA downgrades** - These devices still support restoring to other iOS versions with SHSH blobs - **iPhone4Down (downgrading without blobs) supports iPhone 4 GSM only (iPhone3,1)** - All iPhone 4 models still support restoring with SHSH blobs and to iOS 7.1.2
Target Version Supported Devices
iOS 10.3.3 A7 devices:
iPhone 5S
iPad Air 1
iPad mini 2 (except iPad4,6)
iOS 8.4.1 32-bit devices:
iPhone 4S
iPhone 5
iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4
iPad mini 1
iPod touch 5
iOS 6.1.3 iPhone 4S
iPad 2 (except iPad2,4)
iOS 7.1.2 iPhone 4 (all models)
iOS 4.3 to 6.1.3 iPhone 4 GSM
For 32-bit devices jailbroken with Pangu:
## Supported OS versions/distros #### Supported architectures: x86_64, arm64, armhf (Linux) - [**Ubuntu**](https://ubuntu.com/) 22.04 and newer, and Ubuntu-based distros like [Linux Mint](https://www.linuxmint.com/) - [**Arch Linux**](https://www.archlinux.org/) and Arch-based distros like [EndeavourOS](https://endeavouros.com/) - [**Fedora**](https://getfedora.org/) 36 and newer - [**Debian**](https://www.debian.org/) 12 Bookworm and newer, Sid, and Debian-based distros - [**openSUSE**](https://www.opensuse.org/) Tumbleweed - [**Gentoo**](https://www.gentoo.org/) and Gentoo-based distros - **macOS** 10.13 and newer - **Windows** 8.1 and newer ## Tools and other stuff used - curl - bspatch - [powdersn0w_pub](https://github.com/dora2-iOS/powdersn0w_pub) - dora2ios; [LukeZGD fork](https://github.com/LukeZGD/powdersn0w_pub) - [ipwndfu](https://github.com/LukeZGD/ipwndfu) - Linus Henze, synackuk; LukeZGD fork - [ipwnder_lite](https://github.com/dora2-iOS/ipwnder_lite/tree/7265a06d184e433989db640d5e83ea58d5862609) - dora2ios (used on macOS) - [iPwnder32](https://github.com/dora2-iOS/iPwnder32/tree/243ea5c6d1bd15f8bdd0b3a1ff4a7729bc14bac4) - dora2ios (old version with libusb, used on Linux) - [gaster](https://github.com/0x7ff/gaster/) - 0x7ff - [daibutsuCFW](https://github.com/dora2-iOS/daibutsuCFW) - dora2ios; [LukeZGD fork](https://github.com/LukeZGD/daibutsuCFW) - [libimobiledevice](https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice), [libirecovery](https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libirecovery) - libimobiledevice - [tsschecker](https://github.com/tihmstar/tsschecker) - tihmstar; [1Conan fork](https://github.com/1Conan/tsschecker) - [futurerestore](https://github.com/tihmstar/futurerestore) - tihmstar; - [LukeZGD fork](https://github.com/LukeZGD/futurerestore) used on Linux for restoring 32-bit devices - [LukeeGD fork](https://github.com/LukeeGD/futurerestore) used on Linux/Windows for restoring A7/A8 devices - [futurerestore version](https://github.com/futurerestore/futurerestore/) used on macOS - [idevicerestore](https://github.com/libimobiledevice/idevicerestore) - libimobiledevice; [LukeZGD fork](https://github.com/LukeZGD/idevicerestore) - [idevicererestore](https://github.com/LukeZGD/daibutsuCFW/tree/main/src/idevicererestore) from daibutsuCFW (used on custom IPSW restores for A5/A6 devices) - [kloader](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fh0tB6fp0Sc) - [kloader5 for iOS 5](https://www.pmbonneau.com/cydia/com.pmbonneau.kloader5_1.2_iphoneos-arm.deb) - [kloader_hgsp for iOS 10](https://twitter.com/nyan_satan/status/945203180522045440) (used on h3lix only) - [partial-zip](https://github.com/matteyeux/partial-zip) - [zenity](https://github.com/GNOME/zenity); [macOS/Windows builds](https://github.com/ncruces/zenity) - 32-bit bundles from [OdysseusOTA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo7mGdMcjxw), [OdysseusOTA2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fh0tB6fp0Sc), [alitek12](https://www.mediafire.com/folder/b1z64roy512wd/FirmwareBundles), [gjest](https://www.reddit.com/r/jailbreak/comments/6yrzzj/release_firmware_bundles_for_ios_841_ipad21234567/) (modified bundles for daibutsuCFW) - A7 patches from [MatthewPierson](https://github.com/MatthewPierson/iPhone-5s-OTA-Downgrade-Patches) - [EtasonJB](https://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/EtasonJB) - [Pangu](https://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/Pangu) - [p0sixspwn](https://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/p0sixspwn) - [unthredeh4il](https://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/Unthredera1n#unthredeh4il)